--- - import_tasks: preconfigure-k3s.yml - include_tasks: install-docker-prerequisites-{{ ansible_os_family | lower }}.yml when: k3s_use_docker and ((k3s_control_workers) or (not k3s_control_workers and not k3s_control_node)) - import_tasks: install-docker.yml when: k3s_use_docker and ((k3s_control_workers) or (not k3s_control_workers and not k3s_control_node)) and ansible_distribution | lower not in ['amazon'] - include_tasks: install-docker-{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}.yml when: ansible_distribution | lower in ['amazon'] - import_tasks: get-version.yml when: k3s_release_version is not defined or not k3s_release_version - import_tasks: download-k3s.yml - import_tasks: install-k3s.yml - import_tasks: configure-k3s-cluster.yml when: play_hosts | length > 1