/** * This code is mostly from the old Etherpad. Please help us to comment this code. * This helps other people to understand this code better and helps them to improve it. * TL;DR COMMENTS ON THIS FILE ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED */ /** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc., 2011 Peter 'Pita' Martischka (Primary Technology Ltd) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* global $, window */ var socket; // These jQuery things should create local references, but for now `require()` // assigns to the global `$` and augments it with plugins. require('/jquery'); require('/jquery-ui'); require('/farbtastic'); require('/excanvas'); JSON = require('/json2'); require('/undo-xpopup'); var chat = require('/chat').chat; var getCollabClient = require('/collab_client').getCollabClient; var padconnectionstatus = require('/pad_connectionstatus').padconnectionstatus; var padcookie = require('/pad_cookie').padcookie; var paddocbar = require('/pad_docbar').paddocbar; var padeditbar = require('/pad_editbar').padeditbar; var padeditor = require('/pad_editor').padeditor; var padimpexp = require('/pad_impexp').padimpexp; var padmodals = require('/pad_modals').padmodals; var padsavedrevs = require('/pad_savedrevs').padsavedrevs; var paduserlist = require('/pad_userlist').paduserlist; var padutils = require('/pad_utils').padutils; function createCookie(name, value, days, path) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; if(!path) path = "/"; document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=" + path; } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length); } return null; } function randomString() { var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var string_length = 20; var randomstring = ''; for (var i = 0; i < string_length; i++) { var rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length); randomstring += chars.substring(rnum, rnum + 1); } return "t." + randomstring; } function getParams() { var params = getUrlVars() var showControls = params["showControls"]; var showChat = params["showChat"]; var userName = params["userName"]; var showLineNumbers = params["showLineNumbers"]; var useMonospaceFont = params["useMonospaceFont"]; var IsnoColors = params["noColors"]; var hideQRCode = params["hideQRCode"]; var rtl = params["rtl"]; if(IsnoColors) { if(IsnoColors == "true") { settings.noColors = true; $('#clearAuthorship').hide(); } } if(showControls) { if(showControls == "false") { $('#editbar').hide(); $('#editorcontainer').css({"top":"0px"}); } } if(showChat) { if(showChat == "false") { $('#chaticon').hide(); } } if(showLineNumbers) { if(showLineNumbers == "false") { settings.LineNumbersDisabled = true; } } if(useMonospaceFont) { if(useMonospaceFont == "true") { settings.useMonospaceFontGlobal = true; } } if(userName) { // If the username is set as a parameter we should set a global value that we can call once we have initiated the pad. settings.globalUserName = unescape(userName); } if(hideQRCode) { $('#qrcode').hide(); } if(rtl) { if(rtl == "true") { settings.rtlIsTrue = true } } } function getUrlVars() { var vars = [], hash; var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) { hash = hashes[i].split('='); vars.push(hash[0]); vars[hash[0]] = hash[1]; } return vars; } function savePassword() { //set the password cookie createCookie("password",$("#passwordinput").val(),null,document.location.pathname); //reload document.location=document.location; } function handshake() { var loc = document.location; //get the correct port var port = loc.port == "" ? (loc.protocol == "https:" ? 443 : 80) : loc.port; //create the url var url = loc.protocol + "//" + loc.hostname + ":" + port + "/"; //find out in which subfolder we are var resource = loc.pathname.substr(1, loc.pathname.indexOf("/p/")) + "socket.io"; //connect socket = pad.socket = io.connect(url, { resource: resource, 'max reconnection attempts': 3 }); function sendClientReady(isReconnect) { var padId = document.location.pathname.substring(document.location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); padId = decodeURIComponent(padId); // unescape neccesary due to Safari and Opera interpretation of spaces if(!isReconnect) document.title = document.title + " | " + padId.replace(/_+/g, ' '); var token = readCookie("token"); if (token == null) { token = randomString(); createCookie("token", token, 60); } var sessionID = readCookie("sessionID"); var password = readCookie("password"); var msg = { "component": "pad", "type": "CLIENT_READY", "padId": padId, "sessionID": sessionID, "password": password, "token": token, "protocolVersion": 2 }; //this is a reconnect, lets tell the server our revisionnumber if(isReconnect == true) { msg.client_rev=pad.collabClient.getCurrentRevisionNumber(); msg.reconnect=true; } socket.json.send(msg); }; var disconnectTimeout; socket.once('connect', function () { sendClientReady(false); }); socket.on('reconnect', function () { //reconnect is before the timeout, lets stop the timeout if(disconnectTimeout) { clearTimeout(disconnectTimeout); } pad.collabClient.setChannelState("CONNECTED"); sendClientReady(true); }); socket.on('disconnect', function () { function disconnectEvent() { pad.collabClient.setChannelState("DISCONNECTED", "reconnect_timeout"); } pad.collabClient.setChannelState("RECONNECTING"); disconnectTimeout = setTimeout(disconnectEvent, 10000); }); var receivedClientVars = false; var initalized = false; socket.on('message', function(obj) { //the access was not granted, give the user a message if(!receivedClientVars && obj.accessStatus) { if(obj.accessStatus == "deny") { $("#editorloadingbox").html("You do not have permission to access this pad"); } else if(obj.accessStatus == "needPassword") { $("#editorloadingbox").html("You need a password to access this pad
" + ""+ ""); } else if(obj.accessStatus == "wrongPassword") { $("#editorloadingbox").html("You're password was wrong
" + ""+ ""); } } //if we haven't recieved the clientVars yet, then this message should it be else if (!receivedClientVars) { //log the message if (window.console) console.log(obj); receivedClientVars = true; //set some client vars clientVars = obj; clientVars.userAgent = "Anonymous"; clientVars.collab_client_vars.clientAgent = "Anonymous"; //initalize the pad pad._afterHandshake(); initalized = true; // If the LineNumbersDisabled value is set to true then we need to hide the Line Numbers if (settings.LineNumbersDisabled == true) { pad.changeViewOption('showLineNumbers', false); } // If the noColors value is set to true then we need to hide the backround colors on the ace spans if (settings.noColors == true) { pad.changeViewOption('noColors', true); } if (settings.rtlIsTrue == true) { pad.changeViewOption('rtl', true); } // If the Monospacefont value is set to true then change it to monospace. if (settings.useMonospaceFontGlobal == true) { pad.changeViewOption('useMonospaceFont', true); } // if the globalUserName value is set we need to tell the server and the client about the new authorname if (settings.globalUserName !== false) { pad.notifyChangeName(settings.globalUserName); // Notifies the server pad.myUserInfo.name = settings.globalUserName; $('#myusernameedit').attr({"value":settings.globalUserName}); // Updates the current users UI } } //This handles every Message after the clientVars else { //this message advices the client to disconnect if (obj.disconnect) { padconnectionstatus.disconnected(obj.disconnect); socket.disconnect(); return; } else { pad.collabClient.handleMessageFromServer(obj); } } }); // Bind the colorpicker var fb = $('#colorpicker').farbtastic({ callback: '#mycolorpickerpreview', width: 220}); } var pad = { // don't access these directly from outside this file, except // for debugging collabClient: null, myUserInfo: null, diagnosticInfo: {}, initTime: 0, clientTimeOffset: null, preloadedImages: false, padOptions: {}, // these don't require init; clientVars should all go through here getPadId: function() { return clientVars.padId; }, getClientIp: function() { return clientVars.clientIp; }, getIsProPad: function() { return clientVars.isProPad; }, getColorPalette: function() { return clientVars.colorPalette; }, getDisplayUserAgent: function() { return padutils.uaDisplay(clientVars.userAgent); }, getIsDebugEnabled: function() { return clientVars.debugEnabled; }, getPrivilege: function(name) { return clientVars.accountPrivs[name]; }, getUserIsGuest: function() { return clientVars.userIsGuest; }, // getUserId: function() { return pad.myUserInfo.userId; }, getUserName: function() { return pad.myUserInfo.name; }, sendClientMessage: function(msg) { pad.collabClient.sendClientMessage(msg); }, init: function() { padutils.setupGlobalExceptionHandler(); $(document).ready(function() { //start the costum js if(typeof costumStart == "function") costumStart(); getParams(); handshake(); }); $(window).unload(function() { pad.dispose(); }); }, _afterHandshake: function() { pad.clientTimeOffset = new Date().getTime() - clientVars.serverTimestamp; //initialize the chat chat.init(this); pad.initTime = +(new Date()); pad.padOptions = clientVars.initialOptions; if ((!$.browser.msie) && (!($.browser.mozilla && $.browser.version.indexOf("1.8.") == 0))) { document.domain = document.domain; // for comet } // for IE if ($.browser.msie) { try { doc.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true); } catch (e) {} } // order of inits is important here: padcookie.init(clientVars.cookiePrefsToSet, this); $("#widthprefcheck").click(pad.toggleWidthPref); // $("#sidebarcheck").click(pad.togglewSidebar); pad.myUserInfo = { userId: clientVars.userId, name: clientVars.userName, ip: pad.getClientIp(), colorId: clientVars.userColor, userAgent: pad.getDisplayUserAgent() }; if (clientVars.specialKey) { pad.myUserInfo.specialKey = clientVars.specialKey; if (clientVars.specialKeyTranslation) { $("#specialkeyarea").html("mode: " + String(clientVars.specialKeyTranslation).toUpperCase()); } } paddocbar.init( { isTitleEditable: pad.getIsProPad(), initialTitle: clientVars.initialTitle, initialPassword: clientVars.initialPassword, guestPolicy: pad.padOptions.guestPolicy }, this); padimpexp.init(this); padsavedrevs.init(clientVars.initialRevisionList, this); padeditor.init(postAceInit, pad.padOptions.view || {}, this); paduserlist.init(pad.myUserInfo, this); // padchat.init(clientVars.chatHistory, pad.myUserInfo); padconnectionstatus.init(); padmodals.init(this); pad.collabClient = getCollabClient(padeditor.ace, clientVars.collab_client_vars, pad.myUserInfo, { colorPalette: pad.getColorPalette() }, pad); pad.collabClient.setOnUserJoin(pad.handleUserJoin); pad.collabClient.setOnUpdateUserInfo(pad.handleUserUpdate); pad.collabClient.setOnUserLeave(pad.handleUserLeave); pad.collabClient.setOnClientMessage(pad.handleClientMessage); pad.collabClient.setOnServerMessage(pad.handleServerMessage); pad.collabClient.setOnChannelStateChange(pad.handleChannelStateChange); pad.collabClient.setOnInternalAction(pad.handleCollabAction); function postAceInit() { padeditbar.init(); setTimeout(function() { padeditor.ace.focus(); }, 0); } }, dispose: function() { padeditor.dispose(); }, notifyChangeName: function(newName) { pad.myUserInfo.name = newName; pad.collabClient.updateUserInfo(pad.myUserInfo); //padchat.handleUserJoinOrUpdate(pad.myUserInfo); }, notifyChangeColor: function(newColorId) { pad.myUserInfo.colorId = newColorId; pad.collabClient.updateUserInfo(pad.myUserInfo); //padchat.handleUserJoinOrUpdate(pad.myUserInfo); }, notifyChangeTitle: function(newTitle) { pad.collabClient.sendClientMessage( { type: 'padtitle', title: newTitle, changedBy: pad.myUserInfo.name || "unnamed" }); }, notifyChangePassword: function(newPass) { pad.collabClient.sendClientMessage( { type: 'padpassword', password: newPass, changedBy: pad.myUserInfo.name || "unnamed" }); }, changePadOption: function(key, value) { var options = {}; options[key] = value; pad.handleOptionsChange(options); pad.collabClient.sendClientMessage( { type: 'padoptions', options: options, changedBy: pad.myUserInfo.name || "unnamed" }); }, changeViewOption: function(key, value) { var options = { view: {} }; options.view[key] = value; pad.handleOptionsChange(options); // if the request isn't to hide line numbers then broadcast this to other users if (key != "showLineNumbers" && key != "useMonospaceFont") { pad.collabClient.sendClientMessage( { type: 'padoptions', options: options, changedBy: pad.myUserInfo.name || "unnamed" }); } }, handleOptionsChange: function(opts) { // opts object is a full set of options or just // some options to change if (opts.view) { if (!pad.padOptions.view) { pad.padOptions.view = {}; } for (var k in opts.view) { pad.padOptions.view[k] = opts.view[k]; } padeditor.setViewOptions(pad.padOptions.view); } if (opts.guestPolicy) { // order important here pad.padOptions.guestPolicy = opts.guestPolicy; paddocbar.setGuestPolicy(opts.guestPolicy); } }, getPadOptions: function() { // caller shouldn't mutate the object return pad.padOptions; }, isPadPublic: function() { return (!pad.getIsProPad()) || (pad.getPadOptions().guestPolicy == 'allow'); }, suggestUserName: function(userId, name) { pad.collabClient.sendClientMessage( { type: 'suggestUserName', unnamedId: userId, newName: name }); }, handleUserJoin: function(userInfo) { paduserlist.userJoinOrUpdate(userInfo); //padchat.handleUserJoinOrUpdate(userInfo); }, handleUserUpdate: function(userInfo) { paduserlist.userJoinOrUpdate(userInfo); //padchat.handleUserJoinOrUpdate(userInfo); }, handleUserLeave: function(userInfo) { paduserlist.userLeave(userInfo); //padchat.handleUserLeave(userInfo); }, handleClientMessage: function(msg) { if (msg.type == 'suggestUserName') { if (msg.unnamedId == pad.myUserInfo.userId && msg.newName && !pad.myUserInfo.name) { pad.notifyChangeName(msg.newName); paduserlist.setMyUserInfo(pad.myUserInfo); } } else if (msg.type == 'chat') { //padchat.receiveChat(msg); } else if (msg.type == 'padtitle') { paddocbar.changeTitle(msg.title); } else if (msg.type == 'padpassword') { paddocbar.changePassword(msg.password); } else if (msg.type == 'newRevisionList') { padsavedrevs.newRevisionList(msg.revisionList); } else if (msg.type == 'revisionLabel') { padsavedrevs.newRevisionList(msg.revisionList); } else if (msg.type == 'padoptions') { var opts = msg.options; pad.handleOptionsChange(opts); } else if (msg.type == 'guestanswer') { // someone answered a prompt, remove it paduserlist.removeGuestPrompt(msg.guestId); } }, editbarClick: function(cmd) { if (padeditbar) { padeditbar.toolbarClick(cmd); } }, dmesg: function(m) { if (pad.getIsDebugEnabled()) { var djs = $('#djs').get(0); var wasAtBottom = (djs.scrollTop - (djs.scrollHeight - $(djs).height()) >= -20); $('#djs').append('

' + m + '

'); if (wasAtBottom) { djs.scrollTop = djs.scrollHeight; } } }, handleServerMessage: function(m) { if (m.type == 'NOTICE') { if (m.text) { alertBar.displayMessage(function(abar) { abar.find("#servermsgdate").html(" (" + padutils.simpleDateTime(new Date) + ")"); abar.find("#servermsgtext").html(m.text); }); } if (m.js) { window['ev' + 'al'](m.js); } } else if (m.type == 'GUEST_PROMPT') { paduserlist.showGuestPrompt(m.userId, m.displayName); } }, handleChannelStateChange: function(newState, message) { var oldFullyConnected = !! padconnectionstatus.isFullyConnected(); var wasConnecting = (padconnectionstatus.getStatus().what == 'connecting'); if (newState == "CONNECTED") { padconnectionstatus.connected(); } else if (newState == "RECONNECTING") { padconnectionstatus.reconnecting(); } else if (newState == "DISCONNECTED") { pad.diagnosticInfo.disconnectedMessage = message; pad.diagnosticInfo.padId = pad.getPadId(); pad.diagnosticInfo.socket = {}; //we filter non objects from the socket object and put them in the diagnosticInfo //this ensures we have no cyclic data - this allows us to stringify the data for(var i in socket.socket) { var value = socket.socket[i]; var type = typeof value; if(type == "string" || type == "number") { pad.diagnosticInfo.socket[i] = value; } } pad.asyncSendDiagnosticInfo(); if (typeof window.ajlog == "string") { window.ajlog += ("Disconnected: " + message + '\n'); } padeditor.disable(); padeditbar.disable(); paddocbar.disable(); padimpexp.disable(); padconnectionstatus.disconnected(message); } var newFullyConnected = !! padconnectionstatus.isFullyConnected(); if (newFullyConnected != oldFullyConnected) { pad.handleIsFullyConnected(newFullyConnected, wasConnecting); } }, handleIsFullyConnected: function(isConnected, isInitialConnect) { // load all images referenced from CSS, one at a time, // starting one second after connection is first established. if (isConnected && !pad.preloadedImages) { window.setTimeout(function() { if (!pad.preloadedImages) { pad.preloadImages(); pad.preloadedImages = true; } }, 1000); } padsavedrevs.handleIsFullyConnected(isConnected); // pad.determineSidebarVisibility(isConnected && !isInitialConnect); pad.determineChatVisibility(isConnected && !isInitialConnect); }, /* determineSidebarVisibility: function(asNowConnectedFeedback) { if (pad.isFullyConnected()) { var setSidebarVisibility = padutils.getCancellableAction("set-sidebar-visibility", function() { // $("body").toggleClass('hidesidebar', !! padcookie.getPref('hideSidebar')); }); window.setTimeout(setSidebarVisibility, asNowConnectedFeedback ? 3000 : 0); } else { padutils.cancelActions("set-sidebar-visibility"); $("body").removeClass('hidesidebar'); } }, */ determineChatVisibility: function(asNowConnectedFeedback){ var chatVisCookie = padcookie.getPref('chatAlwaysVisible'); if(chatVisCookie){ // if the cookie is set for chat always visible chat.stickToScreen(true); // stick it to the screen $('#options-stickychat').prop("checked", true); // set the checkbox to on } else{ $('#options-stickychat').prop("checked", false); // set the checkbox for off } }, handleCollabAction: function(action) { if (action == "commitPerformed") { padeditbar.setSyncStatus("syncing"); } else if (action == "newlyIdle") { padeditbar.setSyncStatus("done"); } }, hideServerMessage: function() { alertBar.hideMessage(); }, asyncSendDiagnosticInfo: function() { window.setTimeout(function() { $.ajax( { type: 'post', url: '/ep/pad/connection-diagnostic-info', data: { diagnosticInfo: JSON.stringify(pad.diagnosticInfo) }, success: function() {}, error: function() {} }); }, 0); }, forceReconnect: function() { $('form#reconnectform input.padId').val(pad.getPadId()); pad.diagnosticInfo.collabDiagnosticInfo = pad.collabClient.getDiagnosticInfo(); $('form#reconnectform input.diagnosticInfo').val(JSON.stringify(pad.diagnosticInfo)); $('form#reconnectform input.missedChanges').val(JSON.stringify(pad.collabClient.getMissedChanges())); $('form#reconnectform').submit(); }, toggleWidthPref: function() { var newValue = !padcookie.getPref('fullWidth'); padcookie.setPref('fullWidth', newValue); $("#widthprefcheck").toggleClass('widthprefchecked', !! newValue).toggleClass('widthprefunchecked', !newValue); pad.handleWidthChange(); }, /* toggleSidebar: function() { var newValue = !padcookie.getPref('hideSidebar'); padcookie.setPref('hideSidebar', newValue); $("#sidebarcheck").toggleClass('sidebarchecked', !newValue).toggleClass('sidebarunchecked', !! newValue); pad.determineSidebarVisibility(); }, */ handleWidthChange: function() { var isFullWidth = padcookie.getPref('fullWidth'); if (isFullWidth) { $("body").addClass('fullwidth').removeClass('limwidth').removeClass('squish1width').removeClass('squish2width'); } else { $("body").addClass('limwidth').removeClass('fullwidth'); var pageWidth = $(window).width(); $("body").toggleClass('squish1width', (pageWidth < 912 && pageWidth > 812)).toggleClass('squish2width', (pageWidth <= 812)); } }, // this is called from code put into a frame from the server: handleImportExportFrameCall: function(callName, varargs) { padimpexp.handleFrameCall.call(padimpexp, callName, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); }, callWhenNotCommitting: function(f) { pad.collabClient.callWhenNotCommitting(f); }, getCollabRevisionNumber: function() { return pad.collabClient.getCurrentRevisionNumber(); }, isFullyConnected: function() { return padconnectionstatus.isFullyConnected(); }, addHistoricalAuthors: function(data) { if (!pad.collabClient) { window.setTimeout(function() { pad.addHistoricalAuthors(data); }, 1000); } else { pad.collabClient.addHistoricalAuthors(data); } }, preloadImages: function() { var images = ["../static/img/connectingbar.gif"]; function loadNextImage() { if (images.length == 0) { return; } var img = new Image(); img.src = images.shift(); if (img.complete) { scheduleLoadNextImage(); } else { $(img).bind('error load onreadystatechange', scheduleLoadNextImage); } } function scheduleLoadNextImage() { window.setTimeout(loadNextImage, 0); } scheduleLoadNextImage(); } }; var alertBar = (function() { var animator = padutils.makeShowHideAnimator(arriveAtAnimationState, false, 25, 400); function arriveAtAnimationState(state) { if (state == -1) { $("#alertbar").css('opacity', 0).css('display', 'block'); } else if (state == 0) { $("#alertbar").css('opacity', 1); } else if (state == 1) { $("#alertbar").css('opacity', 0).css('display', 'none'); } else if (state < 0) { $("#alertbar").css('opacity', state + 1); } else if (state > 0) { $("#alertbar").css('opacity', 1 - state); } } var self = { displayMessage: function(setupFunc) { animator.show(); setupFunc($("#alertbar")); }, hideMessage: function() { animator.hide(); } }; return self; }()); function init() { return pad.init(); } var settings = { LineNumbersDisabled: false , noColors: false , useMonospaceFontGlobal: false , globalUserName: false , hideQRCode: false , rtlIsTrue: false }; pad.settings = settings; exports.settings = settings; exports.createCookie = createCookie; exports.readCookie = readCookie; exports.randomString = randomString; exports.getParams = getParams; exports.getUrlVars = getUrlVars; exports.savePassword = savePassword; exports.handshake = handshake; exports.pad = pad; exports.init = init; exports.alertBar = alertBar;