muxator 0c518cadf5 skins: replace {js,css}.template with actual files. Simplify startup scripts.
Currently, an Etherpad skin requires the existence of 6 files:
- index.{css,js}
- pad.{css,js}
- timeslider.{css,js}

In the default empty skin (in static/custom), there were 2 small placeholders
({js,css}.template) to be copied in place by the startup script in case no skin
was in use.

Now that we are moving to multiple directories (see #3471) we can simply commit
the example files and remove the copying code from the startup script.
2018-08-26 21:17:04 +02:00

34 lines
808 B

@echo off
:: Change directory to etherpad-lite root
cd /D "%~dp0\.."
:: Is node installed?
cmd /C node -e "" || ( echo "Please install node.js ( )" && exit /B 1 )
echo _
echo Ensure that all dependencies are up to date... If this is the first time you have run Etherpad please be patient.
mkdir node_modules
cd /D node_modules
mklink /D "ep_etherpad-lite" "..\src"
cd /D "ep_etherpad-lite"
cmd /C npm install --loglevel warn || exit /B 1
cd /D "%~dp0\.."
echo _
echo Clearing cache...
del /S var\minified*
echo _
echo Setting up settings.json...
IF NOT EXIST settings.json (
echo Can't find settings.json.
echo Copying settings.json.template...
cmd /C copy settings.json.template settings.json || exit /B 1
echo _
echo Installed Etherpad! To run Etherpad type start.bat