/* * Tests for the instance-level APIs * * Section "GLOBAL FUNCTIONS" in src/node/db/API.js */ const assert = require('assert'); const supertest = require(__dirname+'/../../../../src/node_modules/supertest'); const fs = require('fs'); const settings = require(__dirname+'/../../loadSettings').loadSettings(); const api = supertest('http://'+settings.ip+":"+settings.port); const path = require('path'); var filePath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../APIKEY.txt'); var apiKey = fs.readFileSync(filePath, {encoding: 'utf-8'}); apiKey = apiKey.replace(/\n$/, ""); var apiVersion = '1.2.14'; describe('Connectivity for instance-level API tests', function() { it('can connect', function(done) { api.get('/api/') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }); describe('getStats', function(){ it('Gets the stats of a running instance', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('getStats')) .expect(function(res){ if (res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("getStats() failed"); if (!(('totalPads' in res.body.data) && (typeof res.body.data.totalPads === 'number'))) { throw new Error(`Response to getStats() does not contain field totalPads, or it's not a number: ${JSON.stringify(res.body.data)}`); } if (!(('totalSessions' in res.body.data) && (typeof res.body.data.totalSessions === 'number'))) { throw new Error(`Response to getStats() does not contain field totalSessions, or it's not a number: ${JSON.stringify(res.body.data)}`); } if (!(('totalActivePads' in res.body.data) && (typeof res.body.data.totalActivePads === 'number'))) { throw new Error(`Response to getStats() does not contain field totalActivePads, or it's not a number: ${JSON.stringify(res.body.data)}`); } }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done); }); }); var endPoint = function(point, version){ version = version || apiVersion; return '/api/'+version+'/'+point+'?apikey='+apiKey; }