/** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function makeDraggable(jqueryNodes, eventHandler) { jqueryNodes.each(function () { var node = $(this); var state = {}; var inDrag = false; function dragStart(evt) { if (inDrag) { return; } inDrag = true; if (eventHandler('dragstart', evt, state) !== false) { $(document).bind('mousemove', dragUpdate); $(document).bind('mouseup', dragEnd); } evt.preventDefault(); return false; } function dragUpdate(evt) { if (!inDrag) { return; } eventHandler('dragupdate', evt, state); evt.preventDefault(); return false; } function dragEnd(evt) { if (!inDrag) { return; } inDrag = false; try { eventHandler('dragend', evt, state); } finally { $(document).unbind('mousemove', dragUpdate); $(document).unbind('mouseup', dragEnd); evt.preventDefault(); } return false; } node.bind('mousedown', dragStart); }); } function makeResizableVPane(top, sep, bottom, minTop, minBottom, callback) { if (minTop === undefined) minTop = 0; if (minBottom === undefined) minBottom = 0; makeDraggable($(sep), function (eType, evt, state) { if (eType == 'dragstart') { state.startY = evt.pageY; state.topHeight = $(top).height(); state.bottomHeight = $(bottom).height(); state.minTop = minTop; state.maxTop = (state.topHeight + state.bottomHeight) - minBottom; } else if (eType == 'dragupdate') { var change = evt.pageY - state.startY; var topHeight = state.topHeight + change; if (topHeight < state.minTop) { topHeight = state.minTop; } if (topHeight > state.maxTop) { topHeight = state.maxTop; } change = topHeight - state.topHeight; var bottomHeight = state.bottomHeight - change; var sepHeight = $(sep).height(); var totalHeight = topHeight + sepHeight + bottomHeight; topHeight = 100.0 * topHeight / totalHeight; sepHeight = 100.0 * sepHeight / totalHeight; bottomHeight = 100.0 * bottomHeight / totalHeight; $(top).css('bottom', 'auto'); $(top).css('height', topHeight + "%"); $(sep).css('top', topHeight + "%"); $(bottom).css('top', (topHeight + sepHeight) + '%'); $(bottom).css('height', 'auto'); if (callback) callback(); } }); } function makeResizableHPane(left, sep, right, minLeft, minRight, sepWidth, sepOffset, callback) { if (minLeft === undefined) minLeft = 0; if (minRight === undefined) minRight = 0; makeDraggable($(sep), function (eType, evt, state) { if (eType == 'dragstart') { state.startX = evt.pageX; state.leftWidth = $(left).width(); state.rightWidth = $(right).width(); state.minLeft = minLeft; state.maxLeft = (state.leftWidth + state.rightWidth) - minRight; } else if (eType == 'dragend' || eType == 'dragupdate') { var change = evt.pageX - state.startX; var leftWidth = state.leftWidth + change; if (leftWidth < state.minLeft) { leftWidth = state.minLeft; } if (leftWidth > state.maxLeft) { leftWidth = state.maxLeft; } change = leftWidth - state.leftWidth; var rightWidth = state.rightWidth - change; newSepWidth = sepWidth; if (newSepWidth == undefined) newSepWidth = $(sep).width(); newSepOffset = sepOffset; if (newSepOffset == undefined) newSepOffset = 0; if (change == 0) { if (rightWidth != minRight || state.lastRightWidth == undefined) { state.lastRightWidth = rightWidth; rightWidth = minRight; } else { rightWidth = state.lastRightWidth; state.lastRightWidth = minRight; } change = state.rightWidth - rightWidth; leftWidth = change + state.leftWidth; } var totalWidth = leftWidth + newSepWidth + rightWidth; leftWidth = 100.0 * leftWidth / totalWidth; newSepWidth = 100.0 * newSepWidth / totalWidth; newSepOffset = 100.0 * newSepOffset / totalWidth; rightWidth = 100.0 * rightWidth / totalWidth; $(left).css('right', 'auto'); $(left).css('width', leftWidth + "%"); $(sep).css('left', (leftWidth + newSepOffset) + "%"); $(right).css('left', (leftWidth + newSepWidth) + '%'); $(right).css('width', 'auto'); if (callback) callback(); } }); }