--- - name: (BACKUP) reformat dict if necessary set_fact: restic_backups: "{{ restic_backups|dict2items|json_query('[*].value') }}" when: - restic_backups | type_debug == "dict" - name: (BACKUP) Create backup credentials template: src: restic_access_Linux.j2 dest: "{{ restic_script_dir }}/access-{{ item.name | replace(' ', '') }}.sh" mode: '0700' owner: '{{ restic_dir_owner }}' group: '{{ restic_dir_group }}' no_log: "{{ restic_no_log }}" with_items: '{{ restic_backups }}' when: - item.name is defined - item.src is defined or item.stdin is defined - item.src is defined or item.stdin and item.stdin_cmd is defined - item.repo in restic_repos - name: (BACKUP) Create backup script template: src: restic_script_Linux.j2 dest: "{{ restic_script_dir }}/backup-{{ item.name | replace(' ', '') }}.sh" mode: '0700' owner: '{{ restic_dir_owner }}' group: '{{ restic_dir_group }}' no_log: "{{ restic_no_log }}" with_items: '{{ restic_backups }}' when: - item.name is defined - item.src is defined or item.stdin is defined - item.src is defined or item.stdin and item.stdin_cmd is defined - item.repo in restic_repos