Manuel Knitza fde10052ca Update doc/api/
2013-02-12 21:57:01 +01:00

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What can I do with this API?

The API gives another web application control of the pads. The basic functions are

  • create/delete pads
  • grant/forbid access to pads
  • get/set pad content

The API is designed in a way, so you can reuse your existing user system with their permissions, and map it to etherpad lite. Means: Your web application still has to do authentication, but you can tell etherpad lite via the api, which visitors should get which permissions. This allows etherpad lite to fit into any web application and extend it with real-time functionality. You can embed the pads via an iframe into your website.

Take a look at HTTP API client libraries to see if a library in your favorite language.


Example 1

A portal (such as WordPress) wants to give a user access to a new pad. Let's assume the user have the internal id 7 and his name is michael.

Portal maps the internal userid to an etherpad author.

Request: http://pad.domain/api/1/createAuthorIfNotExistsFor?apikey=secret&name=Michael&authorMapper=7

Response: {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {authorID: "a.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif"}}

Portal maps the internal userid to an etherpad group:

Request: http://pad.domain/api/1/createGroupIfNotExistsFor?apikey=secret&groupMapper=7

Response: {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {groupID: "g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif"}}

Portal creates a pad in the userGroup

Request: http://pad.domain/api/1/createGroupPad?apikey=secret&groupID=g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif&padName=samplePad&text=This is the first sentence in the pad

Response: {code: 0, message:"ok", data: null}

Portal starts the session for the user on the group:

Request: http://pad.domain/api/1/createSession?apikey=secret&groupID=g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif&authorID=a.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif&validUntil=1312201246

Response: {"data":{"sessionID": "s.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif"}}

Portal places the cookie "sessionID" with the given value on the client and creates an iframe including the pad.

Example 2

A portal (such as WordPress) wants to transform the contents of a pad that multiple admins edited into a blog post.

Portal retrieves the contents of the pad for entry into the db as a blog post:

Request: http://pad.domain/api/1/getText?apikey=secret&padID=g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif$123

Response: {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {text:"Welcome Text"}}

Portal submits content into new blog post



API version

The latest version is 1.2.7

The current version can be queried via /api.

Request Format

The API is accessible via HTTP. HTTP Requests are in the format /api/$APIVERSION/$FUNCTIONNAME. Parameters are transmitted via HTTP GET. $APIVERSION depends on the endpoints you want to use.

Response Format

Responses are valid JSON in the following format:

  "code": number,
  "message": string,
  "data": obj
  • code a return code
    • 0 everything ok
    • 1 wrong parameters
    • 2 internal error
    • 3 no such function
    • 4 no or wrong API Key
  • message a status message. Its ok if everything is fine, else it contains an error message
  • data the payload


API Overview

Data Types

  • groupID a string, the unique id of a group. Format is g.16RANDOMCHARS, for example g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif
  • sessionID a string, the unique id of a session. Format is s.16RANDOMCHARS, for example s.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif
  • authorID a string, the unique id of an author. Format is a.16RANDOMCHARS, for example a.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif
  • readOnlyID a string, the unique id of an readonly relation to a pad. Format is r.16RANDOMCHARS, for example r.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif
  • padID a string, format is GROUPID$PADNAME, for example the pad test of group g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif has padID g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif$test


Authentication works via a token that is sent with each request as a post parameter. There is a single token per Etherpad-Lite deployment. This token will be random string, generated by Etherpad-Lite at the first start. It will be saved in APIKEY.txt in the root folder of Etherpad Lite. Only Etherpad Lite and the requesting application knows this key. Token management will not be exposed through this API.

Node Interoperability

All functions will also be available through a node module accessable from other node.js applications.


The API provides JSONP support to allow requests from a server in a different domain. Simply add &jsonp=? to the API call.

Example usage:

API Methods


Pads can belong to a group. The padID of grouppads is starting with a groupID like g.asdfasdfasdfasdf$test


  • API >= 1

creates a new group

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {groupID: g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif}}


  • API >= 1

this functions helps you to map your application group ids to etherpad lite group ids

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {groupID: g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif}}


  • API >= 1

deletes a group

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"groupID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1

returns all pads of this group

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {padIDs : ["g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif$test", "g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif$test2"]}
  • {code: 1, message:"groupID does not exist", data: null}

createGroupPad(groupID, padName [, text])

  • API >= 1

creates a new pad in this group

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"pad does already exist", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"groupID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1.1

lists all existing groups

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {groupIDs: ["g.mKjkmnAbSMtCt8eL", "g.3ADWx6sbGuAiUmCy"]}}
  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {groupIDs: []}}


These authors are bound to the attributes the users choose (color and name).


  • API >= 1

creates a new author

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {authorID: "a.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif"}}

createAuthorIfNotExistsFor(authorMapper [, name])

  • API >= 1

this functions helps you to map your application author ids to etherpad lite author ids

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {authorID: "a.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif"}}


  • API >= 1

returns an array of all pads this author contributed to

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {padIDs: ["g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif$test", "g.s8oejklhwrvt0zif$foo"]}}
  • {code: 1, message:"authorID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1.1

Returns the Author Name of the author

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {authorName: "John McLear"}}

-> can't be deleted cause this would involve scanning all the pads where this author was


Sessions can be created between a group and an author. This allows an author to access more than one group. The sessionID will be set as a cookie to the client and is valid until a certain date. The session cookie can also contain multiple comma-seperated sessionIDs, allowing a user to edit pads in different groups at the same time. Only users with a valid session for this group, can access group pads. You can create a session after you authenticated the user at your web application, to give them access to the pads. You should save the sessionID of this session and delete it after the user logged out.

createSession(groupID, authorID, validUntil)

  • API >= 1

creates a new session. validUntil is an unix timestamp in seconds

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {sessionID: "s.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif"}}
  • {code: 1, message:"groupID doesn't exist", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"authorID doesn't exist", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"validUntil is in the past", data: null}


  • API >= 1

deletes a session

Example returns:

  • {code: 1, message:"ok", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"sessionID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1

returns informations about a session

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {authorID: "a.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif", groupID: g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif, validUntil: 1312201246}}
  • {code: 1, message:"sessionID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1

returns all sessions of a group

Example returns:

  • {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"s.oxf2ras6lvhv2132":{"groupID":"g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif","authorID":"a.akf8finncvomlqva","validUntil":2312905480}}}
  • {code: 1, message:"groupID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1

returns all sessions of an author

Example returns:

  • {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"s.oxf2ras6lvhv2132":{"groupID":"g.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif","authorID":"a.akf8finncvomlqva","validUntil":2312905480}}}
  • {code: 1, message:"authorID does not exist", data: null}

Pad Content

Pad content can be updated and retrieved through the API

getText(padID, [rev])

  • API >= 1

returns the text of a pad

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {text:"Welcome Text"}}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}

setText(padID, text)

  • API >= 1

sets the text of a pad

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"text too long", data: null}

getHTML(padID, [rev])

  • API >= 1

returns the text of a pad formatted as HTML

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {html:"Welcome Text<br>More Text"}}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}


getChatHistory(padID, [start, end])

  • API >= 1.2.7


  • a part of the chat history, when start and end are given
  • the whole chat histroy, when no extra parameters are given

Example returns:

  • {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"messages":[{"text":"foo","userId":"","time":1359199533759,"userName":"test"},{"text":"bar","userId":"","time":1359199534622,"userName":"test"}]}}
  • {code: 1, message:"start is higher or equal to the current chatHead", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1.2.7

returns the chatHead (last number of the last chat-message) of the pad

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {chatHead: 42}}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}


Group pads are normal pads, but with the name schema GROUPID$PADNAME. A security manager controls access of them and its forbidden for normal pads to include a $ in the name.

createPad(padID [, text])

  • API >= 1

creates a new (non-group) pad. Note that if you need to create a group Pad, you should call createGroupPad.

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"pad does already exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1

returns the number of revisions of this pad

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {revisions: 56}}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1

returns the number of user that are currently editing this pad

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {padUsersCount: 5}}


  • API >= 1.1

returns the list of users that are currently editing this pad

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {padUsers: [{colorId:"#c1a9d9","name":"username1","timestamp":1345228793126,"id":"a.n4gEeMLsvg12452n"},{"colorId":"#d9a9cd","name":"Hmmm","timestamp":1345228796042,"id":"a.n4gEeMLsvg12452n"}]}}
  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {padUsers: []}}


  • API >= 1

deletes a pad

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1

returns the read only link of a pad

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {readOnlyID: "r.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif"}}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}

setPublicStatus(padID, publicStatus)

  • API >= 1

sets a boolean for the public status of a pad

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1

return true of false

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {publicStatus: true}}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}

setPassword(padID, password)

  • API >= 1

returns ok or a error message

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: null}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1

returns true or false

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {passwordProtection: true}}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1

returns an array of authors who contributed to this pad

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {authorIDs : ["a.s8oes9dhwrvt0zif", "a.akf8finncvomlqva"]}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1

returns the timestamp of the last revision of the pad

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {lastEdited: 1340815946602}}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}

sendClientsMessage(padID, msg)

  • API >= 1.1

sends a custom message of type msg to the pad

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: {}}
  • {code: 1, message:"padID does not exist", data: null}


  • API >= 1.2

returns ok when the current api token is valid

Example returns:

  • {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":null}
  • {"code":4,"message":"no or wrong API Key","data":null}



  • API >= 1.2.1

lists all pads on this epl instance

Example returns:

  • {code: 0, message:"ok", data: ["testPad", "thePadsOfTheOthers"]}