
5864 lines
163 KiB

* This code is mostly from the old Etherpad. Please help us to comment this code.
* This helps other people to understand this code better and helps them to improve it.
* Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
function OUTER(gscope)
var DEBUG = false; //$$ build script replaces the string "var DEBUG=true;//$$" with "var DEBUG=false;"
// changed to false
var isSetUp = false;
var THE_TAB = ' '; //4
var caughtErrors = [];
var thisAuthor = '';
var disposed = false;
var editorInfo = parent.editorInfo;
var iframe = window.frameElement;
var outerWin = iframe.ace_outerWin;
iframe.ace_outerWin = null; // prevent IE 6 memory leak
var sideDiv = iframe.nextSibling;
var lineMetricsDiv = sideDiv.nextSibling;
var overlaysdiv = lineMetricsDiv.nextSibling;
var outsideKeyDown = function(evt)
var outsideKeyPress = function(evt)
return true;
var outsideNotifyDirty = function()
// selFocusAtStart -- determines whether the selection extends "backwards", so that the focus
// point (controlled with the arrow keys) is at the beginning; not supported in IE, though
// native IE selections have that behavior (which we try not to interfere with).
// Must be false if selection is collapsed!
var rep = {
lines: newSkipList(),
selStart: null,
selEnd: null,
selFocusAtStart: false,
alltext: "",
alines: [],
apool: new AttribPool()
// lines, alltext, alines, and DOM are set up in setup()
if (undoModule.enabled)
undoModule.apool = rep.apool;
var root, doc; // set in setup()
var isEditable = true;
var doesWrap = true;
var hasLineNumbers = true;
var isStyled = true;
// space around the innermost iframe element
var iframePadTop = EDIT_BODY_PADDING_TOP;
var iframePadBottom = 0,
iframePadRight = 0;
var console = (DEBUG && window.console);
if (!window.console)
var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir", "dirxml", "group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count", "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"];
console = {};
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
console[names[i]] = function()
//console.error = function(str) { alert(str); };
PROFILER = function()
return {
start: noop,
mark: noop,
literal: noop,
end: noop,
cancel: noop
function noop()
function identity(x)
return x;
// "dmesg" is for displaying messages in the in-page output pane
// visible when "?djs=1" is appended to the pad URL. It generally
// remains a no-op unless djs is enabled, but we make a habit of
// only calling it in error cases or while debugging.
var dmesg = noop;
window.dmesg = noop;
var scheduler = parent;
var textFace = 'monospace';
var textSize = 12;
function textLineHeight()
return Math.round(textSize * 4 / 3);
var dynamicCSS = null;
var dynamicCSSTop = null;
function initDynamicCSS()
dynamicCSS = makeCSSManager("dynamicsyntax");
dynamicCSSTop = makeCSSManager("dynamicsyntax", true);
var changesetTracker = makeChangesetTracker(scheduler, rep.apool, {
withCallbacks: function(operationName, f)
inCallStackIfNecessary(operationName, function()
setDocumentAttributedText: function(atext)
applyChangesetToDocument: function(changeset, preferInsertionAfterCaret)
var oldEventType = currentCallStack.editEvent.eventType;
performDocumentApplyChangeset(changeset, preferInsertionAfterCaret);
var authorInfos = {}; // presence of key determines if author is present in doc
function setAuthorInfo(author, info)
if ((typeof author) != "string")
throw new Error("setAuthorInfo: author (" + author + ") is not a string");
if (!info)
delete authorInfos[author];
if (dynamicCSS)
authorInfos[author] = info;
if (info.bgcolor)
if (dynamicCSS)
var bgcolor = info.bgcolor;
if ((typeof info.fade) == "number")
bgcolor = fadeColor(bgcolor, info.fade);
getAuthorClassName(author))).backgroundColor = bgcolor;
getAuthorClassName(author))).backgroundColor = bgcolor;
function getAuthorClassName(author)
return "author-" + author.replace(/[^a-y0-9]/g, function(c)
if (c == ".") return "-";
return 'z' + c.charCodeAt(0) + 'z';
function className2Author(className)
if (className.substring(0, 7) == "author-")
return className.substring(7).replace(/[a-y0-9]+|-|z.+?z/g, function(cc)
if (cc == '-') return '.';
else if (cc.charAt(0) == 'z')
return String.fromCharCode(Number(cc.slice(1, -1)));
return cc;
return null;
function getAuthorColorClassSelector(oneClassName)
return ".authorColors ." + oneClassName;
function setUpTrackingCSS()
if (dynamicCSS)
var backgroundHeight = lineMetricsDiv.offsetHeight;
var lineHeight = textLineHeight();
var extraBodding = 0;
var extraTodding = 0;
if (backgroundHeight < lineHeight)
extraBodding = Math.ceil((lineHeight - backgroundHeight) / 2);
extraTodding = lineHeight - backgroundHeight - extraBodding;
var spanStyle = dynamicCSS.selectorStyle("#innerdocbody span");
spanStyle.paddingTop = extraTodding + "px";
spanStyle.paddingBottom = extraBodding + "px";
function boldColorFromColor(lightColorCSS)
var color = colorutils.css2triple(lightColorCSS);
// amp up the saturation to full
color = colorutils.saturate(color);
// normalize brightness based on luminosity
color = colorutils.scaleColor(color, 0, 0.5 / colorutils.luminosity(color));
return colorutils.triple2css(color);
function fadeColor(colorCSS, fadeFrac)
var color = colorutils.css2triple(colorCSS);
color = colorutils.blend(color, [1, 1, 1], fadeFrac);
return colorutils.triple2css(color);
function doAlert(str)
}, 0);
editorInfo.ace_getRep = function()
return rep;
var currentCallStack = null;
function inCallStack(type, action)
if (disposed) return;
if (currentCallStack)
console.error("Can't enter callstack " + type + ", already in " + currentCallStack.type);
var profiling = false;
function profileRest()
profiling = true;
function newEditEvent(eventType)
return {
eventType: eventType,
backset: null
function submitOldEvent(evt)
if (rep.selStart && rep.selEnd)
var selStartChar = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(rep.selStart[0]) + rep.selStart[1];
var selEndChar = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(rep.selEnd[0]) + rep.selEnd[1];
evt.selStart = selStartChar;
evt.selEnd = selEndChar;
evt.selFocusAtStart = rep.selFocusAtStart;
if (undoModule.enabled)
var undoWorked = false;
if (evt.eventType == "setup" || evt.eventType == "importText" || evt.eventType == "setBaseText")
else if (evt.eventType == "nonundoable")
if (evt.changeset)
undoWorked = true;
if (!undoWorked)
undoModule.enabled = false; // for safety
function startNewEvent(eventType, dontSubmitOld)
var oldEvent = currentCallStack.editEvent;
if (!dontSubmitOld)
currentCallStack.editEvent = newEditEvent(eventType);
return oldEvent;
currentCallStack = {
type: type,
docTextChanged: false,
selectionAffected: false,
userChangedSelection: false,
domClean: false,
profileRest: profileRest,
isUserChange: false,
// is this a "user change" type of call-stack
repChanged: false,
editEvent: newEditEvent(type),
startNewEvent: startNewEvent
var cleanExit = false;
var result;
result = action();
//console.log("Just did action for: "+type);
cleanExit = true;
catch (e)
error: e,
time: +new Date()
throw e;
var cs = currentCallStack;
//console.log("Finished action for: "+type);
if (cleanExit)
if (cs.domClean && cs.type != "setup")
if (cs.isUserChange)
if (cs.repChanged) parenModule.notifyChange();
else parenModule.notifyTick();
if (cs.selectionAffected)
if ((cs.docTextChanged || cs.userChangedSelection) && cs.type != "applyChangesToBase")
if (cs.docTextChanged && cs.type.indexOf("importText") < 0)
// non-clean exit
if (currentCallStack.type == "idleWorkTimer")
currentCallStack = null;
if (profiling) console.profileEnd();
return result;
editorInfo.ace_inCallStack = inCallStack;
function inCallStackIfNecessary(type, action)
if (!currentCallStack)
inCallStack(type, action);
editorInfo.ace_inCallStackIfNecessary = inCallStackIfNecessary;
function recolorLineByKey(key)
if (rep.lines.containsKey(key))
var offset = rep.lines.offsetOfKey(key);
var width = rep.lines.atKey(key).width;
recolorLinesInRange(offset, offset + width);
function getLineKeyForOffset(charOffset)
return rep.lines.atOffset(charOffset).key;
var recolorModule = (function()
var dirtyLineKeys = {};
var module = {};
module.setCharNeedsRecoloring = function(offset)
if (offset >= rep.alltext.length)
offset = rep.alltext.length - 1;
dirtyLineKeys[getLineKeyForOffset(offset)] = true;
module.setCharRangeNeedsRecoloring = function(offset1, offset2)
if (offset1 >= rep.alltext.length)
offset1 = rep.alltext.length - 1;
if (offset2 >= rep.alltext.length)
offset2 = rep.alltext.length - 1;
var firstEntry = rep.lines.atOffset(offset1);
var lastKey = rep.lines.atOffset(offset2).key;
dirtyLineKeys[lastKey] = true;
var entry = firstEntry;
while (entry && entry.key != lastKey)
dirtyLineKeys[entry.key] = true;
entry =;
module.recolorLines = function()
for (var k in dirtyLineKeys)
dirtyLineKeys = {};
return module;
var parenModule = (function()
var module = {};
module.notifyTick = function()
module.notifyChange = function()
module.shouldNormalizeOnChar = function(c)
if (
// avoid highlight style from carrying on to typed text
return true;
c = String.fromCharCode(c);
return !!(bracketMap[c]);
var parenFlashRep = {
active: false,
whichChars: null,
whichLineKeys: null,
expireTime: null
var bracketMap = {
'(': 1,
')': -1,
'[': 2,
']': -2,
'{': 3,
'}': -3
var bracketRegex = /[{}\[\]()]/g;
function handleFlashing(docChanged)
function getSearchRange(aroundLoc)
var rng = getVisibleCharRange();
var d = 100; // minimum radius
var e = 3000; // maximum radius;
if (rng[0] > aroundLoc - d) rng[0] = aroundLoc - d;
if (rng[0] < aroundLoc - e) rng[0] = aroundLoc - e;
if (rng[0] < 0) rng[0] = 0;
if (rng[1] < aroundLoc + d) rng[1] = aroundLoc + d;
if (rng[1] > aroundLoc + e) rng[1] = aroundLoc + e;
if (rng[1] > rep.lines.totalWidth()) rng[1] = rep.lines.totalWidth();
return rng;
function findMatchingVisibleBracket(startLoc, forwards)
var rng = getSearchRange(startLoc);
var str = rep.alltext.substring(rng[0], rng[1]);
var bstr = str.replace(bracketRegex, '('); // handy for searching
var loc = startLoc - rng[0];
var bracketState = [];
var foundParen = false;
var goodParen = false;
function nextLoc()
if (loc < 0) return;
if (forwards) loc++;
else loc--;
if (loc < 0 || loc >= str.length) loc = -1;
if (loc >= 0)
if (forwards) loc = bstr.indexOf('(', loc);
else loc = bstr.lastIndexOf('(', loc);
while ((!foundParen) && (loc >= 0))
if (getCharType(loc + rng[0]) == "p")
var b = bracketMap[str.charAt(loc)]; // -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3
var into = forwards;
var typ = b;
if (typ < 0)
into = !into;
typ = -typ;
if (into) bracketState.push(typ);
var recent = bracketState.pop();
if (recent != typ)
foundParen = true;
goodParen = false;
else if (bracketState.length == 0)
foundParen = true;
goodParen = true;
if ((!foundParen) && (loc >= 0)) nextLoc();
if (!foundParen) return null;
return {
chr: (loc + rng[0]),
good: goodParen
var r = parenFlashRep;
var charsToHighlight = null;
var linesToUnhighlight = null;
if ( && (docChanged || (now() > r.expireTime)))
linesToUnhighlight = r.whichLineKeys; = false;
if ((! && docChanged && isCaret() && caretColumn() > 0)
var caret = caretDocChar();
if (caret > 0 && getCharType(caret - 1) == "p")
var charBefore = rep.alltext.charAt(caret - 1);
if (bracketMap[charBefore])
var lookForwards = (bracketMap[charBefore] > 0);
var findResult = findMatchingVisibleBracket(caret - 1, lookForwards);
if (findResult)
var mateLoc = findResult.chr;
var mateGood = findResult.good; = true;
charsToHighlight = {};
charsToHighlight[caret - 1] = 'flash';
charsToHighlight[mateLoc] = (mateGood ? 'flash' : 'flashbad');
r.whichLineKeys = [];
r.whichLineKeys.push(getLineKeyForOffset(caret - 1));
r.expireTime = now() + 4000;
newlyActive = true;
if (linesToUnhighlight)
if ( && charsToHighlight)
function f(txt, cls, next, ofst)
var flashClass = charsToHighlight[ofst];
if (cls)
next(txt, cls + " " + flashClass);
else next(txt, cls);
for (var c in charsToHighlight)
recolorLinesInRange((+c), (+c) + 1, null, f);
return module;
function dispose()
disposed = true;
if (idleWorkTimer) idleWorkTimer.never();
function checkALines()
return; // disable for speed
function error()
throw new Error("checkALines");
if (rep.alines.length != rep.lines.length())
for (var i = 0; i < rep.alines.length; i++)
var aline = rep.alines[i];
var lineText = rep.lines.atIndex(i).text + "\n";
var lineTextLength = lineText.length;
var opIter = Changeset.opIterator(aline);
var alineLength = 0;
while (opIter.hasNext())
var o =;
alineLength += o.chars;
if (opIter.hasNext())
if (o.lines != 0) error();
if (o.lines != 1) error();
if (alineLength != lineTextLength)
function setWraps(newVal)
doesWrap = newVal;
var dwClass = "doesWrap";
setClassPresence(root, "doesWrap", doesWrap);
inCallStackIfNecessary("setWraps", function()
}, 0);
function setStyled(newVal)
var oldVal = isStyled;
isStyled = !! newVal;
if (newVal != oldVal)
if (!newVal)
// clear styles
inCallStackIfNecessary("setStyled", function()
var clearStyles = [];
for (var k in STYLE_ATTRIBS)
clearStyles.push([k, '']);
performDocumentApplyAttributesToCharRange(0, rep.alltext.length, clearStyles);
function setTextFace(face)
textFace = face; = textFace; = textFace;
}, 0);
function setTextSize(size)
textSize = size; = textSize + "px"; = textLineHeight() + "px"; = textLineHeight() + "px"; = textSize + "px";
}, 0);
function recreateDOM()
// precond: normalized
recolorLinesInRange(0, rep.alltext.length);
function setEditable(newVal)
isEditable = newVal;
// the following may fail, e.g. if iframe is hidden
if (!isEditable)
setClassPresence(root, "static", !isEditable);
function enforceEditability()
function importText(text, undoable, dontProcess)
var lines;
if (dontProcess)
if (text.charAt(text.length - 1) != "\n")
throw new Error("new raw text must end with newline");
if (/[\r\t\xa0]/.exec(text))
throw new Error("new raw text must not contain CR, tab, or nbsp");
lines = text.substring(0, text.length - 1).split('\n');
lines = map(text.split('\n'), textify);
var newText = "\n";
if (lines.length > 0)
newText = lines.join('\n') + '\n';
inCallStackIfNecessary("importText" + (undoable ? "Undoable" : ""), function()
if (dontProcess && rep.alltext != text)
throw new Error("mismatch error setting raw text in importText");
function importAText(atext, apoolJsonObj, undoable)
atext = Changeset.cloneAText(atext);
if (apoolJsonObj)
var wireApool = (new AttribPool()).fromJsonable(apoolJsonObj);
atext.attribs = Changeset.moveOpsToNewPool(atext.attribs, wireApool, rep.apool);
inCallStackIfNecessary("importText" + (undoable ? "Undoable" : ""), function()
function setDocAText(atext)
var oldLen = rep.lines.totalWidth();
var numLines = rep.lines.length();
var upToLastLine = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(numLines - 1);
var lastLineLength = rep.lines.atIndex(numLines - 1).text.length;
var assem = Changeset.smartOpAssembler();
var o = Changeset.newOp('-');
o.chars = upToLastLine;
o.lines = numLines - 1;
o.chars = lastLineLength;
o.lines = 0;
Changeset.appendATextToAssembler(atext, assem);
var newLen = oldLen + assem.getLengthChange();
var changeset = Changeset.checkRep(
Changeset.pack(oldLen, newLen, assem.toString(), atext.text.slice(0, -1)));
performSelectionChange([0, rep.lines.atIndex(0).lineMarker], [0, rep.lines.atIndex(0).lineMarker]);
if (rep.alltext != atext.text)
throw new Error("mismatch error setting raw text in setDocAText");
function setDocText(text)
function getDocText()
var alltext = rep.alltext;
var len = alltext.length;
if (len > 0) len--; // final extra newline
return alltext.substring(0, len);
function exportText()
if (currentCallStack && !currentCallStack.domClean)
inCallStackIfNecessary("exportText", function()
return getDocText();
function editorChangedSize()
function setOnKeyPress(handler)
outsideKeyPress = handler;
function setOnKeyDown(handler)
outsideKeyDown = handler;
function setNotifyDirty(handler)
outsideNotifyDirty = handler;
function getFormattedCode()
if (currentCallStack && !currentCallStack.domClean)
inCallStackIfNecessary("getFormattedCode", incorporateUserChanges);
var buf = [];
if (rep.lines.length() > 0)
// should be the case, even for empty file
var entry = rep.lines.atIndex(0);
while (entry)
var domInfo = entry.domInfo;
buf.push((domInfo && domInfo.getInnerHTML()) || domline.processSpaces(domline.escapeHTML(entry.text), doesWrap) || '&nbsp;' /*empty line*/ );
entry =;
return '<div class="syntax"><div>' + buf.join('</div>\n<div>') + '</div></div>';
var CMDS = {
clearauthorship: function(prompt)
if ((!(rep.selStart && rep.selEnd)) || isCaret())
if (prompt)
performDocumentApplyAttributesToCharRange(0, rep.alltext.length, [
['author', '']
setAttributeOnSelection('author', '');
function execCommand(cmd)
cmd = cmd.toLowerCase();
var cmdArgs =, 1);
if (CMDS[cmd])
inCallStack(cmd, function()
CMDS[cmd].apply(CMDS, cmdArgs);
function replaceRange(start, end, text)
inCallStack('replaceRange', function()
performDocumentReplaceRange(start, end, text);
editorInfo.ace_focus = focus;
editorInfo.ace_importText = importText;
editorInfo.ace_importAText = importAText;
editorInfo.ace_exportText = exportText;
editorInfo.ace_editorChangedSize = editorChangedSize;
editorInfo.ace_setOnKeyPress = setOnKeyPress;
editorInfo.ace_setOnKeyDown = setOnKeyDown;
editorInfo.ace_setNotifyDirty = setNotifyDirty;
editorInfo.ace_dispose = dispose;
editorInfo.ace_getFormattedCode = getFormattedCode;
editorInfo.ace_setEditable = setEditable;
editorInfo.ace_execCommand = execCommand;
editorInfo.ace_replaceRange = replaceRange;
editorInfo.ace_callWithAce = function(fn, callStack, normalize)
var wrapper = function()
return fn(editorInfo);
if (normalize !== undefined)
var wrapper1 = wrapper;
wrapper = function()
if (callStack !== undefined)
return editorInfo.ace_inCallStack(callStack, wrapper);
return wrapper();
editorInfo.ace_setProperty = function(key, value)
var k = key.toLowerCase();
if (k == "wraps")
else if (k == "showsauthorcolors")
setClassPresence(root, "authorColors", !! value);
else if (k == "showsuserselections")
setClassPresence(root, "userSelections", !! value);
else if (k == "showslinenumbers")
hasLineNumbers = !! value;
// disable line numbers on mobile devices
if ( hasLineNumbers = false;
setClassPresence(sideDiv, "sidedivhidden", !hasLineNumbers);
else if (k == "grayedout")
setClassPresence(outerWin.document.body, "grayedout", !! value);
else if (k == "dmesg")
dmesg = value;
window.dmesg = value;
else if (k == 'userauthor')
thisAuthor = String(value);
else if (k == 'styled')
else if (k == 'textface')
else if (k == 'textsize')
else if (k == 'rtlistrue')
setClassPresence(root, "rtl", !! value);
editorInfo.ace_setBaseText = function(txt)
editorInfo.ace_setBaseAttributedText = function(atxt, apoolJsonObj)
changesetTracker.setBaseAttributedText(atxt, apoolJsonObj);
editorInfo.ace_applyChangesToBase = function(c, optAuthor, apoolJsonObj)
changesetTracker.applyChangesToBase(c, optAuthor, apoolJsonObj);
editorInfo.ace_prepareUserChangeset = function()
return changesetTracker.prepareUserChangeset();
editorInfo.ace_applyPreparedChangesetToBase = function()
editorInfo.ace_setUserChangeNotificationCallback = function(f)
editorInfo.ace_setAuthorInfo = function(author, info)
setAuthorInfo(author, info);
editorInfo.ace_setAuthorSelectionRange = function(author, start, end)
changesetTracker.setAuthorSelectionRange(author, start, end);
editorInfo.ace_getUnhandledErrors = function()
return caughtErrors.slice();
editorInfo.ace_getDebugProperty = function(prop)
if (prop == "debugger")
// obfuscate "eval" so as not to scare yuicompressor
window['ev' + 'al']("debugger");
else if (prop == "rep")
return rep;
else if (prop == "window")
return window;
else if (prop == "document")
return document;
return undefined;
function now()
return (new Date()).getTime();
function newTimeLimit(ms)
//console.debug("new time limit");
var startTime = now();
var lastElapsed = 0;
var exceededAlready = false;
var printedTrace = false;
var isTimeUp = function()
if (exceededAlready)
if ((!printedTrace))
{ // && now() - startTime - ms > 300) {
printedTrace = true;
return true;
var elapsed = now() - startTime;
if (elapsed > ms)
exceededAlready = true;
//console.debug("time limit hit, before was %d/%d", lastElapsed, ms);
return true;
lastElapsed = elapsed;
return false;
isTimeUp.elapsed = function()
return now() - startTime;
return isTimeUp;
function makeIdleAction(func)
var scheduledTimeout = null;
var scheduledTime = 0;
function unschedule()
if (scheduledTimeout)
scheduledTimeout = null;
function reschedule(time)
scheduledTime = time;
var delay = time - now();
if (delay < 0) delay = 0;
scheduledTimeout = scheduler.setTimeout(callback, delay);
function callback()
scheduledTimeout = null;
// func may reschedule the action
return {
atMost: function(ms)
var latestTime = now() + ms;
if ((!scheduledTimeout) || scheduledTime > latestTime)
// atLeast(ms) will schedule the action if not scheduled yet.
// In other words, "infinity" is replaced by ms, even though
// it is technically larger.
atLeast: function(ms)
var earliestTime = now() + ms;
if ((!scheduledTimeout) || scheduledTime < earliestTime)
never: function()
function fastIncorp(n)
// normalize but don't do any lexing or anything
editorInfo.ace_fastIncorp = fastIncorp;
function incorpIfQuick()
var me = incorpIfQuick;
var failures = (me.failures || 0);
if (failures < 5)
var isTimeUp = newTimeLimit(40);
var madeChanges = incorporateUserChanges(isTimeUp);
if (isTimeUp())
me.failures = failures + 1;
return true;
var skipCount = (me.skipCount || 0);
if (skipCount == 20)
skipCount = 0;
me.failures = 0;
me.skipCount = skipCount;
return false;
var idleWorkTimer = makeIdleAction(function()
//if (! top.BEFORE) top.BEFORE = [];
//if (! isEditable) return; // and don't reschedule
if (inInternationalComposition)
// don't do idle input incorporation during international input composition
inCallStack("idleWorkTimer", function()
var isTimeUp = newTimeLimit(250);
var finishedImportantWork = false;
var finishedWork = false;
// isTimeUp() is a soft constraint for incorporateUserChanges,
// which always renormalizes the DOM, no matter how long it takes,
// but doesn't necessarily lex and highlight it
if (isTimeUp()) return;
updateLineNumbers(); // update line numbers if any time left
if (isTimeUp()) return;
var visibleRange = getVisibleCharRange();
var docRange = [0, rep.lines.totalWidth()];
//console.log("%o %o", docRange, visibleRange);
finishedImportantWork = true;
finishedWork = true;
if (finishedWork)
else if (finishedImportantWork)
// if we've finished highlighting the view area,
// more highlighting could be counter-productive,
// e.g. if the user just opened a triple-quote and will soon close it.
var timeToWait = Math.round(isTimeUp.elapsed() / 2);
if (timeToWait < 100) timeToWait = 100;
//if (! top.AFTER) top.AFTER = [];
var _nextId = 1;
function uniqueId(n)
// not actually guaranteed to be unique, e.g. if user copy-pastes
// nodes with ids
var nid =;
if (nid) return nid;
return ( = "magicdomid" + (_nextId++));
function recolorLinesInRange(startChar, endChar, isTimeUp, optModFunc)
if (endChar <= startChar) return;
if (startChar < 0 || startChar >= rep.lines.totalWidth()) return;
var lineEntry = rep.lines.atOffset(startChar); // rounds down to line boundary
var lineStart = rep.lines.offsetOfEntry(lineEntry);
var lineIndex = rep.lines.indexOfEntry(lineEntry);
var selectionNeedsResetting = false;
var firstLine = null;
var lastLine = null;
isTimeUp = (isTimeUp || noop);
// tokenFunc function; accesses current value of lineEntry and curDocChar,
// also mutates curDocChar
var curDocChar;
var tokenFunc = function(tokenText, tokenClass)
lineEntry.domInfo.appendSpan(tokenText, tokenClass);
if (optModFunc)
var f = tokenFunc;
tokenFunc = function(tokenText, tokenClass)
optModFunc(tokenText, tokenClass, f, curDocChar);
curDocChar += tokenText.length;
while (lineEntry && lineStart < endChar && !isTimeUp())
//var timer = newTimeLimit(200);
var lineEnd = lineStart + lineEntry.width;
curDocChar = lineStart;
getSpansForLine(lineEntry, tokenFunc, lineStart);
if (rep.selStart && rep.selStart[0] == lineIndex || rep.selEnd && rep.selEnd[0] == lineIndex)
selectionNeedsResetting = true;
//if (timer()) console.dirxml(lineEntry.lineNode.dom);
if (firstLine === null) firstLine = lineIndex;
lastLine = lineIndex;
lineStart = lineEnd;
lineEntry =;
if (selectionNeedsResetting)
currentCallStack.selectionAffected = true;
//console.debug("Recolored line range %d-%d", firstLine, lastLine);
// like getSpansForRange, but for a line, and the func takes (text,class)
// instead of (width,class); excludes the trailing '\n' from
// consideration by func
function getSpansForLine(lineEntry, textAndClassFunc, lineEntryOffsetHint)
var lineEntryOffset = lineEntryOffsetHint;
if ((typeof lineEntryOffset) != "number")
lineEntryOffset = rep.lines.offsetOfEntry(lineEntry);
var text = lineEntry.text;
var width = lineEntry.width; // text.length+1
if (text.length == 0)
// allow getLineStyleFilter to set line-div styles
var func = linestylefilter.getLineStyleFilter(
0, '', textAndClassFunc, rep.apool);
func('', '');
var offsetIntoLine = 0;
var filteredFunc = linestylefilter.getFilterStack(text, textAndClassFunc, browser);
var lineNum = rep.lines.indexOfEntry(lineEntry);
var aline = rep.alines[lineNum];
filteredFunc = linestylefilter.getLineStyleFilter(
text.length, aline, filteredFunc, rep.apool);
filteredFunc(text, '');
function getCharType(charIndex)
return '';
var observedChanges;
function clearObservedChanges()
observedChanges = {
cleanNodesNearChanges: {}
function getCleanNodeByKey(key)
var p = PROFILER("getCleanNodeByKey", false);
p.extra = 0;
var n = doc.getElementById(key);
// copying and pasting can lead to duplicate ids
while (n && isNodeDirty(n))
p.extra++; = "";
n = doc.getElementById(key);
p.literal(p.extra, "extra");
return n;
function observeChangesAroundNode(node)
// Around this top-level DOM node, look for changes to the document
// (from how it looks in our representation) and record them in a way
// that can be used to "normalize" the document (apply the changes to our
// representation, and put the DOM in a canonical form).
//top.console.log("observeChangesAroundNode(%o)", node);
var cleanNode;
var hasAdjacentDirtyness;
if (!isNodeDirty(node))
cleanNode = node;
var prevSib = cleanNode.previousSibling;
var nextSib = cleanNode.nextSibling;
hasAdjacentDirtyness = ((prevSib && isNodeDirty(prevSib)) || (nextSib && isNodeDirty(nextSib)));
// node is dirty, look for clean node above
var upNode = node.previousSibling;
while (upNode && isNodeDirty(upNode))
upNode = upNode.previousSibling;
if (upNode)
cleanNode = upNode;
var downNode = node.nextSibling;
while (downNode && isNodeDirty(downNode))
downNode = downNode.nextSibling;
if (downNode)
cleanNode = downNode;
if (!cleanNode)
// Couldn't find any adjacent clean nodes!
// Since top and bottom of doc is dirty, the dirty area will be detected.
hasAdjacentDirtyness = true;
if (hasAdjacentDirtyness)
// previous or next line is dirty
observedChanges.cleanNodesNearChanges['$' + uniqueId(cleanNode)] = true;
// next and prev lines are clean (if they exist)
var lineKey = uniqueId(cleanNode);
var prevSib = cleanNode.previousSibling;
var nextSib = cleanNode.nextSibling;
var actualPrevKey = ((prevSib && uniqueId(prevSib)) || null);
var actualNextKey = ((nextSib && uniqueId(nextSib)) || null);
var repPrevEntry = rep.lines.prev(rep.lines.atKey(lineKey));
var repNextEntry =;
var repPrevKey = ((repPrevEntry && repPrevEntry.key) || null);
var repNextKey = ((repNextEntry && repNextEntry.key) || null);
if (actualPrevKey != repPrevKey || actualNextKey != repNextKey)
observedChanges.cleanNodesNearChanges['$' + uniqueId(cleanNode)] = true;
function observeChangesAroundSelection()
if (currentCallStack.observedSelection) return;
currentCallStack.observedSelection = true;
var p = PROFILER("getSelection", false);
var selection = getSelection();
if (selection)
function topLevel(n)
if ((!n) || n == root) return null;
while (n.parentNode != root)
n = n.parentNode;
return n;
var node1 = topLevel(selection.startPoint.node);
var node2 = topLevel(selection.endPoint.node);
if (node1) observeChangesAroundNode(node1);
if (node2 && node1 != node2)
function observeSuspiciousNodes()
// inspired by Firefox bug #473255, where pasting formatted text
// causes the cursor to jump away, making the new HTML never found.
if (root.getElementsByTagName)
var nds = root.getElementsByTagName("style");
for (var i = 0; i < nds.length; i++)
var n = nds[i];
while (n.parentNode && n.parentNode != root)
n = n.parentNode;
if (n.parentNode == root)
function incorporateUserChanges(isTimeUp)
if (currentCallStack.domClean) return false;
inInternationalComposition = false; // if we need the document normalized, so be it
currentCallStack.isUserChange = true;
isTimeUp = (isTimeUp ||
return false;
if (DEBUG && window.DONT_INCORP || window.DEBUG_DONT_INCORP) return false;
var p = PROFILER("incorp", false);
//if (doc.body.innerHTML.indexOf("AppJet") >= 0)
//if (top.RECORD) top.RECORD.push(doc.body.innerHTML);
// returns true if dom changes were made
if (!root.firstChild)
root.innerHTML = "<div><!-- --></div>";
var dirtyRanges = getDirtyRanges();
//console.log("dirtyRanges: "+toSource(dirtyRanges));
var dirtyRangesCheckOut = true;
var j = 0;
var a, b;
while (j < dirtyRanges.length)
a = dirtyRanges[j][0];
b = dirtyRanges[j][1];
if (!((a == 0 || getCleanNodeByKey(rep.lines.atIndex(a - 1).key)) && (b == rep.lines.length() || getCleanNodeByKey(rep.lines.atIndex(b).key))))
dirtyRangesCheckOut = false;
if (!dirtyRangesCheckOut)
var numBodyNodes = root.childNodes.length;
for (var k = 0; k < numBodyNodes; k++)
var bodyNode = root.childNodes.item(k);
if ((bodyNode.tagName) && ((! || (!rep.lines.containsKey(
dirtyRanges = getDirtyRanges();
var selection = getSelection();
//console.log("got selection: %o", selection);
var selStart, selEnd; // each one, if truthy, has [line,char] needed to set selection
var i = 0;
var splicesToDo = [];
var netNumLinesChangeSoFar = 0;
var toDeleteAtEnd = [];
p.literal(dirtyRanges.length, "numdirt");
var domInsertsNeeded = []; // each entry is [nodeToInsertAfter, [info1, info2, ...]]
while (i < dirtyRanges.length)
var range = dirtyRanges[i];
a = range[0];
b = range[1];
var firstDirtyNode = (((a == 0) && root.firstChild) || getCleanNodeByKey(rep.lines.atIndex(a - 1).key).nextSibling);
firstDirtyNode = (firstDirtyNode && isNodeDirty(firstDirtyNode) && firstDirtyNode);
var lastDirtyNode = (((b == rep.lines.length()) && root.lastChild) || getCleanNodeByKey(rep.lines.atIndex(b).key).previousSibling);
lastDirtyNode = (lastDirtyNode && isNodeDirty(lastDirtyNode) && lastDirtyNode);
if (firstDirtyNode && lastDirtyNode)
var cc = makeContentCollector(isStyled, browser, rep.apool, null, className2Author);
var dirtyNodes = [];
for (var n = firstDirtyNode; n && !(n.previousSibling && n.previousSibling == lastDirtyNode);
n = n.nextSibling)
if (browser.msie)
// try to undo IE's pesky and overzealous linkification
n.createTextRange().execCommand("unlink", false, null);
catch (e)
var lines = cc.getLines();
if ((lines.length <= 1 || lines[lines.length - 1] !== "") && lastDirtyNode.nextSibling)
// dirty region doesn't currently end a line, even taking the following node
// (or lack of node) into account, so include the following clean node.
// It could be SPAN or a DIV; basically this is any case where the contentCollector
// decides it isn't done.
// Note that this clean node might need to be there for the next dirty range.
//console.log("inclusive of ";
var cleanLine = lastDirtyNode.nextSibling;
var ccData = cc.finish();
var ss = ccData.selStart;
var se = ccData.selEnd;
lines = ccData.lines;
var lineAttribs = ccData.lineAttribs;
var linesWrapped = ccData.linesWrapped;
if (linesWrapped > 0)
doAlert("Editor warning: " + linesWrapped + " long line" + (linesWrapped == 1 ? " was" : "s were") + " hard-wrapped into " + ccData.numLinesAfter + " lines.");
if (ss[0] >= 0) selStart = [ss[0] + a + netNumLinesChangeSoFar, ss[1]];
if (se[0] >= 0) selEnd = [se[0] + a + netNumLinesChangeSoFar, se[1]];
var entries = [];
var nodeToAddAfter = lastDirtyNode;
var lineNodeInfos = new Array(lines.length);
for (var k = 0; k < lines.length; k++)
var lineString = lines[k];
var newEntry = createDomLineEntry(lineString);
lineNodeInfos[k] = newEntry.domInfo;
//var fragment = magicdom.wrapDom(document.createDocumentFragment());
domInsertsNeeded.push([nodeToAddAfter, lineNodeInfos]);
forEach(dirtyNodes, function(n)
var spliceHints = {};
if (selStart) spliceHints.selStart = selStart;
if (selEnd) spliceHints.selEnd = selEnd;
splicesToDo.push([a + netNumLinesChangeSoFar, b - a, entries, lineAttribs, spliceHints]);
netNumLinesChangeSoFar += (lines.length - (b - a));
else if (b > a)
splicesToDo.push([a + netNumLinesChangeSoFar, b - a, [],
var domChanges = (splicesToDo.length > 0);
// update the representation
forEach(splicesToDo, function(splice)
doIncorpLineSplice(splice[0], splice[1], splice[2], splice[3], splice[4]);
//rep.lexer.lexCharRange(getVisibleCharRange(), function() { return false; });
//var isTimeUp = newTimeLimit(100);
// do DOM inserts
forEach(domInsertsNeeded, function(ins)
insertDomLines(ins[0], ins[1], isTimeUp);
// delete old dom nodes
forEach(toDeleteAtEnd, function(n)
//var id = n.uniqueId();
// parent of n may not be "root" in IE due to non-tree-shaped DOM (wtf)
//console.log("removed: "+id);
// if the nodes that define the selection weren't encountered during
// content collection, figure out where those nodes are now.
if (selection && !selStart)
//if (domChanges) dmesg("selection not collected");
selStart = getLineAndCharForPoint(selection.startPoint);
if (selection && !selEnd)
selEnd = getLineAndCharForPoint(selection.endPoint);
// selection from content collection can, in various ways, extend past final
// BR in firefox DOM, so cap the line
var numLines = rep.lines.length();
if (selStart && selStart[0] >= numLines)
selStart[0] = numLines - 1;
selStart[1] = rep.lines.atIndex(selStart[0]).text.length;
if (selEnd && selEnd[0] >= numLines)
selEnd[0] = numLines - 1;
selEnd[1] = rep.lines.atIndex(selEnd[0]).text.length;
// update rep if we have a new selection
// NOTE: IE loses the selection when you click stuff in e.g. the
// editbar, so removing the selection when it's lost is not a good
// idea.
if (selection) repSelectionChange(selStart, selEnd, selection && selection.focusAtStart);
// update browser selection
if (selection && (domChanges || isCaret()))
// if no DOM changes (not this case), want to treat range selection delicately,
// e.g. in IE not lose which end of the selection is the focus/anchor;
// on the other hand, we may have just noticed a press of PageUp/PageDown
currentCallStack.selectionAffected = true;
currentCallStack.domClean = true;
return domChanges;
function htmlForRemovedChild(n)
var div = doc.createElement("DIV");
return div.innerHTML;
bold: true,
italic: true,
underline: true,
strikethrough: true,
list: true
insertorder: true,
author: true
function isStyleAttribute(aname)
return !!STYLE_ATTRIBS[aname];
function isIncorpedAttribute(aname)
return ( !! STYLE_ATTRIBS[aname]) || ( !! OTHER_INCORPED_ATTRIBS[aname]);
function insertDomLines(nodeToAddAfter, infoStructs, isTimeUp)
isTimeUp = (isTimeUp ||
return false;
var lastEntry;
var lineStartOffset;
if (infoStructs.length < 1) return;
var startEntry = rep.lines.atKey(uniqueId(infoStructs[0].node));
var endEntry = rep.lines.atKey(uniqueId(infoStructs[infoStructs.length - 1].node));
var charStart = rep.lines.offsetOfEntry(startEntry);
var charEnd = rep.lines.offsetOfEntry(endEntry) + endEntry.width;
//rep.lexer.lexCharRange([charStart, charEnd], isTimeUp);
forEach(infoStructs, function(info)
var p2 = PROFILER("insertLine", false);
var node = info.node;
var key = uniqueId(node);
var entry;
if (lastEntry)
// optimization to avoid recalculation
var next =;
if (next && next.key == key)
entry = next;
lineStartOffset += lastEntry.width;
if (!entry)
p2.literal(1, "nonopt");
entry = rep.lines.atKey(key);
lineStartOffset = rep.lines.offsetOfKey(key);
else p2.literal(0, "nonopt");
lastEntry = entry;
getSpansForLine(entry, function(tokenText, tokenClass)
info.appendSpan(tokenText, tokenClass);
}, lineStartOffset, isTimeUp());
//else if (entry.text.length > 0) {
//info.appendSpan(entry.text, 'dirty');
entry.lineMarker = info.lineMarker;
if (!nodeToAddAfter)
root.insertBefore(node, root.firstChild);
root.insertBefore(node, nodeToAddAfter.nextSibling);
nodeToAddAfter = node;
function isCaret()
return (rep.selStart && rep.selEnd && rep.selStart[0] == rep.selEnd[0] && rep.selStart[1] == rep.selEnd[1]);
editorInfo.ace_isCaret = isCaret;
// prereq: isCaret()
function caretLine()
return rep.selStart[0];
function caretColumn()
return rep.selStart[1];
function caretDocChar()
return rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(caretLine()) + caretColumn();
function handleReturnIndentation()
// on return, indent to level of previous line
if (isCaret() && caretColumn() == 0 && caretLine() > 0)
var lineNum = caretLine();
var thisLine = rep.lines.atIndex(lineNum);
var prevLine = rep.lines.prev(thisLine);
var prevLineText = prevLine.text;
var theIndent = /^ *(?:)/.exec(prevLineText)[0];
if (/[\[\(\{]\s*$/.exec(prevLineText)) theIndent += THE_TAB;
var cs = Changeset.builder(rep.lines.totalWidth()).keep(
rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(lineNum), lineNum).insert(
theIndent, [
['author', thisAuthor]
], rep.apool).toString();
performSelectionChange([lineNum, theIndent.length], [lineNum, theIndent.length]);
function setupMozillaCaretHack(lineNum)
// This is really ugly, but by god, it works!
// Fixes annoying Firefox caret artifact (observed in
// and unfixed in Firefox 2 as of now) where mutating the DOM
// and then moving the caret to the beginning of a line causes
// an image of the caret to be XORed at the top of the iframe.
// The previous solution involved remembering to set the selection
// later, in response to the next event in the queue, which was hugely
// annoying.
// This solution: add a space character (0x20) to the beginning of the line.
// After setting the selection, remove the space.
var lineNode = rep.lines.atIndex(lineNum).lineNode;
var fc = lineNode.firstChild;
while (isBlockElement(fc) && fc.firstChild)
fc = fc.firstChild;
var textNode;
if (isNodeText(fc))
fc.nodeValue = " " + fc.nodeValue;
textNode = fc;
textNode = doc.createTextNode(" ");
fc.parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, fc);
return {
unhack: function()
if (textNode.nodeValue == " ")
textNode.nodeValue = textNode.nodeValue.substring(1);
function getPointForLineAndChar(lineAndChar)
var line = lineAndChar[0];
var charsLeft = lineAndChar[1];
//console.log("line: %d, key: %s, node: %o", line, rep.lines.atIndex(line).key,
var lineEntry = rep.lines.atIndex(line);
charsLeft -= lineEntry.lineMarker;
if (charsLeft < 0)
charsLeft = 0;
var lineNode = lineEntry.lineNode;
var n = lineNode;
var after = false;
if (charsLeft == 0)
var index = 0;
if (browser.msie && line == (rep.lines.length() - 1) && lineNode.childNodes.length == 0)
// best to stay at end of last empty div in IE
index = 1;
return {
node: lineNode,
index: index,
maxIndex: 1
while (!(n == lineNode && after))
if (after)
if (n.nextSibling)
n = n.nextSibling;
after = false;
else n = n.parentNode;
if (isNodeText(n))
var len = n.nodeValue.length;
if (charsLeft <= len)
return {
node: n,
index: charsLeft,
maxIndex: len
charsLeft -= len;
after = true;
if (n.firstChild) n = n.firstChild;
else after = true;
return {
node: lineNode,
index: 1,
maxIndex: 1
function nodeText(n)
return n.innerText || n.textContent || n.nodeValue || '';
function getLineAndCharForPoint(point)
// Turn DOM node selection into [line,char] selection.
// This method has to work when the DOM is not pristine,
// assuming the point is not in a dirty node.
if (point.node == root)
if (point.index == 0)
return [0, 0];
var N = rep.lines.length();
var ln = rep.lines.atIndex(N - 1);
return [N - 1, ln.text.length];
var n = point.node;
var col = 0;
// if this part fails, it probably means the selection node
// was dirty, and we didn't see it when collecting dirty nodes.
if (isNodeText(n))
col = point.index;
else if (point.index > 0)
col = nodeText(n).length;
var parNode, prevSib;
while ((parNode = n.parentNode) != root)
if ((prevSib = n.previousSibling))
n = prevSib;
col += nodeText(n).length;
n = parNode;
if ( == "") console.debug("BAD");
if (n.firstChild && isBlockElement(n.firstChild))
col += 1; // lineMarker
var lineEntry = rep.lines.atKey(;
var lineNum = rep.lines.indexOfEntry(lineEntry);
return [lineNum, col];
function createDomLineEntry(lineString)
var info = doCreateDomLine(lineString.length > 0);
var newNode = info.node;
return {
key: uniqueId(newNode),
text: lineString,
lineNode: newNode,
domInfo: info,
lineMarker: 0
function canApplyChangesetToDocument(changes)
return Changeset.oldLen(changes) == rep.alltext.length;
function performDocumentApplyChangeset(changes, insertsAfterSelection)
doRepApplyChangeset(changes, insertsAfterSelection);
var requiredSelectionSetting = null;
if (rep.selStart && rep.selEnd)
var selStartChar = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(rep.selStart[0]) + rep.selStart[1];
var selEndChar = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(rep.selEnd[0]) + rep.selEnd[1];
var result = Changeset.characterRangeFollow(changes, selStartChar, selEndChar, insertsAfterSelection);
requiredSelectionSetting = [result[0], result[1], rep.selFocusAtStart];
var linesMutatee = {
splice: function(start, numRemoved, newLinesVA)
domAndRepSplice(start, numRemoved, map(, 2), function(s)
return s.slice(0, -1);
}), null);
get: function(i)
return rep.lines.atIndex(i).text + '\n';
length: function()
return rep.lines.length();
slice_notused: function(start, end)
return map(rep.lines.slice(start, end), function(e)
return e.text + '\n';
Changeset.mutateTextLines(changes, linesMutatee);
if (requiredSelectionSetting)
performSelectionChange(lineAndColumnFromChar(requiredSelectionSetting[0]), lineAndColumnFromChar(requiredSelectionSetting[1]), requiredSelectionSetting[2]);
function domAndRepSplice(startLine, deleteCount, newLineStrings, isTimeUp)
// dgreensp 3/2009: the spliced lines may be in the middle of a dirty region,
// so if no explicit time limit, don't spend a lot of time highlighting
isTimeUp = (isTimeUp || newTimeLimit(50));
var keysToDelete = [];
if (deleteCount > 0)
var entryToDelete = rep.lines.atIndex(startLine);
for (var i = 0; i < deleteCount; i++)
entryToDelete =;
var lineEntries = map(newLineStrings, createDomLineEntry);
doRepLineSplice(startLine, deleteCount, lineEntries);
var nodeToAddAfter;
if (startLine > 0)
nodeToAddAfter = getCleanNodeByKey(rep.lines.atIndex(startLine - 1).key);
else nodeToAddAfter = null;
insertDomLines(nodeToAddAfter, map(lineEntries, function(entry)
return entry.domInfo;
}), isTimeUp);
forEach(keysToDelete, function(k)
var n = doc.getElementById(k);
if ((rep.selStart && rep.selStart[0] >= startLine && rep.selStart[0] <= startLine + deleteCount) || (rep.selEnd && rep.selEnd[0] >= startLine && rep.selEnd[0] <= startLine + deleteCount))
currentCallStack.selectionAffected = true;
function checkChangesetLineInformationAgainstRep(changes)
return true; // disable for speed
var opIter = Changeset.opIterator(Changeset.unpack(changes).ops);
var curOffset = 0;
var curLine = 0;
var curCol = 0;
while (opIter.hasNext())
var o =;
if (o.opcode == '-' || o.opcode == '=')
curOffset += o.chars;
if (o.lines)
curLine += o.lines;
curCol = 0;
curCol += o.chars;
var calcLine = rep.lines.indexOfOffset(curOffset);
var calcLineStart = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(calcLine);
var calcCol = curOffset - calcLineStart;
if (calcCol != curCol || calcLine != curLine)
return false;
return true;
function doRepApplyChangeset(changes, insertsAfterSelection)
if (Changeset.oldLen(changes) != rep.alltext.length) throw new Error("doRepApplyChangeset length mismatch: " + Changeset.oldLen(changes) + "/" + rep.alltext.length);
if (!checkChangesetLineInformationAgainstRep(changes))
throw new Error("doRepApplyChangeset line break mismatch");
(function doRecordUndoInformation(changes)
var editEvent = currentCallStack.editEvent;
if (editEvent.eventType == "nonundoable")
if (!editEvent.changeset)
editEvent.changeset = changes;
editEvent.changeset = Changeset.compose(editEvent.changeset, changes, rep.apool);
var inverseChangeset = Changeset.inverse(changes, {
get: function(i)
return rep.lines.atIndex(i).text + '\n';
length: function()
return rep.lines.length();
}, rep.alines, rep.apool);
if (!editEvent.backset)
editEvent.backset = inverseChangeset;
editEvent.backset = Changeset.compose(inverseChangeset, editEvent.backset, rep.apool);
//rep.alltext = Changeset.applyToText(changes, rep.alltext);
Changeset.mutateAttributionLines(changes, rep.alines, rep.apool);
if (changesetTracker.isTracking())
function lineAndColumnFromChar(x)
var lineEntry = rep.lines.atOffset(x);
var lineStart = rep.lines.offsetOfEntry(lineEntry);
var lineNum = rep.lines.indexOfEntry(lineEntry);
return [lineNum, x - lineStart];
function performDocumentReplaceCharRange(startChar, endChar, newText)
if (startChar == endChar && newText.length == 0)
// Requires that the replacement preserve the property that the
// internal document text ends in a newline. Given this, we
// rewrite the splice so that it doesn't touch the very last
// char of the document.
if (endChar == rep.alltext.length)
if (startChar == endChar)
// an insert at end
newText = '\n' + newText.substring(0, newText.length - 1);
else if (newText.length == 0)
// a delete at end
// a replace at end
newText = newText.substring(0, newText.length - 1);
performDocumentReplaceRange(lineAndColumnFromChar(startChar), lineAndColumnFromChar(endChar), newText);
function performDocumentReplaceRange(start, end, newText)
if (start == undefined) start = rep.selStart;
if (end == undefined) end = rep.selEnd;
// start[0]: <--- start[1] --->CCCCCCCCCCC\n
// CCCC\n
// end[0]: <CCC end[1] CCC>-------\n
var builder = Changeset.builder(rep.lines.totalWidth());
buildKeepToStartOfRange(builder, start);
buildRemoveRange(builder, start, end);
builder.insert(newText, [
['author', thisAuthor]
], rep.apool);
var cs = builder.toString();
function performDocumentApplyAttributesToCharRange(start, end, attribs)
if (end >= rep.alltext.length)
end = rep.alltext.length - 1;
performDocumentApplyAttributesToRange(lineAndColumnFromChar(start), lineAndColumnFromChar(end), attribs);
editorInfo.ace_performDocumentApplyAttributesToCharRange = performDocumentApplyAttributesToCharRange;
function performDocumentApplyAttributesToRange(start, end, attribs)
var builder = Changeset.builder(rep.lines.totalWidth());
buildKeepToStartOfRange(builder, start);
buildKeepRange(builder, start, end, attribs, rep.apool);
var cs = builder.toString();
function buildKeepToStartOfRange(builder, start)
var startLineOffset = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(start[0]);
builder.keep(startLineOffset, start[0]);
function buildRemoveRange(builder, start, end)
var startLineOffset = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(start[0]);
var endLineOffset = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(end[0]);
if (end[0] > start[0])
builder.remove(endLineOffset - startLineOffset - start[1], end[0] - start[0]);
builder.remove(end[1] - start[1]);
function buildKeepRange(builder, start, end, attribs, pool)
var startLineOffset = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(start[0]);
var endLineOffset = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(end[0]);
if (end[0] > start[0])
builder.keep(endLineOffset - startLineOffset - start[1], end[0] - start[0], attribs, pool);
builder.keep(end[1], 0, attribs, pool);
builder.keep(end[1] - start[1], 0, attribs, pool);
function setAttributeOnSelection(attributeName, attributeValue)
if (!(rep.selStart && rep.selEnd)) return;
performDocumentApplyAttributesToRange(rep.selStart, rep.selEnd, [
[attributeName, attributeValue]
editorInfo.ace_setAttributeOnSelection = setAttributeOnSelection;
function toggleAttributeOnSelection(attributeName)
if (!(rep.selStart && rep.selEnd)) return;
var selectionAllHasIt = true;
var withIt = Changeset.makeAttribsString('+', [
[attributeName, 'true']
], rep.apool);
var withItRegex = new RegExp(withIt.replace(/\*/g, '\\*') + "(\\*|$)");
function hasIt(attribs)
return withItRegex.test(attribs);
var selStartLine = rep.selStart[0];
var selEndLine = rep.selEnd[0];
for (var n = selStartLine; n <= selEndLine; n++)
var opIter = Changeset.opIterator(rep.alines[n]);
var indexIntoLine = 0;
var selectionStartInLine = 0;
var selectionEndInLine = rep.lines.atIndex(n).text.length; // exclude newline
if (n == selStartLine)
selectionStartInLine = rep.selStart[1];
if (n == selEndLine)
selectionEndInLine = rep.selEnd[1];
while (opIter.hasNext())
var op =;
var opStartInLine = indexIntoLine;
var opEndInLine = opStartInLine + op.chars;
if (!hasIt(op.attribs))
// does op overlap selection?
if (!(opEndInLine <= selectionStartInLine || opStartInLine >= selectionEndInLine))
selectionAllHasIt = false;
indexIntoLine = opEndInLine;
if (!selectionAllHasIt)
if (selectionAllHasIt)
performDocumentApplyAttributesToRange(rep.selStart, rep.selEnd, [
[attributeName, '']
performDocumentApplyAttributesToRange(rep.selStart, rep.selEnd, [
[attributeName, 'true']
editorInfo.ace_toggleAttributeOnSelection = toggleAttributeOnSelection;
function performDocumentReplaceSelection(newText)
if (!(rep.selStart && rep.selEnd)) return;
performDocumentReplaceRange(rep.selStart, rep.selEnd, newText);
// Change the abstract representation of the document to have a different set of lines.
// Must be called after rep.alltext is set.
function doRepLineSplice(startLine, deleteCount, newLineEntries)
forEach(newLineEntries, function(entry)
entry.width = entry.text.length + 1;
var startOldChar = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(startLine);
var endOldChar = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(startLine + deleteCount);
var oldRegionStart = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(startLine);
var oldRegionEnd = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(startLine + deleteCount);
rep.lines.splice(startLine, deleteCount, newLineEntries);
currentCallStack.docTextChanged = true;
currentCallStack.repChanged = true;
var newRegionEnd = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(startLine + newLineEntries.length);
var newText = map(newLineEntries, function(e)
return e.text + '\n';
rep.alltext = rep.alltext.substring(0, startOldChar) + newText + rep.alltext.substring(endOldChar, rep.alltext.length);
//var newTotalLength = rep.alltext.length;
//rep.lexer.updateBuffer(rep.alltext, oldRegionStart, oldRegionEnd - oldRegionStart,
//newRegionEnd - oldRegionStart);
function doIncorpLineSplice(startLine, deleteCount, newLineEntries, lineAttribs, hints)
var startOldChar = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(startLine);
var endOldChar = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(startLine + deleteCount);
var oldRegionStart = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(startLine);
var selStartHintChar, selEndHintChar;
if (hints && hints.selStart)
selStartHintChar = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(hints.selStart[0]) + hints.selStart[1] - oldRegionStart;
if (hints && hints.selEnd)
selEndHintChar = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(hints.selEnd[0]) + hints.selEnd[1] - oldRegionStart;
var newText = map(newLineEntries, function(e)
return e.text + '\n';
var oldText = rep.alltext.substring(startOldChar, endOldChar);
var oldAttribs = rep.alines.slice(startLine, startLine + deleteCount).join('');
var newAttribs = lineAttribs.join('|1+1') + '|1+1'; // not valid in a changeset
var analysis = analyzeChange(oldText, newText, oldAttribs, newAttribs, selStartHintChar, selEndHintChar);
var commonStart = analysis[0];
var commonEnd = analysis[1];
var shortOldText = oldText.substring(commonStart, oldText.length - commonEnd);
var shortNewText = newText.substring(commonStart, newText.length - commonEnd);
var spliceStart = startOldChar + commonStart;
var spliceEnd = endOldChar - commonEnd;
var shiftFinalNewlineToBeforeNewText = false;
// adjust the splice to not involve the final newline of the document;
// be very defensive
if (shortOldText.charAt(shortOldText.length - 1) == '\n' && shortNewText.charAt(shortNewText.length - 1) == '\n')
// replacing text that ends in newline with text that also ends in newline
// (still, after analysis, somehow)
shortOldText = shortOldText.slice(0, -1);
shortNewText = shortNewText.slice(0, -1);
if (shortOldText.length == 0 && spliceStart == rep.alltext.length && shortNewText.length > 0)
// inserting after final newline, bad
shortNewText = '\n' + shortNewText.slice(0, -1);
shiftFinalNewlineToBeforeNewText = true;
if (spliceEnd == rep.alltext.length && shortOldText.length > 0 && shortNewText.length == 0)
// deletion at end of rep.alltext
if (rep.alltext.charAt(spliceStart - 1) == '\n')
// (if not then what the heck? it will definitely lead
// to a rep.alltext without a final newline)
if (!(shortOldText.length == 0 && shortNewText.length == 0))
var oldDocText = rep.alltext;
var oldLen = oldDocText.length;
var spliceStartLine = rep.lines.indexOfOffset(spliceStart);
var spliceStartLineStart = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(spliceStartLine);
function startBuilder()
var builder = Changeset.builder(oldLen);
builder.keep(spliceStartLineStart, spliceStartLine);
builder.keep(spliceStart - spliceStartLineStart);
return builder;
function eachAttribRun(attribs, func /*(startInNewText, endInNewText, attribs)*/ )
var attribsIter = Changeset.opIterator(attribs);
var textIndex = 0;
var newTextStart = commonStart;
var newTextEnd = newText.length - commonEnd - (shiftFinalNewlineToBeforeNewText ? 1 : 0);
while (attribsIter.hasNext())
var op =;
var nextIndex = textIndex + op.chars;
if (!(nextIndex <= newTextStart || textIndex >= newTextEnd))
func(Math.max(newTextStart, textIndex), Math.min(newTextEnd, nextIndex), op.attribs);
textIndex = nextIndex;
var justApplyStyles = (shortNewText == shortOldText);
var theChangeset;
if (justApplyStyles)
// create changeset that clears the incorporated styles on
// the existing text. we compose this with the
// changeset the applies the styles found in the DOM.
// This allows us to incorporate, e.g., Safari's native "unbold".
var incorpedAttribClearer = cachedStrFunc(function(oldAtts)
return Changeset.mapAttribNumbers(oldAtts, function(n)
var k = rep.apool.getAttribKey(n);
if (isStyleAttribute(k))
return rep.apool.putAttrib([k, '']);
return false;
var builder1 = startBuilder();
if (shiftFinalNewlineToBeforeNewText)
builder1.keep(1, 1);
eachAttribRun(oldAttribs, function(start, end, attribs)
builder1.keepText(newText.substring(start, end), incorpedAttribClearer(attribs));
var clearer = builder1.toString();
var builder2 = startBuilder();
if (shiftFinalNewlineToBeforeNewText)
builder2.keep(1, 1);
eachAttribRun(newAttribs, function(start, end, attribs)
builder2.keepText(newText.substring(start, end), attribs);
var styler = builder2.toString();
theChangeset = Changeset.compose(clearer, styler, rep.apool);
var builder = startBuilder();
var spliceEndLine = rep.lines.indexOfOffset(spliceEnd);
var spliceEndLineStart = rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(spliceEndLine);
if (spliceEndLineStart > spliceStart)
builder.remove(spliceEndLineStart - spliceStart, spliceEndLine - spliceStartLine);
builder.remove(spliceEnd - spliceEndLineStart);
builder.remove(spliceEnd - spliceStart);
var isNewTextMultiauthor = false;
var authorAtt = Changeset.makeAttribsString('+', (thisAuthor ? [
['author', thisAuthor]
] : []), rep.apool);
var authorizer = cachedStrFunc(function(oldAtts)
if (isNewTextMultiauthor)
// prefer colors from DOM
return Changeset.composeAttributes(authorAtt, oldAtts, true, rep.apool);
// use this author's color
return Changeset.composeAttributes(oldAtts, authorAtt, true, rep.apool);
var foundDomAuthor = '';
eachAttribRun(newAttribs, function(start, end, attribs)
var a = Changeset.attribsAttributeValue(attribs, 'author', rep.apool);
if (a && a != foundDomAuthor)
if (!foundDomAuthor)
foundDomAuthor = a;
isNewTextMultiauthor = true; // multiple authors in DOM!
if (shiftFinalNewlineToBeforeNewText)
builder.insert('\n', authorizer(''));
eachAttribRun(newAttribs, function(start, end, attribs)
builder.insert(newText.substring(start, end), authorizer(attribs));
theChangeset = builder.toString();
// do this no matter what, because we need to get the right
// line keys into the rep.
doRepLineSplice(startLine, deleteCount, newLineEntries);
function cachedStrFunc(func)
var cache = {};
return function(s)
if (!cache[s])
cache[s] = func(s);
return cache[s];
function analyzeChange(oldText, newText, oldAttribs, newAttribs, optSelStartHint, optSelEndHint)
function incorpedAttribFilter(anum)
return isStyleAttribute(rep.apool.getAttribKey(anum));
function attribRuns(attribs)
var lengs = [];
var atts = [];
var iter = Changeset.opIterator(attribs);
while (iter.hasNext())
var op =;
return [lengs, atts];
function attribIterator(runs, backward)
var lengs = runs[0];
var atts = runs[1];
var i = (backward ? lengs.length - 1 : 0);
var j = 0;
return function next()
while (j >= lengs[i])
if (backward) i--;
else i++;
j = 0;
var a = atts[i];
return a;
var oldLen = oldText.length;
var newLen = newText.length;
var minLen = Math.min(oldLen, newLen);
var oldARuns = attribRuns(Changeset.filterAttribNumbers(oldAttribs, incorpedAttribFilter));
var newARuns = attribRuns(Changeset.filterAttribNumbers(newAttribs, incorpedAttribFilter));
var commonStart = 0;
var oldStartIter = attribIterator(oldARuns, false);
var newStartIter = attribIterator(newARuns, false);
while (commonStart < minLen)
if (oldText.charAt(commonStart) == newText.charAt(commonStart) && oldStartIter() == newStartIter())
else break;
var commonEnd = 0;
var oldEndIter = attribIterator(oldARuns, true);
var newEndIter = attribIterator(newARuns, true);
while (commonEnd < minLen)
if (commonEnd == 0)
// assume newline in common
else if (oldText.charAt(oldLen - 1 - commonEnd) == newText.charAt(newLen - 1 - commonEnd) && oldEndIter() == newEndIter())
else break;
var hintedCommonEnd = -1;
if ((typeof optSelEndHint) == "number")
hintedCommonEnd = newLen - optSelEndHint;
if (commonStart + commonEnd > oldLen)
// ambiguous insertion
var minCommonEnd = oldLen - commonStart;
var maxCommonEnd = commonEnd;
if (hintedCommonEnd >= minCommonEnd && hintedCommonEnd <= maxCommonEnd)
commonEnd = hintedCommonEnd;
commonEnd = minCommonEnd;
commonStart = oldLen - commonEnd;
if (commonStart + commonEnd > newLen)
// ambiguous deletion
var minCommonEnd = newLen - commonStart;
var maxCommonEnd = commonEnd;
if (hintedCommonEnd >= minCommonEnd && hintedCommonEnd <= maxCommonEnd)
commonEnd = hintedCommonEnd;
commonEnd = minCommonEnd;
commonStart = newLen - commonEnd;
return [commonStart, commonEnd];
function equalLineAndChars(a, b)
if (!a) return !b;
if (!b) return !a;
return (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1]);
function performSelectionChange(selectStart, selectEnd, focusAtStart)
if (repSelectionChange(selectStart, selectEnd, focusAtStart))
currentCallStack.selectionAffected = true;
// Change the abstract representation of the document to have a different selection.
// Should not rely on the line representation. Should not affect the DOM.
function repSelectionChange(selectStart, selectEnd, focusAtStart)
focusAtStart = !! focusAtStart;
var newSelFocusAtStart = (focusAtStart && ((!selectStart) || (!selectEnd) || (selectStart[0] != selectEnd[0]) || (selectStart[1] != selectEnd[1])));
if ((!equalLineAndChars(rep.selStart, selectStart)) || (!equalLineAndChars(rep.selEnd, selectEnd)) || (rep.selFocusAtStart != newSelFocusAtStart))
rep.selStart = selectStart;
rep.selEnd = selectEnd;
rep.selFocusAtStart = newSelFocusAtStart;
if (mozillaFakeArrows) mozillaFakeArrows.notifySelectionChanged();
currentCallStack.repChanged = true;
return true;
//console.log("selStart: %o, selEnd: %o, focusAtStart: %s", rep.selStart, rep.selEnd,
return false;
//console.log("%o %o %s", rep.selStart, rep.selEnd, rep.selFocusAtStart);
function doCreateDomLine(nonEmpty)
if (browser.msie && (!nonEmpty))
var result = {
node: null,
appendSpan: noop,
prepareForAdd: noop,
notifyAdded: noop,
clearSpans: noop,
finishUpdate: noop,
lineMarker: 0
var lineElem = doc.createElement("div");
result.node = lineElem;
result.notifyAdded = function()
// magic -- settng an empty div's innerHTML to the empty string
// keeps it from collapsing. Apparently innerHTML must be set *after*
// adding the node to the DOM.
// Such a div is what IE 6 creates naturally when you make a blank line
// in a document of divs. However, when copy-and-pasted the div will
// contain a space, so we note its emptiness with a property.
lineElem.innerHTML = "";
// a primitive-valued property survives copy-and-paste
setAssoc(lineElem, "shouldBeEmpty", true);
// an object property doesn't
setAssoc(lineElem, "unpasted", {});
var lineClass = 'ace-line';
result.appendSpan = function(txt, cls)
if ((!txt) && cls)
// gain a whole-line style (currently to show insertion point in CSS)
lineClass = domline.addToLineClass(lineClass, cls);
// otherwise, ignore appendSpan, this is an empty line
result.clearSpans = function()
lineClass = ''; // non-null to cause update
function writeClass()
if (lineClass !== null) lineElem.className = lineClass;
result.prepareForAdd = writeClass;
result.finishUpdate = writeClass;
result.getInnerHTML = function()
return "";
return result;
return domline.createDomLine(nonEmpty, doesWrap, browser, doc);
function textify(str)
return str.replace(/[\n\r ]/g, ' ').replace(/\xa0/g, ' ').replace(/\t/g, ' ');
var _blockElems = {
"div": 1,
"p": 1,
"pre": 1,
"li": 1,
"ol": 1,
"ul": 1
function isBlockElement(n)
return !!_blockElems[(n.tagName || "").toLowerCase()];
function getDirtyRanges()
// based on observedChanges, return a list of ranges of original lines
// that need to be removed or replaced with new user content to incorporate
// the user's changes into the line representation. ranges may be zero-length,
// indicating inserted content. for example, [0,0] means content was inserted
// at the top of the document, while [3,4] means line 3 was deleted, modified,
// or replaced with one or more new lines of content. ranges do not touch.
var p = PROFILER("getDirtyRanges", false);
p.forIndices = 0;
p.consecutives = 0;
p.corrections = 0;
var cleanNodeForIndexCache = {};
var N = rep.lines.length(); // old number of lines
function cleanNodeForIndex(i)
// if line (i) in the un-updated line representation maps to a clean node
// in the document, return that node.
// if (i) is out of bounds, return true. else return false.
if (cleanNodeForIndexCache[i] === undefined)
var result;
if (i < 0 || i >= N)
result = true; // truthy, but no actual node
var key = rep.lines.atIndex(i).key;
result = (getCleanNodeByKey(key) || false);
cleanNodeForIndexCache[i] = result;
return cleanNodeForIndexCache[i];
var isConsecutiveCache = {};
function isConsecutive(i)
if (isConsecutiveCache[i] === undefined)
isConsecutiveCache[i] = (function()
// returns whether line (i) and line (i-1), assumed to be map to clean DOM nodes,
// or document boundaries, are consecutive in the changed DOM
var a = cleanNodeForIndex(i - 1);
var b = cleanNodeForIndex(i);
if ((!a) || (!b)) return false; // violates precondition
if ((a === true) && (b === true)) return !root.firstChild;
if ((a === true) && b.previousSibling) return false;
if ((b === true) && a.nextSibling) return false;
if ((a === true) || (b === true)) return true;
return a.nextSibling == b;
return isConsecutiveCache[i];
function isClean(i)
// returns whether line (i) in the un-updated representation maps to a clean node,
// or is outside the bounds of the document
return !!cleanNodeForIndex(i);
// list of pairs, each representing a range of lines that is clean and consecutive
// in the changed DOM. lines (-1) and (N) are always clean, but may or may not
// be consecutive with lines in the document. pairs are in sorted order.
var cleanRanges = [
[-1, N + 1]
function rangeForLine(i)
// returns index of cleanRange containing i, or -1 if none
var answer = -1;
forEach(cleanRanges, function(r, idx)
if (i >= r[1]) return false; // keep looking
if (i < r[0]) return true; // not found, stop looking
answer = idx;
return true; // found, stop looking
return answer;
function removeLineFromRange(rng, line)
// rng is index into cleanRanges, line is line number
// precond: line is in rng
var a = cleanRanges[rng][0];
var b = cleanRanges[rng][1];
if ((a + 1) == b) cleanRanges.splice(rng, 1);
else if (line == a) cleanRanges[rng][0]++;
else if (line == (b - 1)) cleanRanges[rng][1]--;
else cleanRanges.splice(rng, 1, [a, line], [line + 1, b]);
function splitRange(rng, pt)
// precond: pt splits cleanRanges[rng] into two non-empty ranges
var a = cleanRanges[rng][0];
var b = cleanRanges[rng][1];
cleanRanges.splice(rng, 1, [a, pt], [pt, b]);
var correctedLines = {};
function correctlyAssignLine(line)
if (correctedLines[line]) return true;
correctedLines[line] = true;
// "line" is an index of a line in the un-updated rep.
// returns whether line was already correctly assigned (i.e. correctly
// clean or dirty, according to cleanRanges, and if clean, correctly
// attached or not attached (i.e. in the same range as) the prev and next lines).
//console.log("correctly assigning: %d", line);
var rng = rangeForLine(line);
var lineClean = isClean(line);
if (rng < 0)
if (lineClean)
console.debug("somehow lost clean line");
return true;
if (!lineClean)
// a clean-range includes this dirty line, fix it
removeLineFromRange(rng, line);
return false;
// line is clean, but could be wrongly connected to a clean line
// above or below
var a = cleanRanges[rng][0];
var b = cleanRanges[rng][1];
var didSomething = false;
// we'll leave non-clean adjacent nodes in the clean range for the caller to
// detect and deal with. we deal with whether the range should be split
// just above or just below this line.
if (a < line && isClean(line - 1) && !isConsecutive(line))
splitRange(rng, line);
didSomething = true;
if (b > (line + 1) && isClean(line + 1) && !isConsecutive(line + 1))
splitRange(rng, line + 1);
didSomething = true;
return !didSomething;
function detectChangesAroundLine(line, reqInARow)
// make sure cleanRanges is correct about line number "line" and the surrounding
// lines; only stops checking at end of document or after no changes need
// making for several consecutive lines. note that iteration is over old lines,
// so this operation takes time proportional to the number of old lines
// that are changed or missing, not the number of new lines inserted.
var correctInARow = 0;
var currentIndex = line;
while (correctInARow < reqInARow && currentIndex >= 0)
if (correctlyAssignLine(currentIndex))
else correctInARow = 0;
correctInARow = 0;
currentIndex = line;
while (correctInARow < reqInARow && currentIndex < N)
if (correctlyAssignLine(currentIndex))
else correctInARow = 0;
if (N == 0)
if (!isConsecutive(0))
splitRange(0, 0);
detectChangesAroundLine(0, 1);
detectChangesAroundLine(N - 1, 1);
//console.log("observedChanges: "+toSource(observedChanges));
for (var k in observedChanges.cleanNodesNearChanges)
var key = k.substring(1);
if (rep.lines.containsKey(key))
var line = rep.lines.indexOfKey(key);
detectChangesAroundLine(line, 2);
p.literal(p.forIndices, "byidx");
p.literal(p.consecutives, "cons");
p.literal(p.corrections, "corr");
var dirtyRanges = [];
for (var r = 0; r < cleanRanges.length - 1; r++)
dirtyRanges.push([cleanRanges[r][1], cleanRanges[r + 1][0]]);
return dirtyRanges;
function markNodeClean(n)
// clean nodes have knownHTML that matches their innerHTML
var dirtiness = {};
dirtiness.nodeId = uniqueId(n);
dirtiness.knownHTML = n.innerHTML;
if (browser.msie)
// adding a space to an "empty" div in IE designMode doesn't
// change the innerHTML of the div's parent; also, other
// browsers don't support innerText
dirtiness.knownText = n.innerText;
setAssoc(n, "dirtiness", dirtiness);
function isNodeDirty(n)
var p = PROFILER("cleanCheck", false);
if (n.parentNode != root) return true;
var data = getAssoc(n, "dirtiness");
if (!data) return true;
if ( !== data.nodeId) return true;
if (browser.msie)
if (n.innerText !== data.knownText) return true;
if (n.innerHTML !== data.knownHTML) return true;
return false;
function getLineEntryTopBottom(entry, destObj)
var dom = entry.lineNode;
var top = dom.offsetTop;
var height = dom.offsetHeight;
var obj = (destObj || {}); = top;
obj.bottom = (top + height);
return obj;
function getViewPortTopBottom()
var theTop = getScrollY();
var doc = outerWin.document;
var height = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
return {
top: theTop,
bottom: (theTop + height)
function getVisibleLineRange()
var viewport = getViewPortTopBottom();
//console.log("viewport top/bottom: %o", viewport);
var obj = {};
var start =
return getLineEntryTopBottom(e, obj).bottom >;
var end =
return getLineEntryTopBottom(e, obj).top >= viewport.bottom;
if (end < start) end = start; // unlikely
return [start, end];
function getVisibleCharRange()
var lineRange = getVisibleLineRange();
return [rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(lineRange[0]), rep.lines.offsetOfIndex(lineRange[1])];
function handleClick(evt)
//hide the dropdowns
if({ // required in case its in an iframe should probably use parent.. See Issue 327"none");
inCallStack("handleClick", function()
// only want to catch left-click
if ((!evt.ctrlKey) && (evt.button != 2) && (evt.button != 3))
// find A tag with HREF
function isLink(n)
return (n.tagName || '').toLowerCase() == "a" && n.href;
var n =;
while (n && n.parentNode && !isLink(n))
n = n.parentNode;
if (n && isLink(n))
var newWindow =, '_blank');
catch (e)
// absorb "user canceled" error in IE for certain prompts
function doReturnKey()
if (!(rep.selStart && rep.selEnd))
var lineNum = rep.selStart[0];
var listType = getLineListType(lineNum);
if (listType)
var text = rep.lines.atIndex(lineNum).text;
listType = /([a-z]+)([12345678])/.exec(listType);
var type = listType[1];
var level = Number(listType[2]);
//detect empty list item; exclude indentation
if(text === '*' && type !== "indent")
//if not already on the highest level
if(level > 1)
setLineListType(lineNum, type+(level-1));//automatically decrease the level
setLineListType(lineNum, '');//remove the list
renumberList(lineNum + 1);//trigger renumbering of list that may be right after
else if (lineNum + 1 < rep.lines.length())
setLineListType(lineNum + 1, type+level);
function doIndentOutdent(isOut)
if (!(rep.selStart && rep.selEnd) ||
((rep.selStart[0] == rep.selEnd[0]) && (rep.selStart[1] == rep.selEnd[1]) && rep.selEnd[1] > 1))
return false;
var firstLine, lastLine;
firstLine = rep.selStart[0];
lastLine = Math.max(firstLine, rep.selEnd[0] - ((rep.selEnd[1] == 0) ? 1 : 0));
var mods = [];
for (var n = firstLine; n <= lastLine; n++)
var listType = getLineListType(n);
var t = 'indent';
var level = 0;
if (listType)
listType = /([a-z]+)([12345678])/.exec(listType);
if (listType)
t = listType[1];
level = Number(listType[2]);
var newLevel = Math.max(0, Math.min(MAX_LIST_LEVEL, level + (isOut ? -1 : 1)));
if (level != newLevel)
mods.push([n, (newLevel > 0) ? t + newLevel : '']);
if (mods.length > 0)
return true;
editorInfo.ace_doIndentOutdent = doIndentOutdent;
function doTabKey(shiftDown)
if (!doIndentOutdent(shiftDown))
function doDeleteKey(optEvt)
var evt = optEvt || {};
var handled = false;
if (rep.selStart)
if (isCaret())
var lineNum = caretLine();
var col = caretColumn();
var lineEntry = rep.lines.atIndex(lineNum);
var lineText = lineEntry.text;
var lineMarker = lineEntry.lineMarker;
if (/^ +$/.exec(lineText.substring(lineMarker, col)))
var col2 = col - lineMarker;
var tabSize = THE_TAB.length;
var toDelete = ((col2 - 1) % tabSize) + 1;
performDocumentReplaceRange([lineNum, col - toDelete], [lineNum, col], '');
handled = true;
if (!handled)
if (isCaret())
var theLine = caretLine();
var lineEntry = rep.lines.atIndex(theLine);
if (caretColumn() <= lineEntry.lineMarker)
// delete at beginning of line
var action = 'delete_newline';
var prevLineListType = (theLine > 0 ? getLineListType(theLine - 1) : '');
var thisLineListType = getLineListType(theLine);
var prevLineEntry = (theLine > 0 && rep.lines.atIndex(theLine - 1));
var prevLineBlank = (prevLineEntry && prevLineEntry.text.length == prevLineEntry.lineMarker);
if (thisLineListType)
// this line is a list
if (prevLineBlank && !prevLineListType)
// previous line is blank, remove it
performDocumentReplaceRange([theLine - 1, prevLineEntry.text.length], [theLine, 0], '');
// delistify
performDocumentReplaceRange([theLine, 0], [theLine, lineEntry.lineMarker], '');
else if (theLine > 0)
// remove newline
performDocumentReplaceRange([theLine - 1, prevLineEntry.text.length], [theLine, 0], '');
var docChar = caretDocChar();
if (docChar > 0)
if (evt.metaKey || evt.ctrlKey || evt.altKey)
// delete as many unicode "letters or digits" in a row as possible;
// always delete one char, delete further even if that first char
// isn't actually a word char.
var deleteBackTo = docChar - 1;
while (deleteBackTo > lineEntry.lineMarker && isWordChar(rep.alltext.charAt(deleteBackTo - 1)))
performDocumentReplaceCharRange(deleteBackTo, docChar, '');
// normal delete
performDocumentReplaceCharRange(docChar - 1, docChar, '');
//if the list has been removed, it is necessary to renumber
//starting from the *next* line because the list may have been
//separated. If it returns null, it means that the list was not cut, try
//from the current one.
var line = caretLine();
if(line != -1 && renumberList(line+1)==null)
// set of "letter or digit" chars is based on section 20.5.16 of the original Java Language Spec
var REGEX_WORDCHAR = /[\u0030-\u0039\u0041-\u005A\u0061-\u007A\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u00FF\u0100-\u1FFF\u3040-\u9FFF\uF900-\uFDFF\uFE70-\uFEFE\uFF10-\uFF19\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFDC]/;
var REGEX_SPACE = /\s/;
function isWordChar(c)
return !!REGEX_WORDCHAR.exec(c);
function isSpaceChar(c)
return !!REGEX_SPACE.exec(c);
function moveByWordInLine(lineText, initialIndex, forwardNotBack)
var i = initialIndex;
function nextChar()
if (forwardNotBack) return lineText.charAt(i);
else return lineText.charAt(i - 1);
function advance()
if (forwardNotBack) i++;
else i--;
function isDone()
if (forwardNotBack) return i >= lineText.length;
else return i <= 0;
// On Mac and Linux, move right moves to end of word and move left moves to start;
// on Windows, always move to start of word.
// On Windows, Firefox and IE disagree on whether to stop for punctuation (FF says no).
if ( && forwardNotBack)
while ((!isDone()) && isWordChar(nextChar()))
while ((!isDone()) && !isWordChar(nextChar()))
while ((!isDone()) && !isWordChar(nextChar()))
while ((!isDone()) && isWordChar(nextChar()))
return i;
function handleKeyEvent(evt)
// if (DEBUG && window.DONT_INCORP) return;
if (!isEditable) return;
var type = evt.type;
var charCode = evt.charCode;
var keyCode = evt.keyCode;
var which = evt.which;
//dmesg("keyevent type: "+type+", which: "+which);
// Don't take action based on modifier keys going up and down.
// Modifier keys do not generate "keypress" events.
// 224 is the command-key under Mac Firefox.
// 91 is the Windows key in IE; it is ASCII for open-bracket but isn't the keycode for that key
// 20 is capslock in IE.
var isModKey = ((!charCode) && ((type == "keyup") || (type == "keydown")) && (keyCode == 16 || keyCode == 17 || keyCode == 18 || keyCode == 20 || keyCode == 224 || keyCode == 91));
if (isModKey) return;
var specialHandled = false;
var isTypeForSpecialKey = ((browser.msie || browser.safari) ? (type == "keydown") : (type == "keypress"));
var isTypeForCmdKey = ((browser.msie || browser.safari) ? (type == "keydown") : (type == "keypress"));
var stopped = false;
inCallStack("handleKeyEvent", function()
if (type == "keypress" || (isTypeForSpecialKey && keyCode == 13 /*return*/ ))
// in IE, special keys don't send keypress, the keydown does the action
if (!outsideKeyPress(evt))
stopped = true;
else if (type == "keydown")
if (!stopped)
if (isTypeForSpecialKey && keyCode == 8)
// "delete" key; in mozilla, if we're at the beginning of a line, normalize now,
// or else deleting a blank line can take two delete presses.
// --
// we do deletes completely customly now:
// - allows consistent (and better) meta-delete behavior
// - normalizing and then allowing default behavior confused IE
// - probably eliminates a few minor quirks
specialHandled = true;
if ((!specialHandled) && isTypeForSpecialKey && keyCode == 13)
// return key, handle specially;
// note that in mozilla we need to do an incorporation for proper return behavior anyway.
outerWin.scrollBy(-100, 0);
}, 0);
specialHandled = true;
if ((!specialHandled) && isTypeForSpecialKey && keyCode == 9 && !(evt.metaKey || evt.ctrlKey))
// tab
specialHandled = true;
if ((!specialHandled) && isTypeForCmdKey && String.fromCharCode(which).toLowerCase() == "z" && (evt.metaKey || evt.ctrlKey) && !evt.altKey)
// cmd-Z (undo)
if (evt.shiftKey)
specialHandled = true;
if ((!specialHandled) && isTypeForCmdKey && String.fromCharCode(which).toLowerCase() == "y" && (evt.metaKey || evt.ctrlKey))
// cmd-Y (redo)
specialHandled = true;
if ((!specialHandled) && isTypeForCmdKey && String.fromCharCode(which).toLowerCase() == "b" && (evt.metaKey || evt.ctrlKey))
// cmd-B (bold)
specialHandled = true;
if ((!specialHandled) && isTypeForCmdKey && String.fromCharCode(which).toLowerCase() == "i" && (evt.metaKey || evt.ctrlKey))
// cmd-I (italic)
specialHandled = true;
if ((!specialHandled) && isTypeForCmdKey && String.fromCharCode(which).toLowerCase() == "u" && (evt.metaKey || evt.ctrlKey))
// cmd-U (underline)
specialHandled = true;
if ((!specialHandled) && isTypeForCmdKey && String.fromCharCode(which).toLowerCase() == "h" && (evt.ctrlKey))
// cmd-H (backspace)
specialHandled = true;
if (mozillaFakeArrows && mozillaFakeArrows.handleKeyEvent(evt))
specialHandled = true;
if (type == "keydown")
else if (type == "keypress")
if ((!specialHandled) && parenModule.shouldNormalizeOnChar(charCode))
else if (type == "keyup")
var wait = 200;
// Is part of multi-keystroke international character on Firefox Mac
var isFirefoxHalfCharacter = (browser.mozilla && evt.altKey && charCode == 0 && keyCode == 0);
// Is part of multi-keystroke international character on Safari Mac
var isSafariHalfCharacter = (browser.safari && evt.altKey && keyCode == 229);
if (thisKeyDoesntTriggerNormalize || isFirefoxHalfCharacter || isSafariHalfCharacter)
idleWorkTimer.atLeast(3000); // give user time to type
// if this is a keydown, e.g., the keyup shouldn't trigger a normalize
thisKeyDoesntTriggerNormalize = true;
if ((!specialHandled) && (!thisKeyDoesntTriggerNormalize) && (!inInternationalComposition))
if (type != "keyup" || !incorpIfQuick())
if (type == "keyup")
thisKeyDoesntTriggerNormalize = false;
var thisKeyDoesntTriggerNormalize = false;
function doUndoRedo(which)
// precond: normalized DOM
if (undoModule.enabled)
var whichMethod;
if (which == "undo") whichMethod = 'performUndo';
if (which == "redo") whichMethod = 'performRedo';
if (whichMethod)
var oldEventType = currentCallStack.editEvent.eventType;
undoModule[whichMethod](function(backset, selectionInfo)
if (backset)
if (selectionInfo)
performSelectionChange(lineAndColumnFromChar(selectionInfo.selStart), lineAndColumnFromChar(selectionInfo.selEnd), selectionInfo.selFocusAtStart);
var oldEvent = currentCallStack.startNewEvent(oldEventType, true);
return oldEvent;
editorInfo.ace_doUndoRedo = doUndoRedo;
function updateBrowserSelectionFromRep()
// requires normalized DOM!
var selStart = rep.selStart,
selEnd = rep.selEnd;
if (!(selStart && selEnd))
var mozillaCaretHack = (false && browser.mozilla && selStart && selEnd && selStart[0] == selEnd[0] && selStart[1] == rep.lines.atIndex(selStart[0]).lineMarker && selEnd[1] == rep.lines.atIndex(selEnd[0]).lineMarker && setupMozillaCaretHack(selStart[0]));
var selection = {};
var ss = [selStart[0], selStart[1]];
if (mozillaCaretHack) ss[1] += 1;
selection.startPoint = getPointForLineAndChar(ss);
var se = [selEnd[0], selEnd[1]];
if (mozillaCaretHack) se[1] += 1;
selection.endPoint = getPointForLineAndChar(se);
selection.focusAtStart = !! rep.selFocusAtStart;
if (mozillaCaretHack)
function getRepHTML()
return map(rep.lines.slice(), function(entry)
var text = entry.text;
var content;
if (text.length == 0)
content = '<span style="color: #aaa">--</span>';
content = htmlPrettyEscape(text);
return '<div><code>' + content + '</div></code>';
function nodeMaxIndex(nd)
if (isNodeText(nd)) return nd.nodeValue.length;
else return 1;
function hasIESelection()
var browserSelection;
browserSelection = doc.selection;
catch (e)
if (!browserSelection) return false;
var origSelectionRange;
origSelectionRange = browserSelection.createRange();
catch (e)
if (!origSelectionRange) return false;
return true;
function getSelection()
// returns null, or a structure containing startPoint and endPoint,
// each of which has node (a magicdom node), index, and maxIndex. If the node
// is a text node, maxIndex is the length of the text; else maxIndex is 1.
// index is between 0 and maxIndex, inclusive.
if (browser.msie)
var browserSelection;
browserSelection = doc.selection;
catch (e)
if (!browserSelection) return null;
var origSelectionRange;
origSelectionRange = browserSelection.createRange();
catch (e)
if (!origSelectionRange) return null;
var selectionParent = origSelectionRange.parentElement();
if (selectionParent.ownerDocument != doc) return null;
function newRange()
return doc.body.createTextRange();
function rangeForElementNode(nd)
var rng = newRange();
// doesn't work on text nodes
return rng;
function pointFromCollapsedRange(rng)
var parNode = rng.parentElement();
var elemBelow = -1;
var elemAbove = parNode.childNodes.length;
var rangeWithin = rangeForElementNode(parNode);
if (rng.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", rangeWithin) == 0)
return {
node: parNode,
index: 0,
maxIndex: 1
else if (rng.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", rangeWithin) == 0)
if (isBlockElement(parNode) && parNode.nextSibling)
// caret after block is not consistent across browsers
// (same line vs next) so put caret before next node
return {
node: parNode.nextSibling,
index: 0,
maxIndex: 1
return {
node: parNode,
index: 1,
maxIndex: 1
else if (parNode.childNodes.length == 0)
return {
node: parNode,
index: 0,
maxIndex: 1
for (var i = 0; i < parNode.childNodes.length; i++)
var n = parNode.childNodes.item(i);
if (!isNodeText(n))
var nodeRange = rangeForElementNode(n);
var startComp = rng.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", nodeRange);
var endComp = rng.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", nodeRange);
if (startComp >= 0 && endComp <= 0)
var index = 0;
if (startComp > 0)
index = 1;
return {
node: n,
index: index,
maxIndex: 1
else if (endComp > 0)
if (i > elemBelow)
elemBelow = i;
rangeWithin.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", nodeRange);
else if (startComp < 0)
if (i < elemAbove)
elemAbove = i;
rangeWithin.setEndPoint("EndToStart", nodeRange);
if ((elemAbove - elemBelow) == 1)
if (elemBelow >= 0)
return {
node: parNode.childNodes.item(elemBelow),
index: 1,
maxIndex: 1
return {
node: parNode.childNodes.item(elemAbove),
index: 0,
maxIndex: 1
var idx = 0;
var r = rng.duplicate();
// infinite stateful binary search! call function for values 0 to inf,
// expecting the answer to be about 40. return index of smallest
// true value.
var indexIntoRange = binarySearchInfinite(40, function(i)
// the search algorithm whips the caret back and forth,
// though it has to be moved relatively and may hit
// the end of the buffer
var delta = i - idx;
var moved = Math.abs(r.move("character", -delta));
// next line is work-around for fact that when moving left, the beginning
// of a text node is considered to be after the start of the parent element:
if (r.move("character", -1)) r.move("character", 1);
if (delta < 0) idx -= moved;
else idx += moved;
return (r.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", rangeWithin) <= 0);
// iterate over consecutive text nodes, point is in one of them
var textNode = elemBelow + 1;
var indexLeft = indexIntoRange;
while (textNode < elemAbove)
var tn = parNode.childNodes.item(textNode);
if (indexLeft <= tn.nodeValue.length)
return {
node: tn,
index: indexLeft,
maxIndex: tn.nodeValue.length
indexLeft -= tn.nodeValue.length;
var tn = parNode.childNodes.item(textNode - 1);
return {
node: tn,
index: tn.nodeValue.length,
maxIndex: tn.nodeValue.length
var selection = {};
if (origSelectionRange.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", origSelectionRange) == 0)
// collapsed
var pnt = pointFromCollapsedRange(origSelectionRange);
selection.startPoint = pnt;
selection.endPoint = {
node: pnt.node,
index: pnt.index,
maxIndex: pnt.maxIndex
var start = origSelectionRange.duplicate();
var end = origSelectionRange.duplicate();
selection.startPoint = pointFromCollapsedRange(start);
selection.endPoint = pointFromCollapsedRange(end);
/*if ((!selection.startPoint.node.isText) && (!selection.endPoint.node.isText)) {
selection.startPoint.index+" / "+
return selection;
// non-IE browser
var browserSelection = window.getSelection();
if (browserSelection && browserSelection.type != "None" && browserSelection.rangeCount !== 0)
var range = browserSelection.getRangeAt(0);
function isInBody(n)
while (n && !(n.tagName && n.tagName.toLowerCase() == "body"))
n = n.parentNode;
return !!n;
function pointFromRangeBound(container, offset)
if (!isInBody(container))
// command-click in Firefox selects whole document, HEAD and BODY!
return {
node: root,
index: 0,
maxIndex: 1
var n = container;
var childCount = n.childNodes.length;
if (isNodeText(n))
return {
node: n,
index: offset,
maxIndex: n.nodeValue.length
else if (childCount == 0)
return {
node: n,
index: 0,
maxIndex: 1
// treat point between two nodes as BEFORE the second (rather than after the first)
// if possible; this way point at end of a line block-element is treated as
// at beginning of next line
else if (offset == childCount)
var nd = n.childNodes.item(childCount - 1);
var max = nodeMaxIndex(nd);
return {
node: nd,
index: max,
maxIndex: max
var nd = n.childNodes.item(offset);
var max = nodeMaxIndex(nd);
return {
node: nd,
index: 0,
maxIndex: max
var selection = {};
selection.startPoint = pointFromRangeBound(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
selection.endPoint = pointFromRangeBound(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
selection.focusAtStart = (((range.startContainer != range.endContainer) || (range.startOffset != range.endOffset)) && browserSelection.anchorNode && (browserSelection.anchorNode == range.endContainer) && (browserSelection.anchorOffset == range.endOffset));
return selection;
else return null;
function setSelection(selection)
function copyPoint(pt)
return {
node: pt.node,
index: pt.index,
maxIndex: pt.maxIndex
if (browser.msie)
// Oddly enough, accessing scrollHeight fixes return key handling on IE 8,
// presumably by forcing some kind of internal DOM update.
function moveToElementText(s, n)
while (n.firstChild && !isNodeText(n.firstChild))
n = n.firstChild;
function newRange()
return doc.body.createTextRange();
function setCollapsedBefore(s, n)
// s is an IE TextRange, n is a dom node
if (isNodeText(n))
// previous node should not also be text, but prevent inf recurs
if (n.previousSibling && !isNodeText(n.previousSibling))
setCollapsedAfter(s, n.previousSibling);
setCollapsedBefore(s, n.parentNode);
moveToElementText(s, n);
// work around for issue that caret at beginning of line
// somehow ends up at end of previous line
if (s.move('character', 1))
s.move('character', -1);
s.collapse(true); // to start
function setCollapsedAfter(s, n)
// s is an IE TextRange, n is a magicdom node
if (isNodeText(n))
// can't use end of container when no nextSibling (could be on next line),
// so use previousSibling or start of container and move forward.
setCollapsedBefore(s, n);
s.move("character", n.nodeValue.length);
moveToElementText(s, n);
s.collapse(false); // to end
function getPointRange(point)
var s = newRange();
var n = point.node;
if (isNodeText(n))
setCollapsedBefore(s, n);
s.move("character", point.index);
else if (point.index == 0)
setCollapsedBefore(s, n);
setCollapsedAfter(s, n);
return s;
if (selection)
if (!hasIESelection())
return; // don't steal focus
var startPoint = copyPoint(selection.startPoint);
var endPoint = copyPoint(selection.endPoint);
// fix issue where selection can't be extended past end of line
// with shift-rightarrow or shift-downarrow
if (endPoint.index == endPoint.maxIndex && endPoint.node.nextSibling)
endPoint.node = endPoint.node.nextSibling;
endPoint.index = 0;
endPoint.maxIndex = nodeMaxIndex(endPoint.node);
var range = getPointRange(startPoint);
range.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", getPointRange(endPoint));
// setting the selection in IE causes everything to scroll
// so that the selection is visible. if setting the selection
// definitely accomplishes nothing, don't do it.
function isEqualToDocumentSelection(rng)
var browserSelection;
browserSelection = doc.selection;
catch (e)
if (!browserSelection) return false;
var rng2 = browserSelection.createRange();
if (rng2.parentElement().ownerDocument != doc) return false;
if (rng.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", rng2) !== 0) return false;
if (rng.compareEndPoints("EndToEnd", rng2) !== 0) return false;
return true;
if (!isEqualToDocumentSelection(range))
catch (e)
// non-IE browser
var isCollapsed;
function pointToRangeBound(pt)
var p = copyPoint(pt);
// Make sure Firefox cursor is deep enough; fixes cursor jumping when at top level,
// and also problem where cut/copy of a whole line selected with fake arrow-keys
// copies the next line too.
if (isCollapsed)
function diveDeep()
while (p.node.childNodes.length > 0)
//&& (p.node == root || p.node.parentNode == root)) {
if (p.index == 0)
p.node = p.node.firstChild;
p.maxIndex = nodeMaxIndex(p.node);
else if (p.index == p.maxIndex)
p.node = p.node.lastChild;
p.maxIndex = nodeMaxIndex(p.node);
p.index = p.maxIndex;
else break;
// now fix problem where cursor at end of text node at end of span-like element
// with background doesn't seem to show up...
if (isNodeText(p.node) && p.index == p.maxIndex)
var n = p.node;
while ((!n.nextSibling) && (n != root) && (n.parentNode != root))
n = n.parentNode;
if (n.nextSibling && (!((typeof n.nextSibling.tagName) == "string" && n.nextSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == "br")) && (n != p.node) && (n != root) && (n.parentNode != root))
// found a parent, go to next node and dive in
p.node = n.nextSibling;
p.maxIndex = nodeMaxIndex(p.node);
p.index = 0;
// try to make sure insertion point is styled;
// also fixes other FF problems
if (!isNodeText(p.node))
if (isNodeText(p.node))
return {
container: p.node,
offset: p.index
// p.index in {0,1}
return {
container: p.node.parentNode,
offset: childIndex(p.node) + p.index
var browserSelection = window.getSelection();
if (browserSelection)
if (selection)
isCollapsed = (selection.startPoint.node === selection.endPoint.node && selection.startPoint.index === selection.endPoint.index);
var start = pointToRangeBound(selection.startPoint);
var end = pointToRangeBound(selection.endPoint);
if ((!isCollapsed) && selection.focusAtStart && browserSelection.collapse && browserSelection.extend)
// can handle "backwards"-oriented selection, shift-arrow-keys move start
// of selection
browserSelection.collapse(end.container, end.offset);
//console.log("%o %o", rep.selStart, rep.selEnd);
//console.log("%o %d", start.container, start.offset);
browserSelection.extend(start.container, start.offset);
var range = doc.createRange();
range.setStart(start.container, start.offset);
range.setEnd(end.container, end.offset);
function childIndex(n)
var idx = 0;
while (n.previousSibling)
n = n.previousSibling;
return idx;
function fixView()
// calling this method repeatedly should be fast
if (getInnerWidth() == 0 || getInnerHeight() == 0)
function setIfNecessary(obj, prop, value)
if (obj[prop] != value)
obj[prop] = value;
var lineNumberWidth = sideDiv.firstChild.offsetWidth;
var newSideDivWidth = lineNumberWidth + LINE_NUMBER_PADDING_LEFT;
if (newSideDivWidth < MIN_LINEDIV_WIDTH) newSideDivWidth = MIN_LINEDIV_WIDTH;
if (hasLineNumbers) iframePadLeft += newSideDivWidth + LINE_NUMBER_PADDING_RIGHT;
setIfNecessary(, "left", iframePadLeft + "px");
setIfNecessary(, "width", newSideDivWidth + "px");
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
var newHeight = root.clientHeight;
var newWidth = (browser.msie ? root.createTextRange().boundingWidth : root.clientWidth);
var viewHeight = getInnerHeight() - iframePadBottom - iframePadTop;
var viewWidth = getInnerWidth() - iframePadLeft - iframePadRight;
if (newHeight < viewHeight)
newHeight = viewHeight;
if (browser.msie) setIfNecessary(, 'overflowY', 'auto');
if (browser.msie) setIfNecessary(, 'overflowY', 'scroll');
if (doesWrap)
newWidth = viewWidth;
if (newWidth < viewWidth) newWidth = viewWidth;
setIfNecessary(, "height", newHeight + "px");
setIfNecessary(, "width", newWidth + "px");
setIfNecessary(, "height", newHeight + "px");
if (browser.mozilla)
if (!doesWrap)
// the body:display:table-cell hack makes mozilla do scrolling
// correctly by shrinking the <body> to fit around its content,
// but mozilla won't act on clicks below the body. We keep the
// style.height property set to the viewport height (editor height
// not including scrollbar), so it will never shrink so that part of
// the editor isn't clickable.
var body = root;
var styleHeight = viewHeight + "px";
setIfNecessary(, "height", styleHeight);
setIfNecessary(, "height", "");
// if near edge, scroll to edge
var scrollX = getScrollX();
var scrollY = getScrollY();
var win = outerWin;
var r = 20;
addClass(sideDiv, 'sidedivdelayed');
function getScrollXY()
var win = outerWin;
var odoc = outerWin.document;
if (typeof(win.pageYOffset) == "number")
return {
x: win.pageXOffset,
y: win.pageYOffset
var docel = odoc.documentElement;
if (docel && typeof(docel.scrollTop) == "number")
return {
x: docel.scrollLeft,
y: docel.scrollTop
function getScrollX()
return getScrollXY().x;
function getScrollY()
return getScrollXY().y;
function setScrollX(x)
outerWin.scrollTo(x, getScrollY());
function setScrollY(y)
outerWin.scrollTo(getScrollX(), y);
function setScrollXY(x, y)
outerWin.scrollTo(x, y);
var _teardownActions = [];
function teardown()
forEach(_teardownActions, function(a)
bindEventHandler(window, "load", setup);
function setDesignMode(newVal)
function setIfNecessary(target, prop, val)
if (String(target[prop]).toLowerCase() != val)
target[prop] = val;
return true;
return false;
if (browser.msie || browser.safari)
setIfNecessary(root, 'contentEditable', (newVal ? 'true' : 'false'));
var wasSet = setIfNecessary(doc, 'designMode', (newVal ? 'on' : 'off'));
if (wasSet && newVal && browser.opera)
// turning on designMode clears event handlers
return true;
catch (e)
return false;
var iePastedLines = null;
function handleIEPaste(evt)
// Pasting in IE loses blank lines in a way that loses information;
// "one\n\ntwo\nthree" becomes "<p>one</p><p>two</p><p>three</p>",
// which becomes "one\ntwo\nthree". We can get the correct text
// from the clipboard directly, but we still have to let the paste
// happen to get the style information.
var clipText = window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.getData("Text");
if (clipText && doc.selection)
// this "paste" event seems to mess with the selection whether we try to
// stop it or not, so can't really do document-level manipulation now
// or in an idle call-stack. instead, use IE native manipulation
//function escapeLine(txt) {
//return processSpaces(escapeHTML(textify(txt)));
//var newHTML = map(clipText.replace(/\r/g,'').split('\n'), escapeLine).join('<br>');
//iePastedLines = map(clipText.replace(/\r/g,'').split('\n'), textify);
var inInternationalComposition = false;
function handleCompositionEvent(evt)
// international input events, fired in FF3, at least; allow e.g. Japanese input
if (evt.type == "compositionstart")
inInternationalComposition = true;
else if (evt.type == "compositionend")
inInternationalComposition = false;
function bindTheEventHandlers()
bindEventHandler(window, "unload", teardown);
bindEventHandler(document, "keydown", handleKeyEvent);
bindEventHandler(document, "keypress", handleKeyEvent);
bindEventHandler(document, "keyup", handleKeyEvent);
bindEventHandler(document, "click", handleClick);
bindEventHandler(root, "blur", handleBlur);
if (browser.msie)
bindEventHandler(document, "click", handleIEOuterClick);
if (browser.msie) bindEventHandler(root, "paste", handleIEPaste);
if ((!browser.msie) && document.documentElement)
bindEventHandler(document.documentElement, "compositionstart", handleCompositionEvent);
bindEventHandler(document.documentElement, "compositionend", handleCompositionEvent);
function handleIEOuterClick(evt)
if (( || '').toLowerCase() != "html")
if (!(evt.pageY > root.clientHeight))
// click below the body
inCallStack("handleOuterClick", function()
// put caret at bottom of doc
if (isCaret())
{ // don't interfere with drag
var lastLine = rep.lines.length() - 1;
var lastCol = rep.lines.atIndex(lastLine).text.length;
performSelectionChange([lastLine, lastCol], [lastLine, lastCol]);
function getClassArray(elem, optFilter)
var bodyClasses = [];
(elem.className || '').replace(/\S+/g, function(c)
if ((!optFilter) || (optFilter(c)))
return bodyClasses;
function setClassArray(elem, array)
elem.className = array.join(' ');
function addClass(elem, className)
var seen = false;
var cc = getClassArray(elem, function(c)
if (c == className) seen = true;
return true;
if (!seen)
setClassArray(elem, cc);
function removeClass(elem, className)
var seen = false;
var cc = getClassArray(elem, function(c)
if (c == className)
seen = true;
return false;
return true;
if (seen)
setClassArray(elem, cc);
function setClassPresence(elem, className, present)
if (present) addClass(elem, className);
else removeClass(elem, className);
function setup()
doc = document; // defined as a var in scope outside
inCallStack("setup", function()
var body = doc.getElementById("innerdocbody");
root = body; // defined as a var in scope outside
if (browser.mozilla) addClass(root, "mozilla");
if (browser.safari) addClass(root, "safari");
if (browser.msie) addClass(root, "msie");
if (browser.msie)
// cache CSS background images
doc.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
catch (e)
{ /* throws an error in some IE 6 but not others! */
setClassPresence(root, "authorColors", true);
setClassPresence(root, "doesWrap", doesWrap);
// set up dom and rep
while (root.firstChild) root.removeChild(root.firstChild);
var oneEntry = createDomLineEntry("");
doRepLineSplice(0, rep.lines.length(), [oneEntry]);
insertDomLines(null, [oneEntry.domInfo], null);
rep.alines = Changeset.splitAttributionLines(
Changeset.makeAttribution("\n"), "\n");
parent.readyFunc(); // defined in code that sets up the inner iframe
}, 0);
isSetUp = true;
function focus()
function handleBlur(evt)
if (browser.msie)
// a fix: in IE, clicking on a control like a button outside the
// iframe can "blur" the editor, causing it to stop getting
// events, though typing still affects it(!).
function bindEventHandler(target, type, func)
var handler;
if ((typeof func._wrapper) != "function")
func._wrapper = function(event)
func(fixEvent(event || window.event || {}));
var handler = func._wrapper;
if (target.addEventListener) target.addEventListener(type, handler, false);
else target.attachEvent("on" + type, handler);
unbindEventHandler(target, type, func);
function unbindEventHandler(target, type, func)
var handler = func._wrapper;
if (target.removeEventListener) target.removeEventListener(type, handler, false);
else target.detachEvent("on" + type, handler);
function getSelectionPointX(point)
// doesn't work in wrap-mode
var node = point.node;
var index = point.index;
function leftOf(n)
return n.offsetLeft;
function rightOf(n)
return n.offsetLeft + n.offsetWidth;
if (!isNodeText(node))
if (index == 0) return leftOf(node);
else return rightOf(node);
// we can get bounds of element nodes, so look for those.
// allow consecutive text nodes for robustness.
var charsToLeft = index;
var charsToRight = node.nodeValue.length - index;
var n;
for (n = node.previousSibling; n && isNodeText(n); n = n.previousSibling)
charsToLeft += n.nodeValue;
var leftEdge = (n ? rightOf(n) : leftOf(node.parentNode));
for (n = node.nextSibling; n && isNodeText(n); n = n.nextSibling)
charsToRight += n.nodeValue;
var rightEdge = (n ? leftOf(n) : rightOf(node.parentNode));
var frac = (charsToLeft / (charsToLeft + charsToRight));
var pixLoc = leftEdge + frac * (rightEdge - leftEdge);
return Math.round(pixLoc);
function getPageHeight()
var win = outerWin;
var odoc = win.document;
if (win.innerHeight && win.scrollMaxY) return win.innerHeight + win.scrollMaxY;
else if (odoc.body.scrollHeight > odoc.body.offsetHeight) return odoc.body.scrollHeight;
else return odoc.body.offsetHeight;
function getPageWidth()
var win = outerWin;
var odoc = win.document;
if (win.innerWidth && win.scrollMaxX) return win.innerWidth + win.scrollMaxX;
else if (odoc.body.scrollWidth > odoc.body.offsetWidth) return odoc.body.scrollWidth;
else return odoc.body.offsetWidth;
function getInnerHeight()
var win = outerWin;
var odoc = win.document;
var h;
if (browser.opera) h = win.innerHeight;
else h = odoc.documentElement.clientHeight;
if (h) return h;
// deal with case where iframe is hidden, hope that
// style.height of iframe container is set in px
return Number([^0-9]/g, '') || 0);
function getInnerWidth()
var win = outerWin;
var odoc = win.document;
return odoc.documentElement.clientWidth;
function scrollNodeVerticallyIntoView(node)
// requires element (non-text) node;
// if node extends above top of viewport or below bottom of viewport (or top of scrollbar),
// scroll it the minimum distance needed to be completely in view.
var win = outerWin;
var odoc = outerWin.document;
var distBelowTop = node.offsetTop + iframePadTop - win.scrollY;
var distAboveBottom = win.scrollY + getInnerHeight() - (node.offsetTop + iframePadTop + node.offsetHeight);
if (distBelowTop < 0)
win.scrollBy(0, distBelowTop);
else if (distAboveBottom < 0)
win.scrollBy(0, -distAboveBottom);
function scrollXHorizontallyIntoView(pixelX)
var win = outerWin;
var odoc = outerWin.document;
pixelX += iframePadLeft;
var distInsideLeft = pixelX - win.scrollX;
var distInsideRight = win.scrollX + getInnerWidth() - pixelX;
if (distInsideLeft < 0)
win.scrollBy(distInsideLeft, 0);
else if (distInsideRight < 0)
win.scrollBy(-distInsideRight + 1, 0);
function scrollSelectionIntoView()
if (!rep.selStart) return;
var focusLine = (rep.selFocusAtStart ? rep.selStart[0] : rep.selEnd[0]);
if (!doesWrap)
var browserSelection = getSelection();
if (browserSelection)
var focusPoint = (browserSelection.focusAtStart ? browserSelection.startPoint : browserSelection.endPoint);
var selectionPointX = getSelectionPointX(focusPoint);
function getLineListType(lineNum)
// get "list" attribute of first char of line
var aline = rep.alines[lineNum];
if (aline)
var opIter = Changeset.opIterator(aline);
if (opIter.hasNext())
return Changeset.opAttributeValue(, 'list', rep.apool) || '';
return '';
function setLineListType(lineNum, listType)
[lineNum, listType]
function renumberList(lineNum){
//1-check we are in a list
var type = getLineListType(lineNum);
return null;
type = /([a-z]+)[12345678]/.exec(type);
if(type[1] == "indent")
return null;
//2-find the first line of the list
while(lineNum-1 >= 0 && (type=getLineListType(lineNum-1)))
type = /([a-z]+)[12345678]/.exec(type);
if(type[1] == "indent")
//3-renumber every list item of the same level from the beginning, level 1
//IMPORTANT: never skip a level because there imbrication may be arbitrary
var builder = Changeset.builder(rep.lines.totalWidth());
loc = [0,0];
function applyNumberList(line, level)
var position = 1;
var curLevel = level;
var listType;
//loop over the lines
while(listType = getLineListType(line))
//apply new num
listType = /([a-z]+)([12345678])/.exec(listType);
curLevel = Number(listType[2]);
if(isNaN(curLevel) || listType[0] == "indent")
return line;
else if(curLevel == level)
buildKeepRange(builder, loc, (loc = [line, 0]));
buildKeepRange(builder, loc, (loc = [line, 1]), [
['start', position]
], rep.apool);
else if(curLevel < level)
return line;//back to parent
line = applyNumberList(line, level+1);//recursive call
return line;
applyNumberList(lineNum, 1);
var cs = builder.toString();
if (!Changeset.isIdentity(cs))
//4-apply the modifications
function setLineListTypes(lineNumTypePairsInOrder)
var loc = [0, 0];
var builder = Changeset.builder(rep.lines.totalWidth());
for (var i = 0; i < lineNumTypePairsInOrder.length; i++)
var pair = lineNumTypePairsInOrder[i];
var lineNum = pair[0];
var listType = pair[1];
buildKeepRange(builder, loc, (loc = [lineNum, 0]));
if (getLineListType(lineNum))
// already a line marker
if (listType)
// make different list type
buildKeepRange(builder, loc, (loc = [lineNum, 1]), [
['list', listType]
], rep.apool);
// remove list marker
buildRemoveRange(builder, loc, (loc = [lineNum, 1]));
// currently no line marker
if (listType)
// add a line marker
builder.insert('*', [
['author', thisAuthor],
['insertorder', 'first'],
['list', listType]
], rep.apool);
var cs = builder.toString();
if (!Changeset.isIdentity(cs))
//if the list has been removed, it is necessary to renumber
//starting from the *next* line because the list may have been
//separated. If it returns null, it means that the list was not cut, try
//from the current one.
function doInsertList(type)
if (!(rep.selStart && rep.selEnd))
var firstLine, lastLine;
firstLine = rep.selStart[0];
lastLine = Math.max(firstLine, rep.selEnd[0] - ((rep.selEnd[1] == 0) ? 1 : 0));
var allLinesAreList = true;
for (var n = firstLine; n <= lastLine; n++)
var listType = getLineListType(n);
if (!listType || listType.slice(0, type.length) != type)
allLinesAreList = false;
var mods = [];
for (var n = firstLine; n <= lastLine; n++)
var t = '';
var level = 0;
var listType = /([a-z]+)([12345678])/.exec(getLineListType(n));
if (listType)
t = listType[1];
level = Number(listType[2]);
var t = getLineListType(n);
mods.push([n, allLinesAreList ? 'indent' + level : (t ? type + level : type + '1')]);
function doInsertUnorderedList(){
function doInsertOrderedList(){
editorInfo.ace_doInsertUnorderedList = doInsertUnorderedList;
editorInfo.ace_doInsertOrderedList = doInsertOrderedList;
var mozillaFakeArrows = (browser.mozilla && (function()
// In Firefox 2, arrow keys are unstable while DOM-manipulating
// operations are going on. Specifically, if an operation
// (computation that ties up the event queue) is going on (in the
// call-stack of some event, like a timeout) that at some point
// mutates nodes involved in the selection, then the arrow
// keypress may (randomly) move the caret to the beginning or end
// of the document. If the operation also mutates the selection
// range, the old selection or the new selection may be used, or
// neither.
// As long as the arrow is pressed during the busy operation, it
// doesn't seem to matter that the keydown and keypress events
// aren't generated until afterwards, or that the arrow movement
// can still be stopped (meaning it hasn't been performed yet);
// Firefox must be preserving some old information about the
// selection or the DOM from when the key was initially pressed.
// However, it also doesn't seem to matter when the key was
// actually pressed relative to the time of the mutation within
// the prolonged operation. Also, even in very controlled tests
// (like a mutation followed by a long period of busyWaiting), the
// problem shows up often but not every time, with no discernable
// pattern. Who knows, it could have something to do with the
// caret-blinking timer, or DOM changes not being applied
// immediately.
// This problem, mercifully, does not show up at all in IE or
// Safari. My solution is to have my own, full-featured arrow-key
// implementation for Firefox.
// Note that the problem addressed here is potentially very subtle,
// especially if the operation is quick and is timed to usually happen
// when the user is idle.
// features:
// - 'up' and 'down' arrows preserve column when passing through shorter lines
// - shift-arrows extend the "focus" point, which may be start or end of range
// - the focus point is kept horizontally and vertically scrolled into view
// - arrows without shift cause caret to move to beginning or end of selection (left,right)
// or move focus point up or down a line (up,down)
// - command-(left,right,up,down) on Mac acts like (line-start, line-end, doc-start, doc-end)
// - takes wrapping into account when doesWrap is true, i.e. up-arrow and down-arrow move
// between the virtual lines within a wrapped line; this was difficult, and unfortunately
// requires mutating the DOM to get the necessary information
var savedFocusColumn = 0; // a value of 0 has no effect
var updatingSelectionNow = false;
function getVirtualLineView(lineNum)
var lineNode = rep.lines.atIndex(lineNum).lineNode;
while (lineNode.firstChild && isBlockElement(lineNode.firstChild))
lineNode = lineNode.firstChild;
return makeVirtualLineView(lineNode);
function markerlessLineAndChar(line, chr)
return [line, chr - rep.lines.atIndex(line).lineMarker];
function markerfulLineAndChar(line, chr)
return [line, chr + rep.lines.atIndex(line).lineMarker];
return {
notifySelectionChanged: function()
if (!updatingSelectionNow)
savedFocusColumn = 0;
handleKeyEvent: function(evt)
// returns "true" if handled
if (evt.type != "keypress") return false;
var keyCode = evt.keyCode;
if (keyCode < 37 || keyCode > 40) return false;
if (!(rep.selStart && rep.selEnd)) return true;
// {byWord,toEnd,normal}
var moveMode = (evt.altKey ? "byWord" : (evt.ctrlKey ? "byWord" : (evt.metaKey ? "toEnd" : "normal")));
var anchorCaret = markerlessLineAndChar(rep.selStart[0], rep.selStart[1]);
var focusCaret = markerlessLineAndChar(rep.selEnd[0], rep.selEnd[1]);
var wasCaret = isCaret();
if (rep.selFocusAtStart)
var tmp = anchorCaret;
anchorCaret = focusCaret;
focusCaret = tmp;
var K_UP = 38,
K_DOWN = 40,
K_LEFT = 37,
K_RIGHT = 39;
var dontMove = false;
if (wasCaret && !evt.shiftKey)
// collapse, will mutate both together
anchorCaret = focusCaret;
else if ((!wasCaret) && (!evt.shiftKey))
if (keyCode == K_LEFT)
// place caret at beginning
if (rep.selFocusAtStart) anchorCaret = focusCaret;
else focusCaret = anchorCaret;
if (moveMode == "normal") dontMove = true;
else if (keyCode == K_RIGHT)
// place caret at end
if (rep.selFocusAtStart) focusCaret = anchorCaret;
else anchorCaret = focusCaret;
if (moveMode == "normal") dontMove = true;
// collapse, will mutate both together
anchorCaret = focusCaret;
if (!dontMove)
function lineLength(i)
var entry = rep.lines.atIndex(i);
return entry.text.length - entry.lineMarker;
function lineText(i)
var entry = rep.lines.atIndex(i);
return entry.text.substring(entry.lineMarker);
if (keyCode == K_UP || keyCode == K_DOWN)
var up = (keyCode == K_UP);
var canChangeLines = ((up && focusCaret[0]) || ((!up) && focusCaret[0] < rep.lines.length() - 1));
var virtualLineView, virtualLineSpot, canChangeVirtualLines = false;
if (doesWrap)
virtualLineView = getVirtualLineView(focusCaret[0]);
virtualLineSpot = virtualLineView.getVLineAndOffsetForChar(focusCaret[1]);
canChangeVirtualLines = ((up && virtualLineSpot.vline > 0) || ((!up) && virtualLineSpot.vline < (
virtualLineView.getNumVirtualLines() - 1)));
var newColByVirtualLineChange;
if (moveMode == "toEnd")
if (up)
focusCaret[0] = 0;
focusCaret[1] = 0;
focusCaret[0] = rep.lines.length() - 1;
focusCaret[1] = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
else if (moveMode == "byWord")
// move by "paragraph", a feature that Firefox lacks but IE and Safari both have
if (up)
if (focusCaret[1] == 0 && canChangeLines)
focusCaret[1] = 0;
else focusCaret[1] = 0;
var lineLen = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
if (
if (canChangeLines)
focusCaret[1] = 0;
focusCaret[1] = lineLen;
if (focusCaret[1] == lineLen && canChangeLines)
focusCaret[1] = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
focusCaret[1] = lineLen;
savedFocusColumn = 0;
else if (canChangeVirtualLines)
var vline = virtualLineSpot.vline;
var offset = virtualLineSpot.offset;
if (up) vline--;
else vline++;
if (savedFocusColumn > offset) offset = savedFocusColumn;
savedFocusColumn = offset;
var newSpot = virtualLineView.getCharForVLineAndOffset(vline, offset);
focusCaret[1] = newSpot.lineChar;
else if (canChangeLines)
if (up) focusCaret[0]--;
else focusCaret[0]++;
var offset = focusCaret[1];
if (doesWrap)
offset = virtualLineSpot.offset;
if (savedFocusColumn > offset) offset = savedFocusColumn;
savedFocusColumn = offset;
if (doesWrap)
var newLineView = getVirtualLineView(focusCaret[0]);
var vline = (up ? newLineView.getNumVirtualLines() - 1 : 0);
var newSpot = newLineView.getCharForVLineAndOffset(vline, offset);
focusCaret[1] = newSpot.lineChar;
var lineLen = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
if (offset > lineLen) offset = lineLen;
focusCaret[1] = offset;
if (up) focusCaret[1] = 0;
else focusCaret[1] = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
savedFocusColumn = 0;
else if (keyCode == K_LEFT || keyCode == K_RIGHT)
var left = (keyCode == K_LEFT);
if (left)
if (moveMode == "toEnd") focusCaret[1] = 0;
else if (focusCaret[1] > 0)
if (moveMode == "byWord")
focusCaret[1] = moveByWordInLine(lineText(focusCaret[0]), focusCaret[1], false);
else if (focusCaret[0] > 0)
focusCaret[1] = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
if (moveMode == "byWord")
focusCaret[1] = moveByWordInLine(lineText(focusCaret[0]), focusCaret[1], false);
var lineLen = lineLength(focusCaret[0]);
if (moveMode == "toEnd") focusCaret[1] = lineLen;
else if (focusCaret[1] < lineLen)
if (moveMode == "byWord")
focusCaret[1] = moveByWordInLine(lineText(focusCaret[0]), focusCaret[1], true);
else if (focusCaret[0] < rep.lines.length() - 1)
focusCaret[1] = 0;
if (moveMode == "byWord")
focusCaret[1] = moveByWordInLine(lineText(focusCaret[0]), focusCaret[1], true);
savedFocusColumn = 0;
var newSelFocusAtStart = ((focusCaret[0] < anchorCaret[0]) || (focusCaret[0] == anchorCaret[0] && focusCaret[1] < anchorCaret[1]));
var newSelStart = (newSelFocusAtStart ? focusCaret : anchorCaret);
var newSelEnd = (newSelFocusAtStart ? anchorCaret : focusCaret);
updatingSelectionNow = true;
performSelectionChange(markerfulLineAndChar(newSelStart[0], newSelStart[1]), markerfulLineAndChar(newSelEnd[0], newSelEnd[1]), newSelFocusAtStart);
updatingSelectionNow = false;
currentCallStack.userChangedSelection = true;
return true;
// stolen from jquery-1.2.1
function fixEvent(event)
// store a copy of the original event object
// and clone to set read-only properties
var originalEvent = event;
event = extend(
{}, originalEvent);
// add preventDefault and stopPropagation since
// they will not work on the clone
event.preventDefault = function()
// if preventDefault exists run it on the original event
if (originalEvent.preventDefault) originalEvent.preventDefault();
// otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)
originalEvent.returnValue = false;
event.stopPropagation = function()
// if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event
if (originalEvent.stopPropagation) originalEvent.stopPropagation();
// otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE)
originalEvent.cancelBubble = true;
// Fix target property, if necessary
if (! && event.srcElement) = event.srcElement;
// check if target is a textnode (safari)
if (browser.safari && == 3) =;
// Add relatedTarget, if necessary
if (!event.relatedTarget && event.fromElement) event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement == ? event.toElement : event.fromElement;
// Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
if (event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null)
var e = document.documentElement,
b = document.body;
event.pageX = event.clientX + (e && e.scrollLeft || b.scrollLeft || 0);
event.pageY = event.clientY + (e && e.scrollTop || b.scrollTop || 0);
// Add which for key events
if (!event.which && (event.charCode || event.keyCode)) event.which = event.charCode || event.keyCode;
// Add metaKey to non-Mac browsers (use ctrl for PC's and Meta for Macs)
if (!event.metaKey && event.ctrlKey) event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey;
// Add which for click: 1 == left; 2 == middle; 3 == right
// Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
if (!event.which && event.button) event.which = (event.button & 1 ? 1 : (event.button & 2 ? 3 : (event.button & 4 ? 2 : 0)));
return event;
var lineNumbersShown;
var sideDivInner;
function initLineNumbers()
lineNumbersShown = 1;
sideDiv.innerHTML = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="right">' + '<tr><td id="sidedivinner"><div>1</div></td></tr></table>';
sideDivInner = outerWin.document.getElementById("sidedivinner");
function updateLineNumbers()
var newNumLines = rep.lines.length();
if (newNumLines < 1) newNumLines = 1;
//update height of all current line numbers
if (currentCallStack && currentCallStack.domClean)
var a = sideDivInner.firstChild;
var b = doc.body.firstChild;
var n = 0;
while (a && b)
if(n > lineNumbersShown) //all updated, break
var h = (b.clientHeight || b.offsetHeight);
if (b.nextSibling)
// when text is zoomed in mozilla, divs have fractional
// heights (though the properties are always integers)
// and the line-numbers don't line up unless we pay
// attention to where the divs are actually placed...
// (also: padding on TTs/SPANs in IE...)
h = b.nextSibling.offsetTop - b.offsetTop;
if (h)
var hpx = h + "px";
if ( != hpx) { = hpx;
a = a.nextSibling;
b = b.nextSibling;
if (newNumLines != lineNumbersShown)
var container = sideDivInner;
var odoc = outerWin.document;
var fragment = odoc.createDocumentFragment();
while (lineNumbersShown < newNumLines)
var n = lineNumbersShown;
var div = odoc.createElement("DIV");
//calculate height for new line number
var h = (b.clientHeight || b.offsetHeight);
if (b.nextSibling)
h = b.nextSibling.offsetTop - b.offsetTop;
if(h) // apply style to div = h +"px";
b = b.nextSibling;
while (lineNumbersShown > newNumLines)
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
exports.OUTER = OUTER; // This is probably unimportant.