--- - name: Ensure k3s is linked into the installation destination ansible.builtin.file: src: "{{ k3s_install_dir }}/k3s-{{ k3s_release_version }}" dest: "{{ k3s_install_dir }}/{{ item }}" state: "{{ 'hard' if k3s_install_hard_links else 'link' }}" force: "{{ k3s_install_hard_links }}" mode: 0755 loop: - k3s - kubectl - crictl - ctr when: not ansible_check_mode notify: - restart k3s become: "{{ k3s_become_for_install_dir | ternary(true, false, k3s_become_for_all) }}" - name: Ensure k3s config file exists ansible.builtin.template: src: config.yaml.j2 dest: "{{ k3s_config_file }}" mode: 0644 notify: - reload systemd - restart k3s become: "{{ k3s_become_for_install_dir | ternary(true, false, k3s_become_for_all) }}" - name: Ensure k3s service unit file is present ansible.builtin.template: src: k3s.service.j2 dest: "{{ k3s_systemd_unit_dir }}/k3s.service" mode: 0644 notify: - reload systemd - restart k3s become: "{{ k3s_become_for_systemd | ternary(true, false, k3s_become_for_all) }}" - name: Ensure k3s killall script is present ansible.builtin.template: src: k3s-killall.sh.j2 dest: "/usr/local/bin/k3s-killall.sh" mode: 0700 become: "{{ k3s_become_for_usr_local_bin | ternary(true, false, k3s_become_for_all) }}" when: k3s_runtime_config is defined and ("rootless" not in k3s_runtime_config or not k3s_runtime_config.rootless) - name: Ensure k3s uninstall script is present ansible.builtin.template: src: k3s-uninstall.sh.j2 dest: "/usr/local/bin/k3s-uninstall.sh" mode: 0700 become: "{{ k3s_become_for_usr_local_bin | ternary(true, false, k3s_become_for_all) }}" when: k3s_runtime_config is defined and ("rootless" not in k3s_runtime_config or not k3s_runtime_config.rootless)