
556 lines
19 KiB

'use strict';
const SecretRotator = require('../../../node/security/SecretRotator');
const assert = require('assert').strict;
const common = require('../common');
const crypto = require('../../../node/security/crypto');
const db = require('../../../node/db/DB');
const logger = common.logger;
// Greatest common divisor.
const gcd = (...args) => (
args.length === 1 ? args[0]
: args.length === 2 ? ((args[1]) ? gcd(args[1], args[0] % args[1]) : Math.abs(args[0]))
: gcd(args[0], gcd(...args.slice(1))));
// Least common multiple.
const lcm = (...args) => (
args.length === 1 ? args[0]
: args.length === 2 ? Math.abs(args[0] * args[1]) / gcd(...args)
: lcm(args[0], lcm(...args.slice(1))));
class FakeClock {
constructor() {
logger.debug('new fake clock');
this._now = 0;
this._nextId = 1;
this._idle = Promise.resolve();
this.timeouts = new Map();
_next() { return Math.min(...[...this.timeouts.values()].map((x) => x.when)); }
async setNow(t) {
logger.debug(`setting fake time to ${t}`);
assert(t >= this._now);
assert(t < Infinity);
let n;
while ((n = this._next()) <= t) {
this._now = Math.max(this._now, Math.min(n, t));
logger.debug(`fake time set to ${this._now}; firing timeouts...`);
await this._fire();
this._now = t;
logger.debug(`fake time set to ${this._now}`);
async advance(t) { await this.setNow(this._now + t); }
async advanceToNext() {
const n = this._next();
if (n < this._now) await this._fire();
else if (n < Infinity) await this.setNow(n);
async _fire() {
// This method MUST NOT execute any of the setTimeout callbacks synchronously, otherwise
// fc.setTimeout(fn, 0) would execute fn before fc.setTimeout() returns. Fortunately, the
// ECMAScript standard guarantees that a function passed to Promise.prototype.then() will run
// asynchronously.
this._idle = this._idle.then(() => Promise.all(
.filter(({when}) => when <= this._now)
.sort((a, b) => a.when - b.when)
.map(async ({id, fn}) => {
// With the standard setTimeout(), the callback function's return value is ignored.
// Here we await the return value so that test code can block until timeout work is
// done.
await fn();
await this._idle;
get now() { return this._now; }
setTimeout(fn, wait = 0) {
const when = this._now + wait;
const id = this._nextId++;
this.timeouts.set(id, {id, fn, when});
return id;
clearTimeout(id) { this.timeouts.delete(id); }
// In JavaScript, the % operator is remainder, not modulus.
const mod = (a, n) => ((a % n) + n) % n;
describe(__filename, function () {
let dbPrefix;
let sr;
let interval = 1e3;
const lifetime = 1e4;
const intervalStart = (t) => t - mod(t, interval);
const hkdf = async (secret, salt, tN) => Buffer.from(
await crypto.hkdf('sha256', secret, salt, `${tN}`, 32)).toString('hex');
const newRotator = (s = null) => new SecretRotator(dbPrefix, interval, lifetime, s);
const setFakeClock = (sr, fc = null) => {
if (fc == null) fc = new FakeClock();
sr._t = {
now: () =>,
setTimeout: fc.setTimeout.bind(fc),
clearTimeout: fc.clearTimeout.bind(fc),
return fc;
before(async function () {
await common.init();
beforeEach(async function () {
dbPrefix = `test-SecretRotator-${common.randomString()}`;
interval = 1e3;
afterEach(async function () {
if (sr != null) sr.stop();
sr = null;
await Promise.all(
(await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null)).map(async (dbKey) => await db.remove(dbKey)));
describe('constructor', function () {
it('creates empty secrets array', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
assert.deepEqual(sr.secrets, []);
for (const invalidChar of '*:%') {
it(`rejects database prefixes containing ${invalidChar}`, async function () {
dbPrefix += invalidChar;
assert.throws(newRotator, /invalid char/);
describe('start', function () {
it('does not replace secrets array', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const {secrets} = sr;
await sr.start();
assert.equal(sr.secrets, secrets);
it('derives secrets', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
await sr.start();
assert.equal(sr.secrets.length, 3); // Current (active), previous, and next.
for (const s of sr.secrets) {
assert.equal(typeof s, 'string');
assert.equal(new Set(sr.secrets).size, sr.secrets.length); // The secrets should all differ.
it('publishes params', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
const dbKeys = await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null);
assert.equal(dbKeys.length, 1);
const [id] = dbKeys;
assert.notEqual(id.slice(dbPrefix.length + 1), '');
const p = await db.get(id);
const {secret, salt} = p.algParams;
assert.deepEqual(p, {
algId: 1,
algParams: {
digest: 'sha256',
keyLen: 32,
end: + (2 * interval),
assert.equal(typeof salt, 'string');
assert.match(salt, /^[0-9a-f]{64}$/);
assert.equal(typeof secret, 'string');
assert.match(secret, /^[0-9a-f]{64}$/);
assert.deepEqual(sr.secrets, await Promise.all(
[0, -interval, interval].map(async (tN) => await hkdf(secret, salt, tN))));
it('reuses matching publication if unexpired', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
const {secrets} = sr;
const dbKeys = await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null);
sr = newRotator();
setFakeClock(sr, fc);
await sr.start();
assert.deepEqual(sr.secrets, secrets);
assert.deepEqual(await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null), dbKeys);
it('deletes expired publications', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
const [oldId] = await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null);
assert(oldId != null);
const p = await db.get(oldId);
await fc.setNow(p.end + p.lifetime + p.interval);
sr = newRotator();
setFakeClock(sr, fc);
await sr.start();
const ids = await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null);
assert.equal(ids.length, 1);
const [newId] = ids;
assert.notEqual(newId, oldId);
it('keeps expired publications until interval past expiration', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
const [, , future] = sr.secrets;
const [origId] = await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null);
const p = await db.get(origId);
await fc.advance(p.end + p.lifetime + p.interval - 1);
sr = newRotator();
setFakeClock(sr, fc);
await sr.start();
// It should have created a new publication, not extended the life of the old publication.
assert.equal((await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null)).length, 2);
assert.deepEqual(await db.get(origId), p);
it('idempotent', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
assert.equal(fc.timeouts.size, 1);
const secrets = [];
const dbKeys = await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null);
await sr.start();
assert.equal(fc.timeouts.size, 1);
assert.deepEqual(sr.secrets, secrets);
assert.deepEqual(await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null), dbKeys);
describe(`schedules update at next interval (= ${interval})`, function () {
const testCases = [
{now: 0, want: interval},
{now: 1, want: interval},
{now: interval - 1, want: interval},
{now: interval, want: 2 * interval},
{now: interval + 1, want: 2 * interval},
for (const {now, want} of testCases) {
it(`${now} -> ${want}`, async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await fc.setNow(now);
await sr.start();
assert.equal(fc.timeouts.size, 1);
const [{when}] = fc.timeouts.values();
assert.equal(when, want);
it('multiple active params with different intervals', async function () {
const intervals = [400, 600, 1000];
const lcmi = lcm(...intervals);
const wants = new Set();
for (const i of intervals) for (let t = i; t <= lcmi; t += i) wants.add(t);
const fcs = new FakeClock();
const srs = => {
interval = i;
const sr = newRotator();
setFakeClock(sr, fcs);
return sr;
try {
for (const sr of srs) await sr.start(); // Don't use Promise.all() otherwise they race.
interval = intervals[intervals.length - 1];
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr); // Independent clock to test a single instance's behavior.
await sr.start();
for (const want of [...wants].sort((a, b) => a - b)) {
logger.debug(`next timeout should be at ${want}`);
await fc.advanceToNext();
await fcs.setNow(; // Keep all of the publications alive.
assert.equal(, want);
} finally {
for (const sr of srs) sr.stop();
describe('stop', function () {
it('clears timeout', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
assert.notEqual(fc.timeouts.size, 0);
assert.equal(fc.timeouts.size, 0);
it('safe to call multiple times', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
await sr.start();
describe('legacy secret', function () {
it('ends at now if there are no previously published secrets', async function () {
sr = newRotator('legacy');
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
// Use a time that isn't a multiple of interval in case there is a modular arithmetic bug that
// would otherwise go undetected.
await fc.setNow(1);
assert(mod(, interval) !== 0);
await sr.start();
assert.equal(sr.secrets.length, 4); // 1 for the legacy secret, 3 for past, current, future
assert(sr.secrets.slice(1).includes('legacy')); // Should not be the current secret.
const ids = await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null);
const params = (await Promise.all( (id) => await db.get(id))))
.sort((a, b) => a.algId - b.algId);
assert.deepEqual(params, [
algId: 0,
algParams: 'legacy',
// The start time must equal the end time so that legacy secrets do not affect the end
// times of legacy secrets published by other instances.
interval: null,
algId: 1,
algParams: params[1].algParams,
end: intervalStart( + (2 * interval),
it('ends at the start of the oldest previously published secret', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await fc.setNow(1);
assert(mod(, interval) !== 0);
const wantTime =;
await sr.start();
assert.equal(sr.secrets.length, 3);
const [s1, s0, s2] = sr.secrets; // s1=current, s0=previous, s2=next
// Use a time that is not a multiple of interval off of epoch or wantTime just in case there
// is a modular arithmetic bug that would otherwise go undetected.
await fc.advance(interval + 1);
assert(mod(, interval) !== 0);
assert(mod( - wantTime, interval) !== 0);
sr = newRotator('legacy');
setFakeClock(sr, fc);
await sr.start();
assert.equal(sr.secrets.length, 5); // s0 through s3 and the legacy secret.
assert.deepEqual(sr.secrets, [s2, s1, s0, sr.secrets[3], 'legacy']);
const ids = await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null);
const params = (await Promise.all( (id) => await db.get(id))))
.sort((a, b) => a.algId - b.algId);
assert.deepEqual(params, [
algId: 0,
algParams: 'legacy',
start: wantTime,
end: wantTime,
interval: null,
algId: 1,
algParams: params[1].algParams,
start: wantTime,
end: intervalStart( + (2 * interval),
it('multiple instances with different legacy secrets', async function () {
sr = newRotator('legacy1');
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
sr = newRotator('legacy2');
setFakeClock(sr, fc);
await sr.start();
it('multiple instances with the same legacy secret', async function () {
sr = newRotator('legacy');
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
sr = newRotator('legacy');
setFakeClock(sr, fc);
await sr.start();
assert.deepEqual(sr.secrets, [ Set(sr.secrets)]);
// There shouldn't be multiple publications for the same legacy secret.
assert.equal((await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null)).length, 2);
it('legacy secret is included for interval after expiration', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
await fc.advance(lifetime + interval - 1);
sr = newRotator('legacy');
setFakeClock(sr, fc);
await sr.start();
it('legacy secret is not included if the oldest secret is old enough', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
await fc.advance(lifetime + interval);
sr = newRotator('legacy');
setFakeClock(sr, fc);
await sr.start();
it('dead secrets still affect legacy secret end time', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
const secrets = new Set(sr.secrets);
await fc.advance(lifetime + (3 * interval));
sr = newRotator('legacy');
setFakeClock(sr, fc);
await sr.start();
assert(!sr.secrets.some((s) => secrets.has(s)));
describe('rotation', function () {
it('no rotation before start of interval', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
assert.equal(, 0);
await sr.start();
const secrets = [];
await fc.advance(interval - 1);
assert.deepEqual(sr.secrets, secrets);
it('does not replace secrets array', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
const [current] = sr.secrets;
const secrets = sr.secrets;
await fc.advance(interval);
assert.notEqual(sr.secrets[0], current);
assert.equal(sr.secrets, secrets);
it('future secret becomes current, new future is generated', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
const secrets = new Set(sr.secrets);
assert.equal(secrets.size, 3);
const [s1, s0, s2] = sr.secrets;
await fc.advance(interval);
assert.deepEqual(sr.secrets, [s2, s1, s0, sr.secrets[3]]);
it('expired publications are deleted', async function () {
const origInterval = interval;
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
++interval; // Force new params so that the old params can expire.
sr = newRotator();
setFakeClock(sr, fc);
await sr.start();
assert.equal((await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null)).length, 2);
await fc.advance(lifetime + (3 * origInterval));
assert.equal((await db.findKeys(`${dbPrefix}:*`, null)).length, 1);
it('old secrets are eventually removed', async function () {
sr = newRotator();
const fc = setFakeClock(sr);
await sr.start();
const [, s0] = sr.secrets;
await fc.advance(lifetime + interval - 1);
await fc.advance(1);
describe('clock skew', function () {
it('out of sync works if in adjacent interval', async function () {
const srs = [newRotator(), newRotator()];
const fcs = => setFakeClock(sr));
for (const sr of srs) await sr.start(); // Don't use Promise.all() otherwise they race.
assert.deepEqual(srs[0].secrets, srs[1].secrets);
// Advance fcs[0] to the end of the interval after fcs[1].
await fcs[0].advance((2 * interval) - 1);
// Advance both by an interval.
await Promise.all([fcs[1].advance(interval), fcs[0].advance(interval)]);
// Advance fcs[1] to the end of the interval after fcs[0].
await Promise.all([fcs[1].advance((3 * interval) - 1), fcs[0].advance(1)]);
it('start up out of sync', async function () {
const srs = [newRotator(), newRotator()];
const fcs = => setFakeClock(sr));
await fcs[0].advance((2 * interval) - 1);
await srs[0].start(); // Must start before srs[1] so that srs[1] starts in srs[0]'s past.
await srs[1].start();