
730 lines
25 KiB

'use strict';
* The pad object, defined with joose
const AttributeMap = require('../../static/js/AttributeMap');
const Changeset = require('../../static/js/Changeset');
const ChatMessage = require('../../static/js/ChatMessage');
const AttributePool = require('../../static/js/AttributePool');
const Stream = require('../utils/Stream');
const assert = require('assert').strict;
const db = require('./DB');
const settings = require('../utils/Settings');
const authorManager = require('./AuthorManager');
const padManager = require('./PadManager');
const padMessageHandler = require('../handler/PadMessageHandler');
const groupManager = require('./GroupManager');
const CustomError = require('../utils/customError');
const readOnlyManager = require('./ReadOnlyManager');
const randomString = require('../utils/randomstring');
const hooks = require('../../static/js/pluginfw/hooks');
const {padutils: {warnDeprecated}} = require('../../static/js/pad_utils');
const promises = require('../utils/promises');
* Copied from the Etherpad source code. It converts Windows line breaks to Unix
* line breaks and convert Tabs to spaces
* @param txt
exports.cleanText = (txt) => txt.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')
.replace(/\r/g, '\n')
.replace(/\t/g, ' ')
.replace(/\xa0/g, ' ');
class Pad {
* @param [database] - Database object to access this pad's records (and only this pad's records;
* the shared global Etherpad database object is still used for all other pad accesses, such
* as copying the pad). Defaults to the shared global Etherpad database object. This parameter
* can be used to shard pad storage across multiple database backends, to put each pad in its
* own database table, or to validate imported pad data before it is written to the database.
constructor(id, database = db) {
this.db = database;
this.atext = Changeset.makeAText('\n');
this.pool = new AttributePool();
this.head = -1;
this.chatHead = -1;
this.publicStatus = false; = id;
this.savedRevisions = [];
apool() {
return this.pool;
getHeadRevisionNumber() {
return this.head;
getSavedRevisionsNumber() {
return this.savedRevisions.length;
getSavedRevisionsList() {
const savedRev = => rev.revNum);
savedRev.sort((a, b) => a - b);
return savedRev;
getPublicStatus() {
return this.publicStatus;
async appendRevision(aChangeset, authorId = '') {
const newAText = Changeset.applyToAText(aChangeset, this.atext, this.pool);
if (newAText.text === this.atext.text && newAText.attribs === this.atext.attribs) {
return this.head;
Changeset.copyAText(newAText, this.atext);
const newRev = ++this.head;
// ex. getNumForAuthor
if (authorId !== '') this.pool.putAttrib(['author', authorId]);
const hook = this.head === 0 ? 'padCreate' : 'padUpdate';
await Promise.all([
this.db.set(`pad:${}:revs:${newRev}`, {
changeset: aChangeset,
meta: {
author: authorId,
...newRev === this.getKeyRevisionNumber(newRev) ? {
pool: this.pool,
atext: this.atext,
} : {},
authorId && authorManager.addPad(authorId,,
hooks.aCallAll(hook, {
pad: this,
get author() {
warnDeprecated(`${hook} hook author context is deprecated; use authorId instead`);
return this.authorId;
set author(authorId) {
warnDeprecated(`${hook} hook author context is deprecated; use authorId instead`);
this.authorId = authorId;
...this.head === 0 ? {} : {
revs: newRev,
changeset: aChangeset,
return newRev;
toJSON() {
const o = {...this, pool: this.pool.toJsonable()};
delete o.db;
return o;
// save all attributes to the database
async saveToDatabase() {
await this.db.set(`pad:${}`, this);
// get time of last edit (changeset application)
async getLastEdit() {
const revNum = this.getHeadRevisionNumber();
return await this.db.getSub(`pad:${}:revs:${revNum}`, ['meta', 'timestamp']);
async getRevisionChangeset(revNum) {
return await this.db.getSub(`pad:${}:revs:${revNum}`, ['changeset']);
async getRevisionAuthor(revNum) {
return await this.db.getSub(`pad:${}:revs:${revNum}`, ['meta', 'author']);
async getRevisionDate(revNum) {
return await this.db.getSub(`pad:${}:revs:${revNum}`, ['meta', 'timestamp']);
* @param {number} revNum - Must be a key revision number (see `getKeyRevisionNumber`).
* @returns The attribute text stored at `revNum`.
async _getKeyRevisionAText(revNum) {
return await this.db.getSub(`pad:${}:revs:${revNum}`, ['meta', 'atext']);
getAllAuthors() {
const authorIds = [];
for (const key in this.pool.numToAttrib) {
if (this.pool.numToAttrib[key][0] === 'author' && this.pool.numToAttrib[key][1] !== '') {
return authorIds;
async getInternalRevisionAText(targetRev) {
const keyRev = this.getKeyRevisionNumber(targetRev);
const headRev = this.getHeadRevisionNumber();
if (targetRev > headRev)
targetRev = headRev;
const [keyAText, changesets] = await Promise.all([
Stream.range(keyRev + 1, targetRev + 1).map(this.getRevisionChangeset.bind(this))),
const apool = this.apool();
let atext = keyAText;
for (const cs of changesets) atext = Changeset.applyToAText(cs, atext, apool);
return atext;
async getRevision(revNum) {
return await this.db.get(`pad:${}:revs:${revNum}`);
async getAllAuthorColors() {
const authorIds = this.getAllAuthors();
const returnTable = {};
const colorPalette = authorManager.getColorPalette();
await Promise.all( => authorManager.getAuthorColorId(authorId).then((colorId) => {
// colorId might be a hex color or an number out of the palette
returnTable[authorId] = colorPalette[colorId] || colorId;
return returnTable;
getValidRevisionRange(startRev, endRev) {
startRev = parseInt(startRev, 10);
const head = this.getHeadRevisionNumber();
endRev = endRev ? parseInt(endRev, 10) : head;
if (isNaN(startRev) || startRev < 0 || startRev > head) {
startRev = null;
if (isNaN(endRev) || endRev < startRev) {
endRev = null;
} else if (endRev > head) {
endRev = head;
if (startRev != null && endRev != null) {
return {startRev, endRev};
return null;
getKeyRevisionNumber(revNum) {
return Math.floor(revNum / 100) * 100;
* @returns {string} The pad's text.
text() {
return this.atext.text;
* Splices text into the pad. If the result of the splice does not end with a newline, one will be
* automatically appended.
* @param {number} start - Location in pad text to start removing and inserting characters. Must
* be a non-negative integer less than or equal to `this.text().length`.
* @param {number} ndel - Number of characters to remove starting at `start`. Must be a
* non-negative integer less than or equal to `this.text().length - start`.
* @param {string} ins - New text to insert at `start` (after the `ndel` characters are deleted).
* @param {string} [authorId] - Author ID of the user making the change (if applicable).
async spliceText(start, ndel, ins, authorId = '') {
if (start < 0) throw new RangeError(`start index must be non-negative (is ${start})`);
if (ndel < 0) throw new RangeError(`characters to delete must be non-negative (is ${ndel})`);
const orig = this.text();
if (start + ndel > orig.length) throw new RangeError('start/delete past the end of the text');
ins = exports.cleanText(ins);
const willEndWithNewline =
start + ndel < orig.length || // Keeping last char (which is guaranteed to be a newline).
ins.endsWith('\n') ||
(!ins && start > 0 && orig[start - 1] === '\n');
if (!willEndWithNewline) ins += '\n';
if (ndel === 0 && ins.length === 0) return;
const changeset = Changeset.makeSplice(orig, start, ndel, ins);
await this.appendRevision(changeset, authorId);
* Replaces the pad's text with new text.
* @param {string} newText - The pad's new text. If this string does not end with a newline, one
* will be automatically appended.
* @param {string} [authorId] - The author ID of the user that initiated the change, if
* applicable.
async setText(newText, authorId = '') {
await this.spliceText(0, this.text().length, newText, authorId);
* Appends text to the pad.
* @param {string} newText - Text to insert just BEFORE the pad's existing terminating newline.
* @param {string} [authorId] - The author ID of the user that initiated the change, if
* applicable.
async appendText(newText, authorId = '') {
await this.spliceText(this.text().length - 1, 0, newText, authorId);
* Adds a chat message to the pad, including saving it to the database.
* @param {(ChatMessage|string)} msgOrText - Either a chat message object (recommended) or a
* string containing the raw text of the user's chat message (deprecated).
* @param {?string} [authorId] - The user's author ID. Deprecated; use `msgOrText.authorId`
* instead.
* @param {?number} [time] - Message timestamp (milliseconds since epoch). Deprecated; use
* `msgOrText.time` instead.
async appendChatMessage(msgOrText, authorId = null, time = null) {
const msg =
msgOrText instanceof ChatMessage ? msgOrText : new ChatMessage(msgOrText, authorId, time);
await Promise.all([
// Don't save the display name in the database because the user can change it at any time. The
// `displayName` property will be populated with the current value when the message is read
// from the database.
this.db.set(`pad:${}:chat:${this.chatHead}`, {...msg, displayName: undefined}),
* @param {number} entryNum - ID of the desired chat message.
* @returns {?ChatMessage}
async getChatMessage(entryNum) {
const entry = await this.db.get(`pad:${}:chat:${entryNum}`);
if (entry == null) return null;
const message = ChatMessage.fromObject(entry);
message.displayName = await authorManager.getAuthorName(message.authorId);
return message;
* @param {number} start - ID of the first desired chat message.
* @param {number} end - ID of the last desired chat message.
* @returns {ChatMessage[]} Any existing messages with IDs between `start` (inclusive) and `end`
* (inclusive), in order. Note: `start` and `end` form a closed interval, not a half-open
* interval as is typical in code.
async getChatMessages(start, end) {
const entries =
await Promise.all(Stream.range(start, end + 1).map(this.getChatMessage.bind(this)));
// sort out broken chat entries
// it looks like in happened in the past that the chat head was
// incremented, but the chat message wasn't added
return entries.filter((entry) => {
const pass = (entry != null);
if (!pass) {
console.warn(`WARNING: Found broken chat entry in pad ${}`);
return pass;
async init(text, authorId = '') {
// try to load the pad
const value = await this.db.get(`pad:${}`);
// if this pad exists, load it
if (value != null) {
Object.assign(this, value);
if ('pool' in value) this.pool = new AttributePool().fromJsonable(value.pool);
} else {
if (text == null) {
const context = {pad: this, authorId, type: 'text', content: settings.defaultPadText};
await hooks.aCallAll('padDefaultContent', context);
if (context.type !== 'text') throw new Error(`unsupported content type: ${context.type}`);
text = exports.cleanText(context.content);
const firstChangeset = Changeset.makeSplice('\n', 0, 0, text);
await this.appendRevision(firstChangeset, authorId);
await hooks.aCallAll('padLoad', {pad: this});
async copy(destinationID, force) {
// Kick everyone from this pad.
// This was commented due to
// Do we really need to kick everyone out?
// padMessageHandler.kickSessionsFromPad(sourceID);
// flush the source pad:
await this.saveToDatabase();
// if it's a group pad, let's make sure the group exists.
const destGroupID = await this.checkIfGroupExistAndReturnIt(destinationID);
// if force is true and already exists a Pad with the same id, remove that Pad
await this.removePadIfForceIsTrueAndAlreadyExist(destinationID, force);
const copyRecord = async (keySuffix) => {
const val = await this.db.get(`pad:${}${keySuffix}`);
await db.set(`pad:${destinationID}${keySuffix}`, val);
const promises = (function* () {
yield copyRecord('');
yield* Stream.range(0, this.head + 1).map((i) => copyRecord(`:revs:${i}`));
yield* Stream.range(0, this.chatHead + 1).map((i) => copyRecord(`:chat:${i}`));
yield this.copyAuthorInfoToDestinationPad(destinationID);
if (destGroupID) yield db.setSub(`group:${destGroupID}`, ['pads', destinationID], 1);
for (const p of new Stream(promises).batch(100).buffer(99)) await p;
// Initialize the new pad (will update the listAllPads cache)
const dstPad = await padManager.getPad(destinationID, null);
// let the plugins know the pad was copied
await hooks.aCallAll('padCopy', {
get originalPad() {
warnDeprecated('padCopy originalPad context property is deprecated; use srcPad instead');
return this.srcPad;
get destinationID() {
'padCopy destinationID context property is deprecated; use instead');
srcPad: this,
return {padID: destinationID};
async checkIfGroupExistAndReturnIt(destinationID) {
let destGroupID = false;
if (destinationID.indexOf('$') >= 0) {
destGroupID = destinationID.split('$')[0];
const groupExists = await groupManager.doesGroupExist(destGroupID);
// group does not exist
if (!groupExists) {
throw new CustomError('groupID does not exist for destinationID', 'apierror');
return destGroupID;
async removePadIfForceIsTrueAndAlreadyExist(destinationID, force) {
// if the pad exists, we should abort, unless forced.
const exists = await padManager.doesPadExist(destinationID);
// allow force to be a string
if (typeof force === 'string') {
force = (force.toLowerCase() === 'true');
} else {
force = !!force;
if (exists) {
if (!force) {
console.error('erroring out without force');
throw new CustomError('destinationID already exists', 'apierror');
// exists and forcing
const pad = await padManager.getPad(destinationID);
await pad.remove();
async copyAuthorInfoToDestinationPad(destinationID) {
// add the new sourcePad to all authors who contributed to the old one
await Promise.all(this.getAllAuthors().map(
(authorID) => authorManager.addPad(authorID, destinationID)));
async copyPadWithoutHistory(destinationID, force, authorId = '') {
// flush the source pad
// if it's a group pad, let's make sure the group exists.
const destGroupID = await this.checkIfGroupExistAndReturnIt(destinationID);
// if force is true and already exists a Pad with the same id, remove that Pad
await this.removePadIfForceIsTrueAndAlreadyExist(destinationID, force);
await this.copyAuthorInfoToDestinationPad(destinationID);
// Group pad? Add it to the group's list
if (destGroupID) {
await db.setSub(`group:${destGroupID}`, ['pads', destinationID], 1);
// initialize the pad with a new line to avoid getting the defaultText
const dstPad = await padManager.getPad(destinationID, '\n', authorId);
dstPad.pool = this.pool.clone();
const oldAText = this.atext;
// based on Changeset.makeSplice
const assem = Changeset.smartOpAssembler();
for (const op of Changeset.opsFromAText(oldAText)) assem.append(op);
// although we have instantiated the dstPad with '\n', an additional '\n' is
// added internally, so the pad text on the revision 0 is "\n\n"
const oldLength = 2;
const newLength = assem.getLengthChange();
const newText = oldAText.text;
// create a changeset that removes the previous text and add the newText with
// all atributes present on the source pad
const changeset = Changeset.pack(oldLength, newLength, assem.toString(), newText);
dstPad.appendRevision(changeset, authorId);
await hooks.aCallAll('padCopy', {
get originalPad() {
warnDeprecated('padCopy originalPad context property is deprecated; use srcPad instead');
return this.srcPad;
get destinationID() {
'padCopy destinationID context property is deprecated; use instead');
srcPad: this,
return {padID: destinationID};
async remove() {
const padID =;
const p = [];
// kick everyone from this pad
// delete all relations - the original code used async.parallel but
// none of the operations except getting the group depended on callbacks
// so the database operations here are just started and then left to
// run to completion
// is it a group pad? -> delete the entry of this pad in the group
if (padID.indexOf('$') >= 0) {
// it is a group pad
const groupID = padID.substring(0, padID.indexOf('$'));
const group = await db.get(`group:${groupID}`);
// remove the pad entry
delete group.pads[padID];
// set the new value
p.push(db.set(`group:${groupID}`, group));
// remove the readonly entries
p.push(readOnlyManager.getReadOnlyId(padID).then(async (readonlyID) => {
await db.remove(`readonly2pad:${readonlyID}`);
// delete all chat messages
p.push(promises.timesLimit(this.chatHead + 1, 500, async (i) => {
await this.db.remove(`pad:${}:chat:${i}`, null);
// delete all revisions
p.push(promises.timesLimit(this.head + 1, 500, async (i) => {
await this.db.remove(`pad:${}:revs:${i}`, null);
// remove pad from all authors who contributed
this.getAllAuthors().forEach((authorId) => {
p.push(authorManager.removePad(authorId, padID));
// delete the pad entry and delete pad from padManager
p.push(hooks.aCallAll('padRemove', {
get padID() {
warnDeprecated('padRemove padID context property is deprecated; use instead');
pad: this,
await Promise.all(p);
// set in db
async setPublicStatus(publicStatus) {
this.publicStatus = publicStatus;
await this.saveToDatabase();
async addSavedRevision(revNum, savedById, label) {
// if this revision is already saved, return silently
for (const i in this.savedRevisions) {
if (this.savedRevisions[i] && this.savedRevisions[i].revNum === revNum) {
// build the saved revision object
const savedRevision = {};
savedRevision.revNum = revNum;
savedRevision.savedById = savedById;
savedRevision.label = label || `Revision ${revNum}`;
savedRevision.timestamp =; = randomString(10);
// save this new saved revision
await this.saveToDatabase();
getSavedRevisions() {
return this.savedRevisions;
* Asserts that all pad data is consistent. Throws if inconsistent.
async check() {
assert( != null);
assert.equal(typeof, 'string');
const head = this.getHeadRevisionNumber();
assert(head != null);
assert(head >= -1);
const savedRevisionsList = this.getSavedRevisionsList();
assert.equal(this.getSavedRevisionsNumber(), savedRevisionsList.length);
let prevSavedRev = null;
for (const rev of savedRevisionsList) {
assert(rev != null);
assert(rev >= 0);
assert(rev <= head);
assert(prevSavedRev == null || rev > prevSavedRev);
prevSavedRev = rev;
const savedRevisions = this.getSavedRevisions();
assert.equal(savedRevisions.length, savedRevisionsList.length);
const savedRevisionsIds = new Set();
for (const savedRev of savedRevisions) {
assert(savedRev != null);
assert.equal(typeof savedRev, 'object');
assert( != null);
assert.equal(typeof, 'string');
const pool = this.apool();
assert(pool instanceof AttributePool);
await pool.check();
const authorIds = new Set();
pool.eachAttrib((k, v) => {
if (k === 'author' && v) authorIds.add(v);
const revs = Stream.range(0, head + 1)
.map(async (r) => {
const isKeyRev = r === this.getKeyRevisionNumber(r);
try {
return await Promise.all([
isKeyRev ? this._getKeyRevisionAText(r) : null,
} catch (err) {
err.message = `(pad ${} revision ${r}) ${err.message}`;
throw err;
let atext = Changeset.makeAText('\n');
for await (const [r, changeset, authorId, timestamp, isKeyRev, keyAText] of revs) {
try {
assert(authorId != null);
assert.equal(typeof authorId, 'string');
if (authorId) authorIds.add(authorId);
assert(timestamp != null);
assert.equal(typeof timestamp, 'number');
assert(timestamp > 0);
assert(changeset != null);
assert.equal(typeof changeset, 'string');
const unpacked = Changeset.unpack(changeset);
let text = atext.text;
for (const op of Changeset.deserializeOps(unpacked.ops)) {
if (['=', '-'].includes(op.opcode)) {
assert(text.length >= op.chars);
const consumed = text.slice(0, op.chars);
const nlines = (consumed.match(/\n/g) || []).length;
assert.equal(op.lines, nlines);
if (op.lines > 0) assert(consumed.endsWith('\n'));
text = text.slice(op.chars);
assert.equal(op.attribs, AttributeMap.fromString(op.attribs, pool).toString());
atext = Changeset.applyToAText(changeset, atext, pool);
if (isKeyRev) assert.deepEqual(keyAText, atext);
} catch (err) {
err.message = `(pad ${} revision ${r}) ${err.message}`;
throw err;
assert.equal(this.text(), atext.text);
assert.deepEqual(this.atext, atext);
assert.deepEqual(this.getAllAuthors().sort(), [...authorIds].sort());
assert(this.chatHead != null);
assert(this.chatHead >= -1);
const chats = Stream.range(0, this.chatHead + 1)
.map(async (c) => {
try {
const msg = await this.getChatMessage(c);
assert(msg != null);
assert(msg instanceof ChatMessage);
} catch (err) {
err.message = `(pad ${} chat message ${c}) ${err.message}`;
throw err;
for (const p of chats) await p;
await hooks.aCallAll('padCheck', {pad: this});
exports.Pad = Pad;