--- ## # Global/Cluster Configuration ## # k3s state, options: installed, started, stopped, restarted, uninstalled, validated # (default: installed) k3s_state: installed # Use a specific k3s version, if set to "false" we will get the latest # k3s_release_version: v1.19.3 k3s_release_version: false # Location of the k3s configuration file k3s_config_file: "/etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml" # Location of the k3s configuration directory k3s_config_yaml_d_dir: "/etc/rancher/k3s/config.yaml.d" # When multiple ansible_play_hosts are present, attempt to cluster the nodes. # Using false will create multiple standalone nodes. # (default: true) k3s_build_cluster: true # URL for GitHub project k3s_github_url: https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s # URL for K3s updates API k3s_api_url: https://update.k3s.io # Skip all tasks that validate configuration k3s_skip_validation: false # Skip all tasks that check environment configuration k3s_skip_env_checks: false # Installation directory for k3s k3s_install_dir: /usr/local/bin # Install using hard links rather than symbolic links k3s_install_hard_links: false # A list of templates used for configuring the server. k3s_server_config_yaml_d_files: [] # A list of templates used for configuring the agent. k3s_agent_config_yaml_d_files: [] # A list of templates used for pre-configuring the cluster. k3s_server_manifests_templates: [] # A list of URLs used for pre-configuring the cluster. k3s_server_manifests_urls: [] # - url: https://some/url/to/manifest.yml # filename: manifest.yml # A list of templates used for installing static pod manifests on the control plane. k3s_server_pod_manifests_templates: [] # A list of URLs used for installing static pod manifests on the control plane. k3s_server_pod_manifests_urls: [] # - url: https://some/url/to/manifest.yml # filename: manifest.yml # Use experimental features in k3s? k3s_use_experimental: false # Allow for unsupported configurations in k3s? k3s_use_unsupported_config: false # Enable etcd embedded datastore k3s_etcd_datastore: false ## # Systemd config ## # Start k3s on system boot k3s_start_on_boot: true # List of required systemd units to k3s service unit. k3s_service_requires: [] # List of "wanted" systemd unit to k3s (weaker than "requires"). k3s_service_wants: [] # Start k3s before a defined list of systemd units. k3s_service_before: [] # Start k3s after a defined list of systemd units. k3s_service_after: [] ## # Server Configuration ## k3s_server: {} # k3s_server: # listen-port: 6443 ## # Agent Configuration ## k3s_agent: {} # k3s_agent: # node-label: # - "foo=bar" # - "bish=bosh" ## # Ansible Controller configuration ## # Use become privileges for k3s_become_for_all: false k3s_become_for_systemd: null k3s_become_for_install_dir: null k3s_become_for_directory_creation: null k3s_become_for_usr_local_bin: null k3s_become_for_package_install: null k3s_become_for_kubectl: null k3s_become_for_uninstall: null # Private registry configuration. # Rancher k3s documentation: https://rancher.com/docs/k3s/latest/en/installation/private-registry/ k3s_registries: mirrors: # docker.io: # endpoint: # - "https://mycustomreg.com:5000" configs: # "mycustomreg:5000": # auth: # # this is the registry username # username: xxxxxx # # this is the registry password # password: xxxxxx # tls: # # path to the cert file used in the registry # cert_file: # # path to the key file used in the registry # key_file: # # path to the ca file used in the registry # ca_file: