/** * This code is mostly from the old Etherpad. Please help us to comment this code. * This helps other people to understand this code better and helps them to improve it. * TL;DR COMMENTS ON THIS FILE ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED */ /** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // requires: top // requires: plugins // requires: undefined Ace2Editor.registry = { nextId: 1 }; var hooks = require('./pluginfw/hooks'); function Ace2Editor() { var ace2 = Ace2Editor; var editor = {}; var info = { editor: editor, id: (ace2.registry.nextId++) }; var loaded = false; var actionsPendingInit = []; function pendingInit(func, optDoNow) { return function() { var that = this; var args = arguments; var action = function() { func.apply(that, args); } if (optDoNow) { optDoNow.apply(that, args); } if (loaded) { action(); } else { actionsPendingInit.push(action); } }; } function doActionsPendingInit() { $.each(actionsPendingInit, function(i,fn){ fn() }); actionsPendingInit = []; } ace2.registry[info.id] = info; // The following functions (prefixed by 'ace_') are exposed by editor, but // execution is delayed until init is complete var aceFunctionsPendingInit = ['importText', 'importAText', 'focus', 'setEditable', 'getFormattedCode', 'setOnKeyPress', 'setOnKeyDown', 'setNotifyDirty', 'setProperty', 'setBaseText', 'setBaseAttributedText', 'applyChangesToBase', 'applyPreparedChangesetToBase', 'setUserChangeNotificationCallback', 'setAuthorInfo', 'setAuthorSelectionRange', 'callWithAce', 'execCommand', 'replaceRange']; $.each(aceFunctionsPendingInit, function(i,fnName){ var prefix = 'ace_'; var name = prefix + fnName; editor[fnName] = pendingInit(function(){ info[prefix + fnName].apply(this, arguments); }); }); editor.exportText = function() { if (!loaded) return "(awaiting init)\n"; return info.ace_exportText(); }; editor.getFrame = function() { return info.frame || null; }; editor.getDebugProperty = function(prop) { return info.ace_getDebugProperty(prop); }; // prepareUserChangeset: // Returns null if no new changes or ACE not ready. Otherwise, bundles up all user changes // to the latest base text into a Changeset, which is returned (as a string if encodeAsString). // If this method returns a truthy value, then applyPreparedChangesetToBase can be called // at some later point to consider these changes part of the base, after which prepareUserChangeset // must be called again before applyPreparedChangesetToBase. Multiple consecutive calls // to prepareUserChangeset will return an updated changeset that takes into account the // latest user changes, and modify the changeset to be applied by applyPreparedChangesetToBase // accordingly. editor.prepareUserChangeset = function() { if (!loaded) return null; return info.ace_prepareUserChangeset(); }; editor.getUnhandledErrors = function() { if (!loaded) return []; // returns array of {error: , time: +new Date()} return info.ace_getUnhandledErrors(); }; function sortFilesByEmbeded(files) { var embededFiles = []; var remoteFiles = []; if (Ace2Editor.EMBEDED) { for (var i = 0, ii = files.length; i < ii; i++) { var file = files[i]; if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Ace2Editor.EMBEDED, file)) { embededFiles.push(file); } else { remoteFiles.push(file); } } } else { remoteFiles = files; } return {embeded: embededFiles, remote: remoteFiles}; } function pushRequireScriptTo(buffer) { var KERNEL_SOURCE = '../static/js/require-kernel.js'; var KERNEL_BOOT = '\ require.setRootURI("../javascripts/src");\n\ require.setLibraryURI("../javascripts/lib");\n\ require.setGlobalKeyPath("require");\n\ '; if (Ace2Editor.EMBEDED && Ace2Editor.EMBEDED[KERNEL_SOURCE]) { buffer.push('\ '); pushScriptsTo(iframeHTML); iframeHTML.push(''); iframeHTML.push(' '); // Expose myself to global for my child frame. var thisFunctionsName = "ChildAccessibleAce2Editor"; (function () {return this}())[thisFunctionsName] = Ace2Editor; var outerScript = 'editorId = "' + info.id + '"; editorInfo = parent.' + thisFunctionsName + '.registry[editorId]; ' + 'window.onload = function() ' + '{ window.onload = null; setTimeout' + '(function() ' + '{ var iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME"); iframe.name = "ace_inner";' + 'iframe.scrolling = "no"; var outerdocbody = document.getElementById("outerdocbody"); ' + 'iframe.frameBorder = 0; iframe.allowTransparency = true; ' + // for IE 'outerdocbody.insertBefore(iframe, outerdocbody.firstChild); ' + 'iframe.ace_outerWin = window; ' + 'readyFunc = function() { editorInfo.onEditorReady(); readyFunc = null; editorInfo = null; }; ' + 'var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; doc.open(); var text = (' + JSON.stringify(iframeHTML.join('\n')) + ');doc.write(text); doc.close(); ' + '}, 0); }'; var outerHTML = [doctype, ''] var includedCSS = []; var $$INCLUDE_CSS = function(filename) {includedCSS.push(filename)}; $$INCLUDE_CSS("../static/css/iframe_editor.css"); $$INCLUDE_CSS("../static/css/pad.css"); $$INCLUDE_CSS("../static/custom/pad.css"); pushStyleTagsFor(outerHTML, includedCSS); // bizarrely, in FF2, a file with no "external" dependencies won't finish loading properly // (throbs busy while typing) outerHTML.push('', '\x3cscript>\n', outerScript.replace(/<\//g, '<\\/'), '\n\x3c/script>', '
'); var outerFrame = document.createElement("IFRAME"); outerFrame.name = "ace_outer"; outerFrame.frameBorder = 0; // for IE info.frame = outerFrame; document.getElementById(containerId).appendChild(outerFrame); var editorDocument = outerFrame.contentWindow.document; editorDocument.open(); editorDocument.write(outerHTML.join('')); editorDocument.close(); })(); }; return editor; } exports.Ace2Editor = Ace2Editor;