var hasPadAccess = require("../../padaccess"); var settings = require('../../utils/Settings'); var exportHandler = require('../../handler/ExportHandler'); var importHandler = require('../../handler/ImportHandler'); var padManager = require("../../db/PadManager"); exports.expressCreateServer = function (hook_name, args, cb) {'/p/:pad/:rev?/export/:type', async function(req, res, next) { var types = ["pdf", "doc", "txt", "html", "odt", "etherpad"]; //send a 404 if we don't support this filetype if (types.indexOf(req.params.type) == -1) { return next(); } // if abiword is disabled, and this is a format we only support with abiword, output a message if (settings.exportAvailable() == "no" && ["odt", "pdf", "doc"].indexOf(req.params.type) !== -1) { res.send("This export is not enabled at this Etherpad instance. Set the path to Abiword or SOffice in settings.json to enable this feature"); return; } res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); if (await hasPadAccess(req, res)) { console.log('req.params.pad', req.params.pad); let exists = await padManager.doesPadExists(req.params.pad); if (!exists) { return next(); } exportHandler.doExport(req, res, req.params.pad, req.params.type); } }); // handle import requests'/p/:pad/import', async function(req, res, next) { if (await hasPadAccess(req, res)) { let exists = await padManager.doesPadExists(req.params.pad); if (!exists) { return next(); } importHandler.doImport(req, res, req.params.pad); } }); }