var helper = {}; (function(){ var $iframeContainer, $iframe, jsLibraries = {}; helper.init = function(cb){ $iframeContainer = $("#iframe-container"); $.get('/static/js/jquery.js').done(function(code){ jsLibraries["jquery"] = code; $.get('/tests/frontend/sendkeys.js').done(function(code){ jsLibraries["sendkeys"] = code; cb(); }); }); } helper.randomString = function randomString(len) { var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var randomstring = ''; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length); randomstring += chars.substring(rnum, rnum + 1); } return randomstring; } var getFrameJQuery = function($iframe){ /* I tried over 9000 ways to inject javascript into iframes. This is the only way I found that worked in IE 7+8+9, FF and Chrome */ var win = $iframe[0].contentWindow; var doc = win.document; //IE 8+9 Hack to make eval appear // win.execScript && win.execScript("null"); win.eval(jsLibraries["jquery"]); win.eval(jsLibraries["sendkeys"]); win.$.window = win; win.$.document = doc; return win.$; } helper.newPad = function(cb){ var padName = "FRONTEND_TEST_" + helper.randomString(20); $iframe = $(""); //clean up inner iframe references helper.padChrome$ = helper.padOuter$ = helper.padInner$ = null; //clean up iframes properly to prevent IE from memoryleaking $iframeContainer.find("iframe").purgeFrame().done(function(){ $iframeContainer.append($iframe); $'load', function(){ helper.waitFor(function(){ return !$iframe.contents().find("#editorloadingbox").is(":visible"); }, 4000).done(function(){ helper.padChrome$ = getFrameJQuery( $('#iframe-container iframe')); helper.padOuter$ = getFrameJQuery(helper.padChrome$('iframe.[name="ace_outer"]')); helper.padInner$ = getFrameJQuery( helper.padOuter$('iframe.[name="ace_inner"]')); cb(); }).fail(function(){ throw new Error("Pad never loaded"); }); }); }); return padName; } helper.waitFor = function(conditionFunc, _timeoutTime, _intervalTime){ var timeoutTime = _timeoutTime || 1000; var intervalTime = _intervalTime || 10; var deferred = $.Deferred(); var _fail =; var listenForFail = false; = function(){ listenForFail = true; _fail.apply(this, arguments); } var intervalCheck = setInterval(function(){ var passed = false; passed = conditionFunc(); if(passed){ clearInterval(intervalCheck); clearTimeout(timeout); deferred.resolve(); } }, intervalTime); var timeout = setTimeout(function(){ clearInterval(intervalCheck); var error = new Error("wait for condition never became true " + conditionFunc.toString()); deferred.reject(error); if(!listenForFail){ throw error; } }, timeoutTime); return deferred; } helper.runIn = function($iframe, func){ var eval = $iframe.window.eval; var funcStr = "(" + func.toString() + ")()"; return eval(funcStr); } /* Ensure console.log doesn't blow up in IE, ugly but ok for a test framework imho*/ window.console = window.console || {}; window.console.log = window.console.log || function(){} //force usage of callbacks in it var _it = it; it = function(name, func){ if(func && func.length !== 1){ func = function(){ throw new Error("Please use always a callback with it() - " + func.toString()); } } _it(name, func); } })()