/** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ $(window).bind("load", function() { getCollabClient.windowLoaded = true; }); /** Call this when the document is ready, and a new Ace2Editor() has been created and inited. ACE's ready callback does not need to have fired yet. "serverVars" are from calling doc.getCollabClientVars() on the server. */ function getCollabClient(ace2editor, serverVars, initialUserInfo, options) { var editor = ace2editor; var rev = serverVars.rev; var padId = serverVars.padId; var globalPadId = serverVars.globalPadId; var state = "IDLE"; var stateMessage; var stateMessageSocketId; var channelState = "CONNECTING"; var appLevelDisconnectReason = null; var lastCommitTime = 0; var initialStartConnectTime = 0; var userId = initialUserInfo.userId; var socketId; //var socket; var userSet = {}; // userId -> userInfo userSet[userId] = initialUserInfo; var reconnectTimes = []; var caughtErrors = []; var caughtErrorCatchers = []; var caughtErrorTimes = []; var debugMessages = []; tellAceAboutHistoricalAuthors(serverVars.historicalAuthorData); tellAceActiveAuthorInfo(initialUserInfo); var callbacks = { onUserJoin: function() {}, onUserLeave: function() {}, onUpdateUserInfo: function() {}, onChannelStateChange: function() {}, onClientMessage: function() {}, onInternalAction: function() {}, onConnectionTrouble: function() {}, onServerMessage: function() {} }; $(window).bind("unload", function() { if (socket) { /*socket.onclosed = function() {}; socket.onhiccup = function() {}; socket.disconnect(true);*/ socket.disconnect(); } }); if ($.browser.mozilla) { // Prevent "escape" from taking effect and canceling a comet connection; // doesn't work if focus is on an iframe. $(window).bind("keydown", function(evt) { if (evt.which == 27) { evt.preventDefault() } }); } editor.setProperty("userAuthor", userId); editor.setBaseAttributedText(serverVars.initialAttributedText, serverVars.apool); editor.setUserChangeNotificationCallback(wrapRecordingErrors("handleUserChanges", handleUserChanges)); function abandonConnection(reason) { if (socket) { /*socket.onclosed = function() {}; socket.onhiccup = function() {};*/ socket.disconnect(); } socket = null; setChannelState("DISCONNECTED", reason); } function dmesg(str) { if (typeof window.ajlog == "string") window.ajlog += str + '\n'; debugMessages.push(str); } function handleUserChanges() { if ((!socket) || channelState == "CONNECTING") { if (channelState == "CONNECTING" && (((+new Date()) - initialStartConnectTime) > 20000)) { abandonConnection("initsocketfail"); // give up } else { // check again in a bit setTimeout(wrapRecordingErrors("setTimeout(handleUserChanges)", handleUserChanges), 1000); } return; } var t = (+new Date()); if (state != "IDLE") { if (state == "COMMITTING" && (t - lastCommitTime) > 20000) { // a commit is taking too long appLevelDisconnectReason = "slowcommit"; socket.disconnect(); } else if (state == "COMMITTING" && (t - lastCommitTime) > 5000) { callbacks.onConnectionTrouble("SLOW"); } else { // run again in a few seconds, to detect a disconnect setTimeout(wrapRecordingErrors("setTimeout(handleUserChanges)", handleUserChanges), 3000); } return; } var earliestCommit = lastCommitTime + 500; if (t < earliestCommit) { setTimeout(wrapRecordingErrors("setTimeout(handleUserChanges)", handleUserChanges), earliestCommit - t); return; } var sentMessage = false; var userChangesData = editor.prepareUserChangeset(); if (userChangesData.changeset) { lastCommitTime = t; state = "COMMITTING"; stateMessage = { type: "USER_CHANGES", baseRev: rev, changeset: userChangesData.changeset, apool: userChangesData.apool }; stateMessageSocketId = socketId; sendMessage(stateMessage); sentMessage = true; callbacks.onInternalAction("commitPerformed"); } if (sentMessage) { // run again in a few seconds, to detect a disconnect setTimeout(wrapRecordingErrors("setTimeout(handleUserChanges)", handleUserChanges), 3000); } } function getStats() { var stats = {}; stats.screen = [$(window).width(), $(window).height(), window.screen.availWidth, window.screen.availHeight, window.screen.width, window.screen.height].join(','); stats.ip = serverVars.clientIp; stats.useragent = serverVars.clientAgent; return stats; } function setUpSocket() { //oldSocketId = String(Math.floor(Math.random()*1e12)); //socketId = String(Math.floor(Math.random()*1e12)); /*socket = new io.Socket(); socket.connect();*/ //socket.on('connect', function(){ hiccupCount = 0; setChannelState("CONNECTED"); /*var msg = { type:"CLIENT_READY", roomType:'padpage', roomName:'padpage/'+globalPadId, data: { lastRev:rev, userInfo:userSet[userId], stats: getStats() } }; if (oldSocketId) { msg.data.isReconnectOf = oldSocketId; msg.data.isCommitPending = (state == "COMMITTING"); } sendMessage(msg);*/ doDeferredActions(); initialStartConnectTime = +new Date(); // }); /*socket.on('message', function(obj){ if(window.console) console.log(obj); handleMessageFromServer(obj); });*/ socket.on('disconnect', function(obj) { handleSocketClosed(true); }); /*var success = false; callCatchingErrors("setUpSocket", function() { appLevelDisconnectReason = null; var oldSocketId = socketId; socketId = String(Math.floor(Math.random()*1e12)); socket = new WebSocket(socketId); socket.onmessage = wrapRecordingErrors("socket.onmessage", handleMessageFromServer); socket.onclosed = wrapRecordingErrors("socket.onclosed", handleSocketClosed); socket.onopen = wrapRecordingErrors("socket.onopen", function() { hiccupCount = 0; setChannelState("CONNECTED"); var msg = { type:"CLIENT_READY", roomType:'padpage', roomName:'padpage/'+globalPadId, data: { lastRev:rev, userInfo:userSet[userId], stats: getStats() } }; if (oldSocketId) { msg.data.isReconnectOf = oldSocketId; msg.data.isCommitPending = (state == "COMMITTING"); } sendMessage(msg); doDeferredActions(); }); socket.onhiccup = wrapRecordingErrors("socket.onhiccup", handleCometHiccup); socket.onlogmessage = dmesg; socket.connect(); success = true; }); if (success) { initialStartConnectTime = +new Date(); } else { abandonConnection("initsocketfail"); }*/ } function setUpSocketWhenWindowLoaded() { if (getCollabClient.windowLoaded) { setUpSocket(); } else { setTimeout(setUpSocketWhenWindowLoaded, 200); } } setTimeout(setUpSocketWhenWindowLoaded, 0); var hiccupCount = 0; function handleCometHiccup(params) { dmesg("HICCUP (connected:" + ( !! params.connected) + ")"); var connectedNow = params.connected; if (!connectedNow) { hiccupCount++; // skip first "cut off from server" notification if (hiccupCount > 1) { setChannelState("RECONNECTING"); } } else { hiccupCount = 0; setChannelState("CONNECTED"); } } function sendMessage(msg) { socket.json.send( { type: "COLLABROOM", component: "pad", data: msg }); } function wrapRecordingErrors(catcher, func) { return function() { try { return func.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); } catch (e) { caughtErrors.push(e); caughtErrorCatchers.push(catcher); caughtErrorTimes.push(+new Date()); //console.dir({catcher: catcher, e: e}); throw e; } }; } function callCatchingErrors(catcher, func) { try { wrapRecordingErrors(catcher, func)(); } catch (e) { /*absorb*/ } } function handleMessageFromServer(evt) { if (window.console) console.log(evt); if (!socket) return; if (!evt.data) return; var wrapper = evt; if (wrapper.type != "COLLABROOM") return; var msg = wrapper.data; if (msg.type == "NEW_CHANGES") { var newRev = msg.newRev; var changeset = msg.changeset; var author = (msg.author || ''); var apool = msg.apool; if (newRev != (rev + 1)) { dmesg("bad message revision on NEW_CHANGES: " + newRev + " not " + (rev + 1)); socket.disconnect(); return; } rev = newRev; editor.applyChangesToBase(changeset, author, apool); } else if (msg.type == "ACCEPT_COMMIT") { var newRev = msg.newRev; if (newRev != (rev + 1)) { dmesg("bad message revision on ACCEPT_COMMIT: " + newRev + " not " + (rev + 1)); socket.disconnect(); return; } rev = newRev; editor.applyPreparedChangesetToBase(); setStateIdle(); callCatchingErrors("onInternalAction", function() { callbacks.onInternalAction("commitAcceptedByServer"); }); callCatchingErrors("onConnectionTrouble", function() { callbacks.onConnectionTrouble("OK"); }); handleUserChanges(); } else if (msg.type == "NO_COMMIT_PENDING") { if (state == "COMMITTING") { // server missed our commit message; abort that commit setStateIdle(); handleUserChanges(); } } else if (msg.type == "USER_NEWINFO") { var userInfo = msg.userInfo; var id = userInfo.userId; if (userSet[id]) { userSet[id] = userInfo; callbacks.onUpdateUserInfo(userInfo); dmesgUsers(); } else { userSet[id] = userInfo; callbacks.onUserJoin(userInfo); dmesgUsers(); } tellAceActiveAuthorInfo(userInfo); } else if (msg.type == "USER_LEAVE") { var userInfo = msg.userInfo; var id = userInfo.userId; if (userSet[id]) { delete userSet[userInfo.userId]; fadeAceAuthorInfo(userInfo); callbacks.onUserLeave(userInfo); dmesgUsers(); } } else if (msg.type == "DISCONNECT_REASON") { appLevelDisconnectReason = msg.reason; } else if (msg.type == "CLIENT_MESSAGE") { callbacks.onClientMessage(msg.payload); } else if (msg.type == "SERVER_MESSAGE") { callbacks.onServerMessage(msg.payload); } } function updateUserInfo(userInfo) { userInfo.userId = userId; userSet[userId] = userInfo; tellAceActiveAuthorInfo(userInfo); if (!socket) return; sendMessage( { type: "USERINFO_UPDATE", userInfo: userInfo }); } function tellAceActiveAuthorInfo(userInfo) { tellAceAuthorInfo(userInfo.userId, userInfo.colorId); } function tellAceAuthorInfo(userId, colorId, inactive) { if (colorId || (typeof colorId) == "number") { colorId = Number(colorId); if (options && options.colorPalette && options.colorPalette[colorId]) { var cssColor = options.colorPalette[colorId]; if (inactive) { editor.setAuthorInfo(userId, { bgcolor: cssColor, fade: 0.5 }); } else { editor.setAuthorInfo(userId, { bgcolor: cssColor }); } } } } function fadeAceAuthorInfo(userInfo) { tellAceAuthorInfo(userInfo.userId, userInfo.colorId, true); } function getConnectedUsers() { return valuesArray(userSet); } function tellAceAboutHistoricalAuthors(hadata) { for (var author in hadata) { var data = hadata[author]; if (!userSet[author]) { tellAceAuthorInfo(author, data.colorId, true); } } } function dmesgUsers() { //pad.dmesg($.map(getConnectedUsers(), function(u) { return u.userId.slice(-2); }).join(',')); } function handleSocketClosed(params) { socket = null; $.each(keys(userSet), function() { var uid = String(this); if (uid != userId) { var userInfo = userSet[uid]; delete userSet[uid]; callbacks.onUserLeave(userInfo); dmesgUsers(); } }); var reason = appLevelDisconnectReason || params.reason; var shouldReconnect = params.reconnect; if (shouldReconnect) { // determine if this is a tight reconnect loop due to weird connectivity problems reconnectTimes.push(+new Date()); var TOO_MANY_RECONNECTS = 8; var TOO_SHORT_A_TIME_MS = 10000; if (reconnectTimes.length >= TOO_MANY_RECONNECTS && ((+new Date()) - reconnectTimes[reconnectTimes.length - TOO_MANY_RECONNECTS]) < TOO_SHORT_A_TIME_MS) { setChannelState("DISCONNECTED", "looping"); } else { setChannelState("RECONNECTING", reason); setUpSocket(); } } else { setChannelState("DISCONNECTED", reason); } } function setChannelState(newChannelState, moreInfo) { if (newChannelState != channelState) { channelState = newChannelState; callbacks.onChannelStateChange(channelState, moreInfo); } } function keys(obj) { var array = []; $.each(obj, function(k, v) { array.push(k); }); return array; } function valuesArray(obj) { var array = []; $.each(obj, function(k, v) { array.push(v); }); return array; } // We need to present a working interface even before the socket // is connected for the first time. var deferredActions = []; function defer(func, tag) { return function() { var that = this; var args = arguments; function action() { func.apply(that, args); } action.tag = tag; if (channelState == "CONNECTING") { deferredActions.push(action); } else { action(); } } } function doDeferredActions(tag) { var newArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < deferredActions.length; i++) { var a = deferredActions[i]; if ((!tag) || (tag == a.tag)) { a(); } else { newArray.push(a); } } deferredActions = newArray; } function sendClientMessage(msg) { sendMessage( { type: "CLIENT_MESSAGE", payload: msg }); } function getCurrentRevisionNumber() { return rev; } function getDiagnosticInfo() { var maxCaughtErrors = 3; var maxAceErrors = 3; var maxDebugMessages = 50; var longStringCutoff = 500; function trunc(str) { return String(str).substring(0, longStringCutoff); } var info = { errors: { length: 0 } }; function addError(e, catcher, time) { var error = { catcher: catcher }; if (time) error.time = time; // a little over-cautious? try { if (e.description) error.description = e.description; } catch (x) {} try { if (e.fileName) error.fileName = e.fileName; } catch (x) {} try { if (e.lineNumber) error.lineNumber = e.lineNumber; } catch (x) {} try { if (e.message) error.message = e.message; } catch (x) {} try { if (e.name) error.name = e.name; } catch (x) {} try { if (e.number) error.number = e.number; } catch (x) {} try { if (e.stack) error.stack = trunc(e.stack); } catch (x) {} info.errors[info.errors.length] = error; info.errors.length++; } for (var i = 0; ((i < caughtErrors.length) && (i < maxCaughtErrors)); i++) { addError(caughtErrors[i], caughtErrorCatchers[i], caughtErrorTimes[i]); } if (editor) { var aceErrors = editor.getUnhandledErrors(); for (var i = 0; ((i < aceErrors.length) && (i < maxAceErrors)); i++) { var errorRecord = aceErrors[i]; addError(errorRecord.error, "ACE", errorRecord.time); } } info.time = +new Date(); info.collabState = state; info.channelState = channelState; info.lastCommitTime = lastCommitTime; info.numSocketReconnects = reconnectTimes.length; info.userId = userId; info.currentRev = rev; info.participants = (function() { var pp = []; for (var u in userSet) { pp.push(u); } return pp.join(','); })(); if (debugMessages.length > maxDebugMessages) { debugMessages = debugMessages.slice(debugMessages.length - maxDebugMessages, debugMessages.length); } info.debugMessages = { length: 0 }; for (var i = 0; i < debugMessages.length; i++) { info.debugMessages[i] = trunc(debugMessages[i]); info.debugMessages.length++; } return info; } function getMissedChanges() { var obj = {}; obj.userInfo = userSet[userId]; obj.baseRev = rev; if (state == "COMMITTING" && stateMessage) { obj.committedChangeset = stateMessage.changeset; obj.committedChangesetAPool = stateMessage.apool; obj.committedChangesetSocketId = stateMessageSocketId; editor.applyPreparedChangesetToBase(); } var userChangesData = editor.prepareUserChangeset(); if (userChangesData.changeset) { obj.furtherChangeset = userChangesData.changeset; obj.furtherChangesetAPool = userChangesData.apool; } return obj; } function setStateIdle() { state = "IDLE"; callbacks.onInternalAction("newlyIdle"); schedulePerhapsCallIdleFuncs(); } function callWhenNotCommitting(func) { idleFuncs.push(func); schedulePerhapsCallIdleFuncs(); } var idleFuncs = []; function schedulePerhapsCallIdleFuncs() { setTimeout(function() { if (state == "IDLE") { while (idleFuncs.length > 0) { var f = idleFuncs.shift(); f(); } } }, 0); } var self; return (self = { setOnUserJoin: function(cb) { callbacks.onUserJoin = cb; }, setOnUserLeave: function(cb) { callbacks.onUserLeave = cb; }, setOnUpdateUserInfo: function(cb) { callbacks.onUpdateUserInfo = cb; }, setOnChannelStateChange: function(cb) { callbacks.onChannelStateChange = cb; }, setOnClientMessage: function(cb) { callbacks.onClientMessage = cb; }, setOnInternalAction: function(cb) { callbacks.onInternalAction = cb; }, setOnConnectionTrouble: function(cb) { callbacks.onConnectionTrouble = cb; }, setOnServerMessage: function(cb) { callbacks.onServerMessage = cb; }, updateUserInfo: defer(updateUserInfo), handleMessageFromServer: handleMessageFromServer, getConnectedUsers: getConnectedUsers, sendClientMessage: sendClientMessage, getCurrentRevisionNumber: getCurrentRevisionNumber, getDiagnosticInfo: getDiagnosticInfo, getMissedChanges: getMissedChanges, callWhenNotCommitting: callWhenNotCommitting, addHistoricalAuthors: tellAceAboutHistoricalAuthors }); } function selectElementContents(elem) { if ($.browser.msie) { var range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(elem); range.select(); } else { if (window.getSelection) { var browserSelection = window.getSelection(); if (browserSelection) { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(elem); browserSelection.removeAllRanges(); browserSelection.addRange(range); } } } }