* * * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* CONFIG */ // Set an alternate location for the data store. note: no trailing slash define( 'PEWS_DATA_STORE', 'store' ); // force query and server hosts to match, maybe define( 'PEWS_DOMAIN_STRICT', false ); // allow a user to edit their own data? define( 'PEWS_USER_SELF_EDIT', true ); // Begin PEWS server //------------------ DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE (Unless you REALLY mean it!) ------------------// $req = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; if ($req === 'GET') { // are we receiving a JSON object? function isValidJSON($str) { json_decode($str); return json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE; } $json_params = file_get_contents("php://input"); if (strlen($json_params) > 0 && isValidJSON($json_params)) { $rels = false; $json_object = true; $json_params = str_replace("{", "", $json_params); $json_params = str_replace("}", "", $json_params); $json_params = explode(',', $json_params); foreach($json_params as $jp) { $jp = str_replace('"', '', $jp); $jp = explode(':', $jp, 2); if($jp[0]=='resource') $_GET['resource']=$jp[1]; if($jp[0]=='rel') $rels[]=$jp[1]; } } else { $json_object = false; } // JSON object or not, ready to process data if( isset($_GET['resource'])) { $subject = explode(':', $_GET['resource']); if($subject[0] === 'acct') { if(strpos($subject[1], '@')) { $acct = explode('@', $subject[1]); $user = preg_replace('/^((\.*)(\/*))*/', '', $acct[0]); $host = preg_replace('/^((\.*)(\/*))*/', '', $acct[1]); if(PEWS_DOMAIN_STRICT && $host !== $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) { http_response_code(400); header("Content-Type: application/json"); print json_encode(array( 'statusCode' => 400, 'message' => "Query and server hosts do not match." ), JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); die(); } } else { $user = preg_replace('/^((\.*)(\/*))*/', '', $subject[1]); $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } $acct_file = PEWS_DATA_STORE."/".$host."/".$user.".json"; // is there an account on file? if (file_exists($acct_file)) { // retrieve resource file and remove PEWS info $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($acct_file), true); if(isset($data['PEWS'])) unset($data['PEWS']); // check for rel request if($json_object == false) { if( isset($_GET['rel'])) { // disect string for multiple 'rel' values $query = explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $array = array(); foreach( $query as $param ) { list($key, $value) = explode('=', $param, 2); if($key == 'rel') { $array[urldecode($key)][] = urldecode($value); $rels = $array['rel']; } } } } if(isset($rels) && $rels !== false) { // check resource data against rel request $links = $data['links']; $result = null; foreach($rels as $rel) { foreach($links as $link) if($link['rel'] == $rel) $result[] = $link; } $data['links'] = ($result == null) ? $data['links'] : $result; $return = $data; } else { $return = $data; } // set return headers, response code, and return data header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); http_response_code(200); } else { http_response_code(404); $return['statusCode'] = 404; $return['message'] = 'Account ['.$subject[1].'] not found.'; } } else { http_response_code(400); $return['statusCode'] = 400; $return['message'] = 'Malformed query: ['.$subject[0].'] not recognized.'; } } else { http_response_code(400); $return['statusCode'] = 400; $return['message'] = "Missing 'resource' parameter, please check your query."; } header("Content-Type: application/json"); print json_encode($return, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); die(); // Begin PEWS manager } elseif ($req === 'POST') { // are we receiving a JSON object? function isValidJSON($str) { json_decode($str); return json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE; } $json_params = file_get_contents("php://input"); if (strlen($json_params) > 0 && isValidJSON($json_params)) $_POST = json_decode($json_params, true); // JSON object or not, ready to process data if(isset($_POST['pass'])) { $pass = $_POST['pass']; if (isset($_POST['auth'])) { $user = $_POST['auth']; $auth = pews_auth($user, $pass, true); if(!$auth['is']) { http_response_code(401); $return['info'] = $auth['info']; } else { if($auth['class'] == 'admin') $return = pews_manager(true, null); else $return = pews_manager(false, $pass); } } else $return = pews_manager(false, $pass); } else { http_response_code(403); $return['info'] = 'forbidden'; } header("Content-Type: application/json"); print json_encode($return, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); die(); } else { header("Content-Type: application/json"); http_response_code(405); print json_encode(array( 'statusCode' => 405, 'info' => 'method not allowed' ), JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); die(); } function pews_auth( $resource, $key, $admin ) { $resource = pews_parse_account_string( $resource ); $acct_file = PEWS_DATA_STORE ."/". $resource['host'] . "/" . $resource['user'].".json"; // is there an account on file? if(file_exists($acct_file)) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($acct_file), true); $userData = $data['PEWS']; $class = $userData['class']; $lock = $userData['pass']; if(strpos($lock, 'pews-hashed') === false ) { $hashit = pews_hash_pass($acct_file); if(!$hashit['is'] ) die($hashit['info']); if($lock == $key ) { $return['is'] = true; $return['info'] = $hashit['info']; $return['class'] = $class; } else { $return['is'] = false; $return['info'] = 'bad password'; } } else { $hashLock = explode(':', $lock); $hashLock = $hashLock[1]; if(password_verify($key, $hashLock)) { $return['is'] = true; $return['class'] = $class; } else { $return['is'] = false; $return['info'] = 'bad password'; } } } else { $return['is'] = false; $return['info'] = 'bad user name'; } return $return; } function pews_hash_pass($acct_file) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($acct_file), true); if($data == false) { $return['is'] = false; $return['info'] = 'Could not read auth file'; } else { $userData = $data['PEWS']; $class = $userData['class']; $lock = $userData['pass']; $to_hash = 0; if(strpos($lock, 'pews-hashed') === false) { $to_hash++; $hash = password_hash( $lock, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $data['PEWS'] = array('class' => $class, 'pass' => 'pews-hashed:'.$hash); } if($to_hash == 0) { $return['is'] = true; $return['info'] = 'Nothing to hash'; } else { $data = json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); $success = file_put_contents( $acct_file, $data ); if($success === false) { $return['is'] = false; $return['info'] = 'Could not write to auth file'; } else { $return['is'] = true; $return['info'] = 'password hashed'; } } } return $return; } function pews_manager( $auth, $password ) { // add a new host to the server TODO url validations, etc if(isset($_POST['addHost'])) { if($auth) { $resource = pews_parse_account_string( $_POST['addHost'] ); $new = PEWS_DATA_STORE . '/' . $resource['host']; if (!file_exists($new)){ $make = mkdir($new); if(!$make) { http_response_code(500); $return['statusCode'] = 500; $return['message'] = 'host not created'; } else { chmod( $new, 0755 ); http_response_code(201); $return['statusCode'] = 201; $return['message'] = 'host: '. $resource['host'] .' successfully added'; } } else { http_response_code(200); $return['statusCode'] = 200; $return['message'] = 'host already present'; } } else { http_response_code(403); $return['info'] = 'forbidden'; } return $return; // delete a host AND all resources } elseif(isset($_POST['delHost'])) { if($auth) { $resource = pews_parse_account_string( $_POST['delHost'] ); $old = PEWS_DATA_STORE . '/' . $resource['host']; if (file_exists($old)) { $files = glob($old.'/*'); foreach($files as $file) { if(is_file($file)) unlink($file); } $destroy = rmdir($old); if(!$destroy) { http_response_code(500); $return['statusCode'] = 500; $return['message'] = 'host not destroyed, but the accounts probably were.'; } else { http_response_code(200); $return['statusCode'] = 200; $return['message'] = 'host: '.$resource['host'].' successfully removed'; } } else { http_response_code(200); $return['statusCode'] = 200; $return['message'] = 'host already absent'; } } else { http_response_code(403); $return['info'] = 'forbidden'; } return $return; // Add a new resource account! } elseif(isset($_POST['addResource'])) { if($auth) { $resource = pews_parse_account_string( $_POST['addResource'] ); $newHost = PEWS_DATA_STORE . '/' . $resource['host']; if (!file_exists($newHost)){ http_response_code(404); $response['statusCode'] = '404'; $response['message'] = 'The host '. $resource['host'] .' is not present, and must be on this system before resource accounts are added to it.'; } else { $newUser = $newHost .'/'. $resource['user'] .'.json'; if (!file_exists($newUser)){ $class = isset($_POST['setClass']) && ($_POST['setClass'] === 'admin' || $_POST['setClass'] === 'user') ? $_POST['setClass'] : 'user'; $pass= isset($_POST['setPass']) ? 'pews-hashed:'.password_hash($_POST['setPass'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT) : 'pewpewpassword'; $data['PEWS'] = array( 'class' => $class, 'pass' => $pass ); $data['subject'] = 'acct:'. $resource['acct']; if(isset($_POST['setAliases'])) { $aliases = $_POST['setAliases']; $data['aliases'] = is_array($aliases) ? $aliases : array($aliases); } if(isset($_POST['setProps'])) { if(is_array($_POST['setProps'])) { $data['properties'] = $_POST['setProps']; } elseif(isset($_POST['setPropKey']) && isset($_POST['setPropVal'])) { $data['properties'] = array($_POST['setPropKey'] => $_POST['setPropVal']); } } if(isset($_POST['setLinks'])) { if(is_array($_POST['setLinks'])) { $data['links'] = $_POST['setLinks']; } elseif(isset($_POST['setLinkRel']) && isset($_POST['setLinkHref'])) { $link['rel'] = $_POST['setLinkRel']; $link['href'] = $_POST['setLinkHref']; $link['type'] = isset($_POST['setLinkType']) ? $_POST['setLinkType'] : null; $link['titles'] = isset($_POST['setLinkTitles']) && is_array($_POST['setLinkTitles']) ? $_POST['setLinkTitles'] : isset($_POST['setLinkTitleLang']) && isset($_POST['setLinkTitle']) ? array($_POST['setLinkTitleLang'] => $_POST['setLinkTitle']) : null; $link['properties'] = isset($_POST['setLinkProps']) && is_array($_POST['setLinkProps']) ? $_POST['setLinkProps'] : isset($_POST['setLinkPropKey']) && isset($_POST['setLinkPropVal']) ? array($_POST['setLinkPropKey'] => $_POST['setLinkPropVal']) : null; foreach($link as $k => $v) { if($v == null) unset($link[$k]); } $data['links'] = $link; } } // Create the resource!!! $success = file_put_contents( $newUser, json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) ); if(!$success) { http_response_code(500); $return['statusCode'] = 500; $return['message'] = 'Resource not created'; } else { chmod( $newUser, 0755 ); http_response_code(201); $return['statusCode'] = 201; $return['message'] = 'Resource: '.$resource['acct'].' successfully added'; } } else { http_response_code(200); $return['statusCode'] = 200; $return['message'] = 'Resource already present'; } } } else { http_response_code(403); $return['info'] = 'forbidden'; } return $return; // Remove a resource/account from the server } elseif(isset($_POST['delResource'])) { if($auth) { $resource = pews_parse_account_string( $_POST['delResource'] ); $acct_file = PEWS_DATA_STORE ."/". $resource['host'] ."/". $resource['user'] .".json"; if (file_exists($acct_file)) { $destroy = unlink($acct_file); if(!$destroy) { http_response_code(500); $return['statusCode'] = 500; $return['message'] = 'Server Error: resource not destroyed.'; } else { http_response_code(200); $return['statusCode'] = 200; $return['message'] = 'Acct: '. $resource['acct'] .' successfully removed'; } } else { http_response_code(200); $return['statusCode'] = 200; $return['message'] = 'Acct already absent'; } } else { http_response_code(403); $return['info'] = 'forbidden'; } return $return; // adding an alias to a resource } elseif(isset($_POST['addAlias'])) { $resource = pews_parse_account_string( $_POST['addAlias'] ); switch ($auth) { case false: $reauth = pews_auth( $resource['acct'], $password, false ); $auth = $reauth['is']; case true: if(isset($_POST['newAlias'])) { $newAlias = $_POST['newAlias']; $acct_file = PEWS_DATA_STORE . '/' . $resource['host'] .'/'. $resource['user'] . '.json'; if (file_exists($acct_file)) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($acct_file), true); $aliases = isset($data['aliases']) ? $data['aliases'] : array(); $aliases[] = $newAlias; $data['aliases'] = $aliases; $data = json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); $success = file_put_contents( $acct_file, $data ); if($success === false) { $return['is'] = false; $return['info'] = 'Could not write to resource file'; } else { $return['is'] = true; $return['info'] = 'Alias: '.$newAlias.' added to '.$resource['acct']; } } else { http_response_code(404); $return['statusCode'] = 404; $return['message'] = 'Account: '.$resource['acct'].' not found.'; } } else { http_response_code(400); $return['statusCode'] = 400; $return['message'] = "Missing newAlias, please check your query,"; } break; default: http_response_code(401); $return['statusCode'] = 401; $return['message'] = "You can add an alias if you know your credentials"; $return['info'] = $reauth['info']; } // remove an alias from a resource } elseif(isset($_POST['delAlias'])) { $resource = pews_parse_account_string( $_POST['delAlias'] ); switch ($auth) { case false: $reauth = pews_auth( $resource['acct'], $password, false ); $auth = $reauth['is']; case true: if(isset($_POST['oldAlias'])) { $oldAlias = $_POST['oldAlias']; $acct_file = PEWS_DATA_STORE . '/' . $resource['host'] .'/'. $resource['user'] . '.json'; if (file_exists($acct_file)) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($acct_file), true); $aliases = isset($data['aliases']) ? $data['aliases'] : null; if($aliases !== null && in_array( $oldAlias, $aliases ) ) { $oldAliasArray[] = $oldAlias; $newAliasesArray = array_diff( $aliases , $oldAliasArray); if(empty($newAliasesArray)) { unset ($data['aliases']); } else { $data['aliases'] = $newAliasesArray; } $data = json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); $success = file_put_contents( $acct_file, $data ); if($success === false) { http_response_code(500); $return['is'] = false; $return['info'] = 'Could not write to resource file'; } else { $return['is'] = true; $return['info'] = 'Alias: '.$oldAlias.' removed '.$resource['acct']; } } else { http_response_code(100); $return['is'] = false; $return['info'] = 'Nothing to do: Alias '.$oldAlias.' not found.'; } } else { http_response_code(404); $return['statusCode'] = 404; $return['message'] = 'Account: '.$resource['acct'].' not found.'; } } else { http_response_code(400); $return['statusCode'] = 400; $return['message'] = "Missing oldAlias, please check your query,"; } break; default: http_response_code(401); $return['statusCode'] = 401; $return['message'] = "You can remove an alias if you know your credentials"; $return['info'] = $reauth['info']; } } elseif(isset($_POST['addProp'])) { // Do Something } elseif(isset($_POST['editProp'])) { // Do Something } elseif(isset($_POST['delProp'])) { // Do Something } elseif(isset($_POST['addLink'])) { // Do Something } elseif(isset($_POST['editLink'])) { // Do Something } elseif(isset($_POST['delLink'])) { // Update a Password } elseif(isset($_POST['updatePass'])) { $resource = pews_parse_account_string( $_POST['updatePass'] ); switch ($auth) { case false: $reauth = pews_auth( $resource['acct'], $password, false ); $auth = $reauth['is']; case true: if(isset($_POST['newPass'])) { $newPass = $_POST['newPass']; $acct_file = PEWS_DATA_STORE .'/'. $resource['host'] .'/'. $resource['user'] .'.json'; if (file_exists($acct_file)) { $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($acct_file), true); $userData = $data['PEWS']; $class = $userData['class']; $hash = password_hash( $newPass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $data['PEWS'] = array('class' => $class, 'pass' => 'pews-hashed:'.$hash); $data = json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); $success = file_put_contents( $acct_file, $data ); if($success === false) { $return['is'] = false; $return['info'] = 'Could not write to auth file'; } else { $return['is'] = true; $return['info'] = 'password updated'; } } else { http_response_code(404); $return['statusCode'] = 404; $return['message'] = 'Account ['. $resource['acct'] .'] not found.'; } } else { http_response_code(400); $return['statusCode'] = 400; $return['message'] = "Missing newPass, please check your query,"; } break; default: http_response_code(401); $return['statusCode'] = 401; $return['message'] = "You can change your own password if you know your credentials"; $return['info'] = $reauth['info']; } } else { http_response_code(400); $return['statusCode'] = 400; $return['message'] = "Missing parameter, please check your query,"; } return $return; } function pews_parse_account_string ( $acct ) { if(strpos($acct, '@')) { $parts = explode('@', $acct[1]); $user = preg_replace('/^((\.*)(\/*))*/', '', $parts[0]); $host = preg_replace('/^((\.*)(\/*))*/', '', $parts[1]); // if(PEWS_DOMAIN_STRICT && $host !== $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) { // http_response_code(400); // header("Content-Type: application/json"); // print json_encode(array( // 'statusCode' => 400, // 'message' => "Query and server hosts do not match." // ), JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); // die(); // } } else { $user = preg_replace('/^((\.*)(\/*))*/', '', $str); $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $acct = $user . '@' . $host; } $return['user'] = $user; $return['host'] = $host; $return['acct'] = $acct; return $return; } ?>