--- - name: Find the port the ssh service is going to use vars: # This mimics the macro body_option() in sshd_config.j2 # The explicit to_json filter is needed for Python 2 compatibility __sshd_ports_from_config_tmp: >- {% if sshd_Port is defined %} {{ sshd_Port | to_json }} {% elif __sshd_config['Port'] is defined %} {{ __sshd_config['Port'] | to_json }} {% elif __sshd_defaults['Port'] is defined and not sshd_skip_defaults %} {{ __sshd_defaults['Port'] | to_json }} {% else %} {{ [22] | to_json }} {% endif %} ansible.builtin.set_fact: __sshd_ports_from_config: >- {% if __sshd_ports_from_config_tmp | from_json is string or __sshd_ports_from_config_tmp | from_json is number %} {{ [__sshd_ports_from_config_tmp | from_json] | to_json }} {% else %} {{ __sshd_ports_from_config_tmp }} {% endif %} when: - sshd_manage_firewall | bool or sshd_manage_selinux | bool - ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'RedHat' - ansible_facts['virtualization_type'] | default(None) not in __sshd_skip_virt_env