If you run the role on an ansible configured with that setting, it will fail with:
fatal: [vm0]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({% for host in ansible_play_hosts_all %}\n{% filter string %}\n{% filter replace('\\n', ' ') %}\n{{ host }}\n@@@\n{{ hostvars[host].ansible_host | default(hostvars[host].ansible_fqdn) }}\n@@@\nC_{{ hostvars[host].k3s_control_node }}\n@@@\nP_{{ hostvars[host].k3s_primary_control_node | default(False) }}\n{% endfilter %}\n{% endfilter %}\n@@@ END:{{ host }}\n{% endfor %}): sequence item 4: expected str instance, bool found"}
os ubuntu amd64 16.04 LTS
ansible 2.9.20
python version 2.7
FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'item in kubectl_get_nodes_result.stdout' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (item in kubectl_get_nodes_result.stdout): 'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/home/rancher/.ansible/roles/xanmanning.k3s/tasks/teardown/drain-and-remove-nodes.yml': line 39, column 7, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n - name: Ensure uninstalled nodes are removed\n ^ here\n"}
- Added uninstall task to remove hard-linked files #88
- Fixed missing become for `systemd` operations tasks. #89
- Added `k3s_start_on_boot` to control `systemd.enabled`.
* Tidy up and refactoring of tasks
- `k3s_config_dir` derived from `k3s_config_file`, reused throughout the role
to allow for easy removal of "Rancher" references #73.
- `k3s_token_location` has moved to be in `k3s_config_dir`.
- Tasks for creating directories now looped to caputure configuration from
`k3s_server` and `k3s_agent` and ensure directories exist before k3s
starts, see #75.
- Server token collected directly from token file, not symlinked file
- `k3s_runtime_config` defined in `vars/` for validation and overwritten in
tasks for control plane and workers.
- Removed unused references to GitHub API.
* set_fact now uses FQCN
* re-pin molecule<3.2
* Command module now uses FQCN
* Added package checks for #72
* Reorder task files
- Docker tasks moved into a separate directory for ease of removal #67
- Bugfix: Control plane on alternate port didn't work.
- Validation tasks grouped
* Fix Fedora tests
* Add optional documentation links to validations steps #76
* Removed jmespath requirement
* Fix issue with data collection
* Release candidate
- Added option to skip validation checks #47
- Add SELinux support in containerd #48
- Added check for Etcd member count #46
- Moved token to a file #50
- Added Etcd snapshot configuration options #49