# Ansible OpenSSH Daemon Role This role configures the OpenSSH daemon. It: - By default configures the SSH daemon with the normal OS defaults. Defaults can be disabled by setting `sshd_skip_defaults: true` - Supports use of a dict to configure items: ```yaml sshd: Compression: delayed ListenAddress: - ``` - Can use scalars rather than a dict. Scalar values override dict values: ```yaml sshd_Compression: off ``` - Correctly interprets booleans as yes and no in sshd configuration - Supports lists for multi line configuration items: ```yaml sshd_ListenAddress: - - :: ``` - Tests the sshd_config before reloading sshd - Template is programmatically generated. See the files in the meta folder. It should cover all valid SSH options. To regenerate the template, in the meta directory run `./make_option_list >../templates/sshd_config.j2` - Supports match section either via Match in the sshd dict, sshd_match and any of sshd_match_1 through sshd_match_9. Match items can either be a dict or an array. ## Complete example ```yaml --- sshd_skip_defaults: true sshd: Compression: true ListenAddres: - "" - "::" GSSAPIAuthentication: no Match: - Condition: "Group user" GSSAPIAuthentication: yes sshd_UsePrivilegeSeparation: sandbox sshd_match: - Condition: "Group xusers" X11Forwarding: yes ``` Results in: ``` # Ansible managed: ... Compression yes GSSAPIAuthentication no UsePrivilegeSeparation sandbox Match Group user GSSAPIAuthentication yes Match Group xusers X11Forwarding yes ``` ### Author Copyright 2014 Matt Willsher Code in this repository is licensed under the LGPLv3 license. See LICENSE for full details.