--- - name: Check if kubectl exists ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ k3s_install_dir }}/kubectl" register: k3s_check_kubectl become: "{{ k3s_become_for_kubectl | ternary(true, false, k3s_become_for_all) }}" - name: Clean up nodes that are in an uninstalled state block: - name: Gather a list of nodes ansible.builtin.command: "{{ k3s_install_dir }}/kubectl get nodes" changed_when: false failed_when: false delegate_to: "{{ k3s_control_delegate }}" run_once: true register: kubectl_get_nodes_result become: "{{ k3s_become_for_kubectl | ternary(true, false, k3s_become_for_all) }}" - name: Ensure uninstalled nodes are drained ansible.builtin.command: "{{ k3s_install_dir }}/kubectl drain {{ item }} --ignore-daemonsets --delete-local-data" delegate_to: "{{ k3s_control_delegate }}" run_once: true when: item in kubectl_get_nodes_result.stdout and hostvars[item].k3s_state is defined and hostvars[item].k3s_state == 'uninstalled' loop: "{{ ansible_play_hosts_all }}" become: "{{ k3s_become_for_kubectl | ternary(true, false, k3s_become_for_all) }}" - name: Ensure uninstalled nodes are removed ansible.builtin.command: "{{ k3s_install_dir }}/kubectl delete node {{ item }}" delegate_to: "{{ k3s_control_delegate }}" run_once: true when: item in kubectl_get_nodes_result.stdout and hostvars[item].k3s_state is defined and hostvars[item].k3s_state == 'uninstalled' loop: "{{ ansible_play_hosts_all }}" become: "{{ k3s_become_for_kubectl | ternary(true, false, k3s_become_for_all) }}" when: k3s_check_kubectl.stat.exists is defined and k3s_check_kubectl.stat.exists and k3s_control_delegate is defined and not ansible_check_mode