--- - name: Set OS dependent variables include_vars: "{{ item }}" with_first_found: - "{{ ansible_distribution }}_{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml" - "{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml" - "{{ ansible_os_family }}_{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml" - "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml" - default.yml tags: - sshd - name: OS is supported assert: that: sshd_os_supported == True tags: - sshd - name: Installed action: > {{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} name="{{ item }}" state=installed with_items: sshd_packages tags: - sshd - name: Run directory file: path: /var/run/sshd state: directory mode: 0755 when: sshd_manage_var_run tags: - sshd - name: Configuration template: src: sshd_config.j2 dest: "{{ sshd_config_file }}" owner: "{{ sshd_config_owner }}" group: "{{ sshd_config_group }}" mode: "{{ sshd_config_mode }}" validate: "{{ sshd_binary }} -t -f %s" notify: reload_sshd tags: - sshd - name: Service enabled and running service: name: "{{ sshd_service }}" enabled: true state: running when: sshd_manage_service tags: - sshd - name: Register that this role has run set_fact: sshd_has_run=true when: sshd_has_run is not defined tags: - sshd